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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Portland City Stable


"What we noticed was there was 

 a missing link,   

people didn’t have an onramp 

 where you could go  

 clearly get some rest 

 and get some resilience built  

 so when you get into stable housing  

you’d actually be stable enough   

to stay in that housing,” Ryan said. 


"early drafts suggest enforcing no camping on city-owned property from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m." 

When Stabilized Resoliants can pack up all their crap, hide it somewhere for 12 hours, and start again. Oh, it's snowing and 20 degrees out. Oh, it's raining and inch a day with 30 mph winds. Oh, it's 115 degrees for 5 straight days too bad. Die.  


we noticed was there was a missing link, people didn’t have an onramp where you could go and clearly get some rest....." 

rests at "onramps? " 

 What's"clear" is that Ryan is spouting shit out of his face.  

.... and get some resilience built ....

What is "building" resilience? 

 Air-conditioning? Heating?  Plywood? when you get into stable housing  

you’d actually be stable enough 

 to stay 

 in that housing,” Ryan said. 


Repeat, stable, housing. Horses! Horses! Stay! Stay!  

Criminally clueless Yakkety Yak City Council, who were to deliver 6 villages 18 months ago.    

People require SLEEP.

No shit.  That fixes nothing.  

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