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Thursday, April 23, 2020

Oregon Whole Foods COVID death

"PORTLAND, Ore. — An employee who worked at the Whole Foods Market in Portland's Pearl District has died from COVID-19, a spokeswoman for the company confirmed Wednesday.

It's unknown what role the individual had at the store. The person died April 20.

Additionally, an employee at the Hollywood location of Whole Foods in Northeast Portland has tested positive for coronavirus. The company spokeswoman didn't release details about what that individual's role was at the store, to protect the person's privacy"

78 DEAD in Oregon

This grocery employee may have been in the meat dept, in the produce dept handling every vegetable. Or a cashier, handing every item sold, and the cash and change.

Whole Foods doesn't offer PAID SICK LEAVE

Jeff Bezos, the world's richest man, is RESPONSIBLE not just for this death, but the thousands that will follow, as SICK workers remain on the job under a hazardous negligent status quo.

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