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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

egg blueprint (1990)

laid out in the grave of the body born
to live out of i did attempt
weaving together various cross-sections 
& intersplicings of tackle-n-dodge,
astronaut-n-business man; on the moon,
this strategy overly versatile
seems impractical, at best----fantasy.
mirrored smell of hot potato,
oceans upon a horizon that waits to sell.
out the window, less glittering
happenings occur. murder, in vogue,
snazzy grammar. plastic party ice cubes
will make roger the silicon jokester
of desertshield's disaster, but alas-----
people of the future are disinterested
in this period, knowing
it to be typical hinting fog's purple creep
under eucalypti a final example
of flowering mountain sunlight
old bird motions that sing
years, heres, needs gone by----
ancient european pond swarms with
finance and war, clouds represent
stuffings of heart that comfort kidneys
and spines dulled
by day's long grind over the water
soda fizz death-sirens traffic amobeas
fires in arranged flower
newlyweds of white stature and peely smile
museums of irises sold to vaults
oxygen-free moon walking
a nation of a moon almost in flight
from murmuring desire
the carbohydrates of working class children
off to school the dutch master turns
at the toy windmill fancy the clack 
of their skates on morning ice
no where near a momentous sigh
swallowing black fur the night warbles onward
changing prisoner names and faces
per blueprint specs there a door's
flower a foodstuff available 
cheap one speckled egg

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