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Saturday, April 21, 2018

deep state dry well

On April 19, 1995, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was the target of a lone wolf domestic terrorist bombing that left 168 people dead.

 One of the people who died in the attack was Al Whicher, who had served on George H. W. Bush's Secret Security detail. 

Bush called the man who served under her husband "a devoted husband and father".

 The next day, April 20, 1995, the Bushes were scheduled to go to Tulsa, Oklahoma.

 Barbara was supposed to speak at a Junior League event in the noon and accompany her husband at the Salvation Army annual dinner. 

The Bushes debated whether or not they should continue with their plans due to the bombing, ultimately deciding to go, because "both groups help people in need."


Mom, teaching English at the Math and Science Magnet School, deep in the deep deep brains of Ok,

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