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Sunday, April 05, 2020

unmansionables get it

the world may seem upside down
for those used to
being top hog,
getting first slops.
the pecking order now cheeps cheeps
inside the egg, that
perfect egg.

i say nothing to the man
on the contagion bus
as he picks his nose,
flicks a booger
he looks cross-eyed at,
eating what won't fly off.

i do however remark
to the stranger
in the entryway to the grocery store,
bent over forwards
as their jeans have crumpled down
past their knees, mooning
me and the worker spraying down the carts,
"hey dude pull up
your pants" is my only advice,
moving past toward
the perishables.

dignity in such situations
is highly suspect. better to be
the better part of human.


kids don't get it
they can't. kids, used to hiding
playing peek a boo

hiding hiding as mom and dad
call out where are you?

parents don't get it,
hiding in their retirement
with a pantry full of 
whiskey and other staple goods,
watching the pond scum
reflect the clouds clouds clud.

government doesn't get it,
in their secure locations
with drones dropping off bonbons
and coveted life sustaining products.
where are you? we call into the attic,
down the pipes in submarines.
AWOL and busy walling off
so that the public
doesn't get


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