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Thursday, June 15, 2023

Stupid things Portland Leaders say


"The $2.5 million investment will allow the program to employ  

an additional 25 people 

 experiencing homelessness in the upcoming fiscal year, McIntyre said." 

That's $100,000 per worker. 

Trucks, rakes, trash bags, a Boss earning 3 times the workers, dump fees, truck.  


"This expansion of Central City Concern’s Clean Start program will put Multnomah County’s unspent dollars 

 into the pockets of people who need them most 

 — those currently living without housing — 

 to help them develop the skills to stabilize and stay that way,”  

Vega Pederson said in a statement. 


"Develop skills 

In trash clean up. " 

Who's the stupid? The homeless?  


"The Washington County District Attorney’s Office asked the court to order the public defense system to boost the hourly rate for criminal defense lawyers to as much as $500 if the agency fails to quickly find lawyers for three men facing felony sex crime charges, according to new legal filings.".

I agree.  


'Legal experts say the ordinance is not in line with the intent of a federal 9th Circuit Court decision known as Martin v. Boise, 

 that determined is was cruel and unusual punishment to fine or arrest homeless peopl 

e for sleeping on public property 

 when a city doesn’t have enough shelter beds  

to accommodate them all."



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