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Sunday, February 11, 2018

living rooms

sunday morning bagel on the slab in tennis shorts,
newspaper crossword's first few trophies,
the purple martin house shadow over lines of mowed grass,
public radio on the way to the courts
the smiling banker sweeps the court,
pairs up the foreign exchange students, 
sweatbands drip, the keys and spare change
rolling in an empty can the wind has given legs,
an empty stadium parking lot cloud guarded,
old station wagon sweat smelly
stop and get a six pack of three point two,
finish the puzzle one handed ham sandwich
in front of tom landry, hang the duds
out on lines in the sun not worried about wrinkles,
blue jeans, tube socks, that terry cloth skull cap,
mow some grass, shoot a few hoops, play scrabble
then out to the studio at night,
in the morning sometimes a new painting,
in the living room

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