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Monday, October 14, 2024

Revolves around performance



Clueless, standing in the entrance for twenty minutes, dog on a fully extended leash that nearly reaches me as I perform. 

Finally I ask, "can you move to the side? "

"To the side? " 

Nice, but clueless, and if you appreciate the music while basking, tip. 

Produce, produce, produce.

 Volunteer a tip after enjoying Music for 4 hours. 


Sunday, October 13, 2024

The flip side of shit is shit


"Catholics believe the wafers used for the sacrament of communion .

literally transform into the body of the crucified Jesus Christ,  

adding: “It is not just distasteful or ‘strange’; it is an all-too-familiar example of an elected official mocking religious persons and their practices.”

'the stunt in question – captured on video with popular TikTok content creator Liz Plank – was meant to promote legislation signed by president Joe Biden in 2022 that is colloquially known as 

 the Chips Act and provided $280 Billion$  

to research as well as manufacture semiconductors"  


280, 000, 000, 000 dollars  

Poor starving Tech Oligarchs,

Poor Catholic Hierarchy Men, 

Transformed Literally

Into Politicians 

The flip side of shit is shit 

So is the middle, shit


"Whitmer... has been a prominent supporter of Harris and recently made headlines by calling Donald Trump “just deranged” 

 after the Republican nominee boasted that 

 women would no longer be thinking about abortion 

 if voters gave him a second presidency on 5 November." 


"Gelvana Aparecida Rodrigues da Silva, 37, lost her son Thiago on 5 November 2015 when the Fundão dam, near Mariana in eastern Brazil, collapsed, releasing about  

50 million cubic metres of toxic waste.

The avalanche of water reached the small community of Bento Rodrigues within minutes, killing 19 people, including Thiago, who had been staying with his grandmother at the time.


"He called for Jesus to save him. But they got ripped apart.” 

"The iron ore waste stored in the dam rapidly moved down various watercourses, spilling over their banks and into the neighbouring municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado.

It destroyed bridges, roads, houses, factories and other commercial premises, as well as farmland, wildlife and historic churches containing priceless shit artefacts."

"About 620,000 individuals, 46 Brazilian municipalities, 2,000 businesses and 65 faith-based institutions are to claim damages from the Anglo-Australian mining company BHP at a high court trial in London scheduled to be heard over 12 weeks, from 21 October.  "

"Thiago’s father, who died two years ago,  

received a small payment  

for compensation after the disaster" 


"A Guardian report from 2020 described people in Corbett, Oregon, being stopped at armed civilian checkpoints and asked to identify themselves during wildfires, sparking a debate about vigilante activity and  

how law enforcement should respond." 

How about enforcing Law 

And stopping intimidation

And armed vigilantes? Nah.



"I can’t sleep at night knowing that it’s going on,” one US official told the Guardian. “It’s another form of psychological torture to make someone work there.” 

'Sde Teiman was set up as a temporary holding facility for detainees from Gaza after last year’s 7 October attack and the ensuing war. Human rights groups and released detainees say the thousands of of Palestinians who have been through the facility have been subjected to severe abuse and torture." 

"The situation there is more horrific than anything we’ve heard about Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo,” Khaled Mahajneh, a lawyer who visited Sde Teiman, told +972 Magazine." 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Republicans and Worse Republicans


"A series of falsehoods and threats have swirled in the two weeks since Hurricane Helene tore through six states causing 

 several hundred deaths, 

 followed by Milton 

 crashing into Florida  

on Wednesday." 


"Katie Nickolaou, a Michigan-based meteorologist, said that she and her colleagues have borne the brunt of much of these conspiracies, having received messages claiming  

there are category 6 hurricanes (there aren’t), 

 that meteorologists or the government are creating and directing hurricanes (they aren’t)  

and even that scientists should be killed 

 and radar equipment be demolished. "


'several of Trump’s closest allies have baselessly asserted that the federal government is somehow controlling hurricanes. 

 “Hurricane Helene was an ATTACK caused by Weather Manipulation,” claimed a video shared by 

 Michael Flynn, a former national security advisor to Trump.

“Yes they can control the weather,” 

 Marjorie Taylor Greene, a far-right congresswoman" 

(And They Control far right Lunatics) 

"Gloninger said that meteorologists are “going to reach a point of burnout.  

What other profession are people targeted for simply doing their job? 

 All we are trying to do is protect life and property during extreme weather.” 




Science professionals, academics, anyone opposed to Fascism, Corporatism, Environmentalism, etc etc. 


Helene killed Hundreds of people.

What's the death toll.

Is "Several hundred" precise, accurate? 

If "a few hundred" is more accurate, just write Hundreds of people. 


Flynn deserved court martial, prosecution, foreign agent status, years ago  Years ago . 


"More than 230 people have been killed from Hurricane Helene, .

which unleashed devastation across Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee.

Helene, which made landfall in Florida's Big Bend region as a massive Category 4 hurricane, has become  

the deadliest mainland hurricane since  

Katrina in 2005."


How'd Republicans handle Katrina? 

How'd FEMA perform under Bush and Katrina? 

How many died from Katrina, Republicans?  



 "Human annual world energy consumption is approximately 0.5 ZJ. 

The energy to raise the temperature of Earth's atmosphere 1 °C is approximately 2.2 ZJ.


The yottajoule (YJ) is equal to one septillion (1024) joules. 

This is approximately the amount of energy required to heat all the water on Earth by 1 °C. 

The thermal output of the Sun is approximately 400 YJ per second."

Saturday, October 05, 2024

William Grant Still


Suite for Violin and Piano 

William Grant Still 


Often referred to as the "Dean of Afro-American Composers," Still was the first American composer to have an opera produced by the New York City Opera. 

He is known primarily for his first symphony, Afro-American Symphony (1930), which was, until 1950, the most widely performed symphony composed by an American. 

Still was able to become a leading figure in the field of American classical music as the first African-American to conduct a major American symphony orchestra, have a symphony performed by a leading orchestra, have an opera performed by a major opera company, and have an opera performed on national television.  


Still started violin lessons in Little Rock at the age of 15. He taught himself to play the clarinet, saxophone, oboe, double bass, cello and viola, and showed a great interest in music. 

On February 8, 1939, he married pianist Verna Arvey, driving to Tijuana for the ceremony because interracial marriage was illegal in California. 

For the 1939 New York World's Fair, Still composed Song of a City for the exhibit "Democracity," which played continuously during the fair's run. 

Despite writing music for the fair, he was unable to attend the fair without police protection except on "Negro Day" .

algorithmically curated


"what he – and we – underestimated was the speed and comprehensiveness that tech corporations such as Google and Facebook 

 would enclose that public sphere with their own walled gardens 

 in which “free speech” could be algorithmically curated  

while the speakers were intensively surveilled 

 and their data mined for advertising purposes." 



  search The Guardian using the term 

"Gaza Starvation" 

This is what we find: 

"Israel minister condemned for saying starvation of millions in Gaza might be ‘justified and moral

EU, UK and France urge Israel’s government to distance itself from comments by its finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich" 

Wed 7 Aug 2024    20.57 EDT 

So no News, no Starvation, nothing not a crumb....for almost a month 

Specious to say the least. 

Bombs missiles exploding pagers, 



Republican Fear Cauldron of Eristic Femicide for Oligarchy

" Three feminist campaigners in the Netherlands want to reclaim the insult “witch” 

 and recognise the innocent victims of Dutch witch-hunts from the 15th to the 17th centuries with a national monument.

Susan Smit, Bregje Hofstede and Manja Bedner, the chair and board members of the National Witches Monument foundation, have raised €35,000 (£29,000) for an official site of memory for about  

70,000 people who died during a  Satanic panic 

 that swept Europe and the Americas " 

"It’s about creating more awareness around this history of, basically, femicide,” Hofstede said.  

“To this day a witch is still a comic figure. 

 In the Netherlands, every year at the carnaval, people burn effigies of witches  

… but there’s hardly any knowledge of the  

actual history of 

 people being burned at the stake" 

“Maybe they were a bit different, maybe they didn’t take care of their surroundings,  

maybe they had a very strong personality and stood up for themselves, or simply knew a lot about herbs and how to heal,” 

 she said, pointing out the witch-hunts still happening on modern social media"  


"A witch-hunt, or a witch purge, is a search for people who have been labeled witches or a search for evidence of witchcraft. 

 Practicing evil spells or incantations was proscribed and punishable in early human civilizations in the Middle East..

 In medieval Europe, witch-hunts often arose in connection to 

 charges of heresy from Christianity.  

An intensive period of witch-hunts occurring in Early Modern Europe and to a smaller extent Colonial America, took place from about 1450 to 1750, spanning the upheavals of the Counter Reformation and the Thirty Years' War, resulting in an estimated 35,000 to 60,000 executions." 

 "In current language, "witch-hunt" metaphorically means an investigation that is usually conducted with much publicity, 

 supposedly to uncover subversive activity, disloyalty, and so on, but with the real purpose of harming opponents. 

 It can also involve elements of moral panic, as well as mass hysteria" 


"The Hebrew Bible condemns sorcery. Deuteronomy 18:10–12 states: "No one shall be found among you who makes a son or daughter pass through fire, who practices divination, or is a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer, or one that casts spells, or who consults ghosts or spirits, or who seeks oracles from the dead. For whoever does these things is abhorrent to the Lord"; and Exodus 22:18 prescribes: "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live". 

"Condemnations of witchcraft are nevertheless found in the writings of Augustine of Hippo and early theologians, who made little distinction between witchcraft and the practices of pagan religions. 

 Many believed witchcraft did not exist in a philosophical sense: Witchcraft was based on illusions and powers of evil, which Augustine likened to darkness, a non-entity representing the absence of light. 

 Augustine and his adherents like Saint Thomas Aquinas nevertheless promulgated elaborate demonologies, including the belief that humans could enter pacts with demons, which became the basis of future witch hunts. 

 Ironically, many clerics of the Middle Ages openly or covertly practiced goetia, 

 believing that as Christ granted his disciples power to command demons, to summon and control demons was not, therefore, a sin." 

"As Renaissance occultism gained traction among the educated classes, the belief in witchcraft, which in the medieval period had been part of the folk religion of the uneducated rural population at best, was incorporated into an increasingly comprehensive theology of Satan as the ultimate source of all maleficium" 

"In 1484, Pope Innocent VIII issued Summis desiderantes affectibus, a Papal bull authorizing the "correcting, imprisoning, punishing and chastising" of devil-worshippers who have "slain infants", among other crimes" 

"In Europe, the witch-hunt craze was negligible in Spain, Poland, and Eastern Europe; conversely, it was intense in Germany, Switzerland, and France." 

"What had previously been a belief that some people possessed supernatural abilities (which were sometimes used to protect the people), now became a sign of a pact between the people with supernatural abilities and the devil. 

 To justify the killings, some Christians of the time and their proxy secular institutions deemed witchcraft as being associated to wild Satanic ritual parties in which 

 there was naked dancing and cannibalistic infanticide. 

 It was also seen as heresy for going against the first of the Ten Commandments ("You shall have no other gods before me") or as violating majesty, in this case referring to the divine majesty, not the worldly. 

 Further scripture was also frequently cited, especially the Exodus decree that "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" (Exodus 22:18), which many supported." 


"The first major persecution in Europe, when witches were caught, tried, convicted, and burned in the imperial lordship of Wiesensteig in southwestern Germany, is recorded in 1563 in a pamphlet called "True and Horrifying Deeds of 63 Witches". 

"Witchcraft persecution spread to all areas of Europe. Learned European ideas about witchcraft and demonological ideas, strongly influenced the hunt for witches in the North. "

"These witch-hunts were at least partly driven by economic factors since a significant relationship between economic pressure and witch hunting activity can be found for regions such as Bavaria and Scotland." 

"In Denmark, the burning of witches increased following the reformation of 1536. Christian IV of Denmark, in particular, encouraged this practice, and hundreds of people were convicted of witchcraft and burnt" 

"In England, witch-hunting would reach its apex in 1644 to 1647 due to the efforts of Puritan Matthew Hopkins. Although operating without an official Parliament commission, Hopkins (calling himself Witchfinder General) and his accomplices charged hefty fees to towns during the English Civil War.  

Hopkins' witch-hunting spree was brief but significant: 300 convictions and deaths are attributed to his work." 

'About eighty people throughout England's Massachusetts Bay Colony were accused of practicing witchcraft; thirteen women and two men were executed in a witch-hunt that occurred throughout New England and lasted from 1645 to 1663. The Salem witch trials followed in 1692–1693." 


"According to Julian Goodare, in Europe, the overall proportion of women who were persecuted as witches was 80%, although there were countries and regions like Estonia, Normandy and Iceland, that targeted men more. 

 In Iceland 92% of the accused were men, in Estonia 60%, and in Moscow two-thirds of those accused were male.  In Finland, a total of more than 100 death row inmates were roughly equal in both men and women, but all Ã…landers sentenced to witchcraft were only women." 


"The claim that "millions of witches" (often: "nine million witches") were killed in Europe is spurious, even though it is occasionally found in popular literature, and it is ultimately due to a 1791 pamphlet by Gottfried Christian Voigt." 

Witchcraft or sorcery remains a criminal offense in Saudi Arabia, although the precise nature of the crime is undefined.[114]

The frequency of prosecutions for this in the country as whole is unknown. However, in November 2009, it was reported that 118 people had been arrested in the province of Makkah that year for practicing magic and "using the Book of Allah in a derogatory manner", 74% of them being female.[115] According to Human Rights Watch in 2009, prosecutions for witchcraft and sorcery are proliferating and "Saudi courts are sanctioning a literal witch hunt by the religious police."

"In 2006, an illiterate Saudi woman, Fawza Falih, was convicted of practising witchcraft, including casting an impotence spell, and sentenced to death by beheading, after allegedly being beaten and forced to fingerprint a false confession that had not been read to her." 

"In 2007, Mustafa Ibrahim, an Egyptian national, was executed, having been convicted of using sorcery in an attempt to separate a married couple, as well as of adultery and of desecrating the Quran.

Also in 2007, Abdul Hamid Bin Hussain Bin Moustafa al-Fakki, a Sudanese national, was sentenced to death after being convicted of producing a spell that would lead to the reconciliation of a divorced couple.

In 2009, Ali Sibat, a Lebanese television presenter who had been arrested whilst on a pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, was sentenced to death for witchcraft arising out of his fortune-telling on an Arab satellite channel. " 

"On 12 December 2011, Amina bint Abdulhalim Nassar was beheaded in Al Jawf Province after being convicted of practicing witchcraft and sorcery.[124] Another very similar situation occurred to Muree bin Ali bin Issa al-Asiri and he was beheaded on 19 June 2012 in the Najran Province." 

"Former US president Donald Trump frequently used the term on Twitter, referring to various investigations and the impeachment proceedings against him as  


 During his presidency  

he used the phrase over 330 times 

 The National Rifle Association of America used the term in an unsuccessful bid to dismiss the New York attorney general's lawsuit against the organization for alleged fraud." 


This election cycle, former President Donald Trump has made one campaign promise the most prominent: 

 Mass deportation. It is a long-standing vow. 

 In 2016, Trump said he would deport the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States. 

 Once in the White House, he ordered sweeping worksite raids, 

 enacted a ban on travelers from Muslim-majority countries,  

and deliberately separated migrant families,  

many of whom have yet to be reunited." 


"A ,        Donotation      is a commonly understood cultural or emotional association that any given word or phrase carries, in addition to its explicit or literal meaning, which is its denotation.

A connotation is frequently described as either positive or negative, with regard to its pleasing or displeasing emotional connection 

 For example, a stubborn person may be described as being either strong-willed or pig-headed; although these have the same literal meaning (stubborn), strong-willed connotes admiration for the level of someone's will (a positive connotation), while pig-headed connotes frustration in dealing with someone (a negative connotation)." 

"In logic and semantics, connotation is roughly synonymous with intension. 

 Connotation is often contrasted with denotation, which is more or less synonymous with extension. Alternatively, the connotation of the word may be thought of as the set of all its possible referents (as opposed to merely the actual ones" 

"In any communication, in any medium or format, "subtext" is the underlying or implicit meaning that, while not explicitly stated, is understood by an audience."  

"When it is an attempt to win favor by exploiting the audience's preexisting spite or disdain for something else, it is called guilt by association or an appeal to spite (Latin: argumentum ad odium). 

Guilt by association is similar to ad hominem arguments 

 which attack the speaker rather than addressing the claims, but in this case  

the ill feeling is not created by the argument;  

it already exists." 


"A form of the association fallacy often used by those denying a well-established scientific or historical proposition is the so-called Galileo gambit or Galileo fallacy. 

 The argument runs thus: Galileo was ridiculed in his time for his scientific observations, but was later acknowledged to be right; the proponent argues that since their non-mainstream views are provoking ridicule and rejection from other scientists, they will later be recognized as correct, like Galileo. 

 The gambit is flawed in that being ridiculed does not necessarily correlate with being right and that many people who have been ridiculed in history were, in fact, wrong. 

Similarly, Carl Sagan has stated that people laughed at geniuses such as Christopher Columbus and the Wright brothers, but "they also laughed at Bozo the Clown". 

 It is often committed by those whose theories reject common scientific consensus" 

"Propaganda techniques are methods used in propaganda to convince an audience to believe what the propagandist wants them to believe.  

Many propaganda techniques are based on socio-psychological research. Many of these same techniques can be classified as logical fallacies or abusive power and control tactics." 

"Manipulation can be organized or unorganized, conscious or unconscious, politically or socially motivated. The concept reaches from systematic state propaganda to manipulate public opinion (Edward Bernays) to 

 "sociological propaganda" (propaganda of integration), where 

 the unconscious desire to be manipulated and self manipulation 

 leads the individual to adapt to the  

socially expected thoughts and behaviours  

(Jacques Ellul)."  

"Some techniques are categorized, analyzed and interpreted psychologically, within political psychology, especially mass psychology,  social psychology, and cognitive psychology, which includes the study of cognitive distortions.

With regard to political and military conflicts, propaganda is seen as part of psychological warfare and information warfare, which gain particular importance in the era of hybrid warfare and cyberwarfare. "

"Some techniques are classified as logical fallacies, because 

 propaganda uses arguments which may have psychological effects  

but which are logically invalid.

In rhetoric and dialectic, they are viewed as sophisms, ruses, and eristic stratagems." 

"In the dialogue Euthydemus, Plato satirizes eristic. It is more than persuasion, and it is more than discourse.  

It is a combination that wins an argument without regard to truth.  

Plato believed that the eristic style "did not constitute a method of argument" because to argue eristically is to consciously use fallacious arguments, which therefore weakens one's position." 

"According to Schopenhauer, Eristic Dialectic is mainly concerned to tabulate and analyze dishonest stratagems, 

 so that they may at once be recognized and defeated, in order to continue with a productive dialectic debate.  

It is for this very reason that Eristic Dialectic must admittedly take victory, and not objective truth, for its selfish aim and purpose."  


Exported gas produces far worse emissions than coal, major study finds

Research challenges idea that sending liquefied natural gas around the world is cleaner alternative to burning coal  

"Drilling, moving, cooling and shipping gas from one country to another uses so much energy  

that the actual final burning of gas in people’s homes and businesses 

 only accounts for  

about a third of the total emissions 

 from this process, the research finds." 

"Howarth’s paper finds that as much as 3.5% of the gas delivered to customers leaks to the atmosphere unburned, much more than previously assumed.  

Methane is about 80 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, 

 even though it persists for less time in the atmosphere, and scientists have warned that rising global methane emissions risk blowing apart agreed-upon climate goals." 

" is supercooled to -162C (-260F) to become a liquid, which is loaded into huge storage containers on tankers. The tankers then travel long distances to deliver the product to client countries, where it is turned back into a gas and then burned.

“This whole process is much more energy intensive than coal,” said Howarth. 

 “The science is pretty clear here: it’s wishful thinking that the gas miraculously moves overseas without any emissions..”


Friday, October 04, 2024

Portland Mayor Ice Cream Ballot


 What about Kale, Vegan Broccoli, what about a Write-Out option that negates one from the tally of horrid Gonzalez dip waffle.  

My fingers not even near the scale. 

wade ink (2014)


capitulate on principal

interest drags

frame clear off sidewalk

the eye bank


we're proved.

gain requires.

volume subsumes.

pleasure balances,




From Russia Without Rick Perry 

Release dates

September 7, 2024 (Brooklyn Academy of Music)

September 20, 2024 (MSNBC) 


"According to Rachel Maddow, Parnas had a "come to Jesus moment," repented from his actions, and as he had recorded everything he did, "terabytes of data from his phone and iCloud accounts," he handed them over to MSNBC. " 



And that's it 

 on Wikipedia. 

He hugs and cries together with Hunter at the conclusion. 


The film trounces Rudy. 

 Lev apologizes to Yanokovitch, Ambassador to Ukraine. 

Lev, MSNBC fail to even mention 

Three Amigos 

Sondland, Rick Perry, Kurt Volker.  

"Maas, Jennifer (May 22, 2023). "Billy Corben's Rakontur sets doc 'From Russia With Lev,' following Lev Parnas' 'Forrest Gumpian presence' in Trump scandals". Variety. Archived from the original on May 22, 2023. Retrieved September 9, 2024"

Thursday, October 03, 2024

pi times r dunced


Clawing thru the mud underwater if you call this debate water if you snack snail on toothpick or gnaw ribs in plum braising as  yak attack or fend onto submission dials it's as the snorkel foreplanned plenty suffocation and a three minute oxygen blurb sponsored by coal stuff one in her oven yesterday we're pro fuel not crazy if jello nods don't fortify finger claws then get religion painting by numbness our corners mushy let's not go there moderators mute heresy it plays to the grey canary petroglyph in the organ donor front row row row das boot gentiles exits stream moneylie moneylie syndrome syndicated chiseler graphs out our pi 






Lame Duck Motormouth

 Biden’s comments quickly sent oil prices soaring. 

Biden’s comments quickly sent oil prices soaring. 

Biden’s comments quickly sent oil prices soaring. 


How will the Uvalde police afford to keep their squad cars idling?  


Melania comments quickly sent abortion prices soaring.  

Melania comments quickly sent abortion prices soaring.  

Melania comments quickly sent abortion prices soaring.  


Vance comments quickly sent dodo prices soaring.  Good eatin'.  


Israel's foreign minister announced Wednesday that U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres has been declared "persona non grata" and barred from entering Israel. 

Gaza is persona non-Gazaed. 


"This is an Israel-hating Secretary-General, who gives support to terrorists," Biden's duck said. 

 The foreign minister expressed frustration that Guterres "lends support to terrorists, rapists, and murderers, and Melania." 


Gonzalez Eggshell-Thinner


"The Portland auditor’s office plans to take another look at whether Commissioner Rene Gonzalez, who is running for mayor, broke campaign finance rules when he used public funds to spruce up his Wikipedia page." 


Portland elections program hits council candidate Rene Gonzalez with $77,000 fine for discounted office space 

"The $77,000 fine — the biggest ever issued by the city’s Small Donor Elections program — stems from an unreported in-kind contribution Gonzalez is accused of accepting from the company, which is owned by property magnate Jordan Schnitzer. Schnitzer personally donated $250 to Gonzalez in May.

Program director Susan Mottet sent Gonzalez a letter Tuesday notifying him of the fine. According to the letter, a normal tenant would have been asked to pay $6,900 per month for the over 3,000 square feet of downtown office space located at 1010 SW 11th Ave." 

"911, what’s the emergency?” a dispatcher asks in the previously unreleased recording obtained by The Oregonian/OregonLive through a public records request.

Light assault on the orange train just now,” responds Gonzalez, 

 who said he had just walked to his City Hall office from the Southwest Sixth Avenue and Montgomery Street MAX stop before making the report."  

Gonzalez, who is running for mayor, took  

to social media to claim 

 the incident had  

forced him to stop taking public transit.

Surveillance footage later appeared to undercut his assertion that the woman  

intentionally “bumped” him twice, 

 an account he provided to the 911 dispatcher and later to police.  

"So her bumping you had nothing to do with like the general motion of the train?” the emergency dispatcher asks Gonzalez during the three-minute call.

“I don’t think so,” Gonzalez responds. “She bumped me twice. 

 I’m a public figure. She came up from behind." 

"...the woman may have at most brushed Gonzalez’s arm as she moved to the front of the nearly empty train car.... "

"During the call, Gonzalez also mentions — unprompted — that the woman is Black before the dispatcher cuts him off...." 

I’m a public figure 

I’m a public figure 

I’m a public figure 

At the time of the 911 call,  

Gonzalez was the head of Portland’s Bureau of Emergency Communications, 

 which for years has struggled 

 with perilous wait times  

that are far longer  


 the national standard." 


" Tents are a false sense of security,” said Gonzalez,  

who is running for mayor. “I’m not sure we should ever be distributing [them].” 

The proposal, which would largely limit distribution to periods of severe weather,  

track who received a tent 

 and where they set it up, 

 and label every tent  

as being owned by the county,  

was received coolly by county officials on the oversight board."  

Gonzalez suggests all tents handed out by the county  

be affixed with a large yellow label  

with the words “County Funded Tent.” 


And Taxpayer Funded Vanity Wikipedia Edits be affixed with a large yellow label

And Non Essential 911 calls be affixed with a large yellow label 

And Donations from Billionaires for free office space be affixed with a large yellow label 

And Fraud be affixed with a large yellow label 

And Scary Black Women be affixed with a large yellow label 

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Vance Trance


Fascist eyeliner 

Deportation vulture thug 

Corporate jello 

Amorphous Nazi 

Totalitarian dude 

Genuflect curtsy 

Revisionist clod 

Empathy machine haywired


Dogma spaghetti 

Unblinking oligarch drool 


Vapid automaton

Empty suit huckster profile

Sludge pond elegy 

Polite backstabber 

Oven shoveling bigot 

Heartless conservative 


Critical news spores