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Saturday, March 19, 2022

Enid (2015)


I figure it must be in our durum,

in the iron of the grain

resonated with the rails it rode on

to the rebar in the cement silos

extending for miles,

metal irrigated prarie spines,

seedheads of enid bigger than their boots

covered in oil, red dirt, and alfalfa

boots up to the chin cut strange figures

desperado dna& wildcatter mrrroww

out now in deep oceans with lotus stalks

sipping rudely a wine not theirs to take

sucker sooners, good at sucking off the cream

promenading among young fresh minds and bodies,

it is fer sure in our wheat, then in our chow,

and darn dagnabbit in the worridoors of power

shucking loan by graft by script

watching land family blow away called the dust bowl

banks assume, amass.

the city

rises from the plain

buyonant sic of oil, water held apart in silica primordials

resistance flowers in fractal petro units,

shoots up her weed, enid

fingerstyled hedge fund a bowl of starry gritz

more grain than the milky way of a billion cereal mornings,

&grandma dorothy in camelot

if the refinery smell cut loose

from the masonry

3-13-15 Portland Oregon, living in the divorce Van

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