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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Trumper Damon

 "He is who he is and he’s from where he’s from, and the movie has a lot of empathy for him, and so do we,” Damon said during Friday’s press conference. 

“These guys don’t apologize for who they are or what they believe."


White Supremacist Climate destroying Evangelical Putin-kissers, hey those Okies don't care what anyone Thinks.

Fuck YOU Matt Damon and your toadie Propaganda paid by Oil fascists 


Another quote from Damon in the same article:

"We’re all forever changed by this year. 

It’s a very inhumane reality that we were asked to live in. "


Damon spent the pandemic in an Irish village, as Inhumane Trumpers that he celebrates mostly demanded to fill Churches and big box stores with guinea pigs 

Science and Truth mean nothing to Actor Idiot Damon.

get paid, assho

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