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Tuesday, July 04, 2023


Interdepend, dunce 

Day away, shoot hoops at Mount Tabor, at noon it's

90, ball bounces down the volcano, fugue. 

Ball all net, regardless down

The mountain.

Knees near 6 decade gristle 

Swoosh, free throws plunder at about 66 percent, all net.

Several from 3 range

More than paltry from be baseline at 16 feet 

Off with hat, sweat better on dusty hands, grip 

Miss and fetch, tank and trot,

Slow roll nope, air on air Icarus ball, finger roll there's no ball just poetry 

Hustle now or hoof more gopher, go fer it or go further fer it 

Ligament tax cartilage boycott lung garnishment hand thumbscrew yoga 

Swish, swish, I'm back to bike shirt drenched coasting all brakes, past the sinkhole 

Cordoned off for weeks, it's OK Corral five cop cars ten cops one handcuffed brown woman not happy 

The church by the sinkhole, unfixed, unfixed. 

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