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Saturday, May 13, 2023



"Mom's true passion was serving the under-served, where she often delivered water and other necessities to families she met while feeding stray cats and dogs downtown. " 

"The first known publication of a form of the term dates back to a Renaissance proverb collection written by John Heywood in 1546. Published in London, it states  

“from him who sees no wood for trees/ And yet is busie as the bees/ From him that's settled on his lees/ And speaketh not without his fees” 

"the Lees moved to a small house in Alexandria where they were reduced to living on family charity. " 

"He also developed an abiding shame over the actions of his father's later years. " 


Through gross injustice unfathomed as the sea

Only known in infamy 

Proud as a kin of vulture repartee 

No shame is enuff .

It opens doors, to morgue and grave 

Leading men they say, they bray 

Winning nought but rhymes with brave, 

The other color scalped gruff. 

Honor, where's that but a finer lining to hat 

Beavers most snuffed too hot use a cat 

It's more vogue than a kneebent chat, 

Bowing to justice tough. 

Proud boys, we've seen 

They're all has beans 

Toting delusions obscene, 

Fumigation, railroads, like stuff 

Can't change your stripes  

Regardless the wipes, 

Theres new woke hyped, 

It's on your cuffs.

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