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Friday, December 22, 2023

" The Columbia is the largest river on earth  

that bisects a volcanic arc,” 

 which is a line of volcanoes associated with a subduction zone, such as the Cascades." 


"Drilling technology once limited geothermal energy only to places where there was enough volcanic activity, seismic vents or shallow enough crust to reach the tap of the Earth’s heat for making steam. 

 Borrowing the “fracking” technologies that transformed the U.S. into the world’s No. 1 producer of oil and gas, 

 Fervo can drill down to heat virtually anywhere in the world, using the financing models, workforces and technologies that worked well in fossil fuels, vastly expanding  

the potential for geothermal energy.  

Its first power plants are expected to come online by 2028, the same year the rules for the tax credits propose to take full effect. 


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