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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Cecelia Nails Palmer, Oklahoma State University English Department

"A survivor of the Tulsa race massacre at the age of 2, Cecelia Nails Palmer grew up to go into higher education, where she helped open academia’s doors to fellow African-Americans.

She earned her doctorate from Oklahoma State University, where she was the first black instructor in the OSU English department. 

Then, in 1970, she became the first black faculty member at the University of Tulsa.

Remaining at TU until her death 10 years later, Palmer was named teacher of the year in 1974, among many academic and community honors she received.

The daughter of prominent Greenwood District business owners, Palmer also tried to raise awareness of the race massacre and was featured in a documentary and other projects on the subject."


"Dr Cecelia L Nails Palmer
BIRTH 1919
DEATH 1980 (aged 60–61)

DIED too young. Why? 

Palmer also tried to raise awareness of the race massacre and was featured in a documentary and other projects on the subject."



" Most teams clobbered him with special defenses; sometimes two, three or even four opposing players would guard him. Often the opposing team would attempt to control the game by simply holding onto the ball.

In one game, Oklahoma State passed 160 times before taking a shot, a tactic Chamberlain understood but one that he did not consider “basketball.”


Trump Resigns, Pence Sworn In, Pelosi named VP

(satirical crystal ball

piece work


remote viewing


Trump Hitler Bunker Political Suicide

"(CNN)As protesters gathered outside the White House Friday night in Washington, DC, President Donald Trump was briefly taken to the underground bunker for a period of time, according to a White House official and a law enforcement source.

The President was there for a little under an hour before being brought upstairs.

In a series of tweets, Trump commended the US Secret Service for protecting him inside his fortified mansion Friday evening, saying he couldn't have felt "more safe" as protesters gathered outside over Floyd's death.

The President suggested that dogs and weaponry were waiting inside the gates."

woof woof Don has a butter knife and Jared to supply the butter.

Ted Wheeler Portland Police Shut off Tri Met Transportation to Workers and Citizens Downtown: Attn Lori Bauman

COVID-19 Update
Face coverings are now required when using transit. More
 Service disruptions in City of Portland

TriMet MAX and bus service will stop serving Downtown Portland starting at 3:30 p.m. based on guidance from Portland Police following this weekend's disruptive demonstrations.

 After 8 p.m., in the City of Portland, only use TriMet service for essential trips due to the city's curfew. Portland Streetcar service will end at 8 p.m. More information:


Does Tri Met know what a "curfew"means?

It means go shopping says Mayor Wheeler and Police will determine how "essential" the culprit looks.

"Lori Irish Bauman recently retired after more than 30 years as a lawyer at Ater Wynne LLP, a Portland-based law firm. Her years of practice focusing on business litigation have brought her to forums including the Oregon Supreme Court and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, where she has briefed and argued appeals.

Bauman’s experience as a member of the Board of Directors of Catholic Charities of Oregon has informed her interest in supporting and enhancing services to people with disabilities. Additionally, her service on the Multnomah County Library Advisory Board and with non-profits such as the City Club of Portland has familiarized her with a host of public policy and governance issues.

Bauman, a resident of Southeast Portland, looks to serve the region’s diverse population while advancing economic development."

" Attn: Lori Iriish Bauman, District 4 TriMet Board of Directors:Hi, you're my District 4 TriMet Board member. I tried the "email" link at the official site to no avail.

Shutting off Tri Met services at 3:30 for "downtown" impacts workers, the disabled, citizens who live downtown, people who transfer lines downtown. It also benefits for profit taxi, Uber, Lyft, and the like.

I see you're a former attorney, so I'm sure the decision to STRAND thousands downtown, many unawares and reliant on TriMet essential services has been run by the legal department....or nah, looks like Wheeler and the PPB just "convinced" the Board of which you are one.

People have a right to protest, and to also use public transportation to avoid protest areas. We also have the right to public sidewalks and public areas to observe, monitor, document, and ask for redress of grievances brought on by the actions of Public Officials, including Police and the Mayor.

Thanks in advance for considering the legality and efficacy of shutting down TriMet to vulnerable citizens in a Pandemic.

Forest Bloodgood, SE Portland

*sent via Facebook and Posted on Facebook

PS. I have a reconstructed ACL left knee.

permanently partially disabled, legally.

Ted Wheeler's Curfew Says Go SHOP....for a Lawyer

"Asked whether someone who ventured out past 8 p.m. to do grocery shopping would be cited for violating the curfew, the mayor’s office said:

“The City is not interested in citing people who are going about their business, causing no harm, and uninvolved in criminal conduct.” "

"Wheeler’s curfew also will not require the closure of businesses".

Fuck Wheeler and double Fuck his irrational yet obviously illegal curfew that only Targets those who oppose him politically and dress in clothes that scare his City Club fascist boys.


The "curfew" also DOES not apply to Citizen Journalists, Bloggers, and the Public right to observe and record Police and City officials in their course of their working hours on duty on the streets of Portland, Oregon.

Ask Kenneth Kruesher or any Civil Rights Attorney 


An Injury to One 
is An Injury to All


Longshoremen can shut down Fascism 
in a week.

Occupy Protests 2020

Educate Yer Self:

"Occupy Wall Street (OWS) was a protest movement that began on September 17, 2011, in Zuccotti Park, located in New York City's Wall Street financial district, against economic inequality.

 It gave rise to the wider Occupy movement in the United States and other countries.

The Canadian anti-consumerist and pro-environment group/magazine Adbusters initiated the call for a protest. The main issues raised by Occupy Wall Street were social and economic inequality, greed, corruption and the undue influence of corporations on government—particularly from the financial services sector.

 The OWS slogan, "We are the 99%", refers to income and wealth inequality in the U.S. between the wealthiest 1% and the rest of the population. To achieve their goals, protesters acted on consensus-based decisions made in general assemblies which emphasized redress through direct action over the petitioning to authorities.

The protesters were forced out of Zuccotti Park on November 15, 2011. Protesters turned their focus to occupying banks, corporate headquarters, board meetings, foreclosed homes, and college and university campuses."

"The Occupy protesters' slogan "We are the 99%" referred to the protester's perceptions of, and attitudes regarding, income disparity in the US and economic inequality in general, which were main issues for OWS. It derives from a "We the 99%" flyer calling for OWS's second General Assembly in August 2011. The variation "We are the 99%" originated from a tumblr page of the same name.

 Huffington Post reporter Paul Taylor said the slogan was "arguably the most successful slogan since 'Hell no, we won't go!'" of the Vietnam War era, and that the majority of Democrats, independents and Republicans saw the income gap as causing social friction"

Police Violence Against Journalists Is Fascist, Being Anti Fascist is All American

"Preventing reconciliation and driving us apart is the goal of these radical groups, and we cannot let them succeed," Barr added.

"The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly."

Bill Barr, Putin's very own Lawn Ornament, Mob Tool, Organized Crime Cog, Money Laundering Asset for Sanctioned Oligarchs Dictators Murderers.....


"There is no domestic terrorism statute and legal authority for the U.S. to designate any domestic organization as a terrorist group, as the Justice Department's domestic terrorism coordinator has said publicly on multiple occasions in recent years.

"As this tweet demonstrates, terrorism is an inherently political label, easily abused and misused," American Civil Liberties Union National Security Project Director Hina Shamsi said in response to Trump's post.

"There is no legal authority for designating a domestic group. Any such designation would raise significant due process and First Amendment concerns."


"In Minneapolis, Omar Jimenez was covering the protests ignited by the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man killed by the police.

Confronted by a phalanx of state policemen in riot gear, Jimenez offered to move back. “We’re getting out of your way. Just let us know. Wherever you want us, we will go.” 

He calmly identified himself as a CNN journalist and produced his credentials. Nonetheless, he was handcuffed and led away, as he continued to ask, peacefully and respectfully, why he was being arrested.

Soon after, his producer and cameraman were also cuffed and marched off. One can hear the distraught cameraman asking what to do with his camera, which was seized by the police – apparently unaware that it was still filming.

What the camera doesn’t show is that a few blocks away, a white journalist, also reporting for CNN, was treated by the police with consummate politeness.

Oracle Bot Oregon Cheap with Bribes

"The department, relying on an antiquated computer system from the 1990s, was unable to keep up with the volume of claims or adapt its technology to accommodate changes in the jobless program.

Although Oregon received $86 million federal funding for a computer upgrade in 2009, and successive audits warned the department was unprepared for a spike in jobless claims, work replacing the computers isn’t due to be complete until 2025."



100 pure scent compliant

Food Court Cross

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Surreal T.S. 2020

Surreal T.S.

Washington State, USA 2020 


Picnic Barrier

Apple Wall Showeth Cracks

Turdget 2

veggie balls

mom and pop tiny cafe, vegan food
sensitive to everything
gluten nuts dander etc etc etc

the front entrance blocked off
with a phalanx of picnic tables,
signage everywhere: COVID

i await my order
not under the strawberry tree
but curbside, under an umbrella

bandanna all bandit relaxed
at my neck
unless proximity dictates otherwise

the car parks illegally in the adjoining lot
taking "the cunt out of country" goes the song
and breaches the obvious impediments

to unmasked spit vegan orders
at the staff at the distance of a baguette
as i enjoinder PUT on a MASK

to moron out to fetch a lesson
as i mill about he goes to his car
and produces a stained napkin on strings

which can't contain his gall
as i retrieve my 21 dollars worth of 50 cent noodles
in an ounce of hundred dollar a pound cashew sauce

"mask" he calls, put on your mask
which the last straw rejoindered
if they wanted more conversation about 2 feet distance

trespassing inside a safe zone
operated by my friend for the public good
i'd be more than willing to educate

to which he wisely demurred,
showing vegan backbone is almost as strong
as vegetarian balls.

Portland Or

* text in "quotations" are not my
words nor do they please me or strike me
as humorous, being part tree.

Louis has IOU all Mixed UP


Fuck Capitalism And Can I get a Construction Crew For Cheap


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Century Driver


Scrubbed Launch and No Scrubs Trump Pence and Kushhner

"Zap them, Zap them with Lightning"

"Boeing will cut 6,770 jobs this week"

"Bloodgood was the first surgeon to demand that everyone involved in an operation wear rubber gloves."

Hey Honey, A decent mother would put her girl in CLOSED TOE SHOES

Idiot Ivanka and Traitor Kushner don't even know enough to protect their own children from WAREHOUSE "accidents" and the Pandemic.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Trump Tweets Unlawfully to Intimidate Witnesses

"Federal criminal law contains a broad prohibition against illegitimately affecting the presentation of evidence in hearings.

For example, it is unlawful to knowingly use intimidation or corrupt persuasion with intent to influence the testimony of any person in an official proceeding.

An “official proceeding” includes hearings before Congress. Witness harassment also includes conduct intended to “badger, disturb or pester” and attempts to intimidate, even if the witness isn’t actually influenced, and even if the witness never actually received the threat. An act “with the intent to influence the testimony” has the purpose of getting the person to “change, color, or shade his or her testimony in some way.”

The government doesn’t have to prove that the testimony was, in fact, changed, as long as the intent was there. The government does have to prove that whatever statements were made to the person about the testimony had that improper purpose."


“The NY Times is calling for Twitter to censor the Pesident [sic] of the United States,” Trump Jr. tweeted about Swisher’s call for Twitter to delete the president’s false tweets. “If they can push for that who won’t they try to censor next? Given silicon valley’s leftist tendencies you all better watch out, they are coming for all of you.”

The president, meanwhile, seems sure of his impunity. Hours after the letter became public, Trump again accused Scarborough of possibly being a murderer.

“The opening of a Cold Case against Psycho Joe Scarborough was not a Donald Trump original thought, this has been going on for years, long before I joined the chorus,” Trump said in one tweet.

“I would always be thinking about whether or not Joe could have done such a horrible thing? Maybe or maybe not, but I find Joe to be a total Nut Job, and I knew him well, far better than most,” Trump said in another tweet. “So many unanswered & obvious questions, but I won’t bring them up now! Law enforcement eventually will?”

" it wasn’t just the president who spread the conspiracy theory but his son as well. Donald Trump Jr. has been instrumental in publicizing the fake allegation.

“What show is Joe going to go on to discuss Lori Klausutis?” Trump Jr. tweeted in April to his more than 5 million followers.

And following an opinion piece on Tuesday by New York Times contributing writer Kara Swisher ― who first reported Klausutis’ letter ― Trump Jr. used the widower’s grief to paint his father as a victim of censorship. "

Monday, May 25, 2020

Trump Killed His First SEAL

"William Ryan Owens (March 5, 1980 – January 29, 2017) was a decorated United States Navy SEAL senior chief petty officer.

He died in the Yakla raid in Yemen, making him the first American to die in combat under the Trump administration."

"On 23 April 2020, the United States Navy reported that at least one coronavirus case had been found on 26 of its battle force ships"

USS Boxer
USS Essex
USS Ralph Johnson
USS Coronado
USS Carl Vinson
USS Theodore Roosevelt
USS Ronald Reagan
USS Nimitz
USNS Mercy
USS Tripoli
USS Kidd
USNS Leroy Grumman

Trump and the GOP expect soldiers to be disposable and silent, and the same for every American.

For Profit.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

try to feed (2017)

i try to feed the birds       winds flush it to the yard
where   cat lurk     winter sharp     life tooth hard
   -----road too slick to drive
   -----mood too fine to mind

mt tabor

verboten crevasse (2017)

Her heart-mountain crevasse fern hidden

His unassailable sail, mast and midden

                 taut distance all measure,

          stole time's noisy treasure

his hart earth-plates slid, quaking earth restless;

his wolves moon sheltered, puzzled peaceless;

        tales entwined the sun winnowed down

      to mineral veins sorrow-drowned

evolving loveevol, leveling fast escape

the troll eve eloped, clad in red tape

   their apple still hissing in cinnamon blister

   their stingray corvette calls every cop mister

all thread long unraveled, the story forgotten

our menu a planet, nothing verbotten

2017 FLB


the Green Barrow (2017)

the green whalebarrow versus a forest ox,

out of the chute into a huge steel box------

now psychic therapy has shorn my locks;

now; future pours out a sauna detox

the barrow was full-brimming verdant,

designed deep in oceans luminescent-------

the box asked filling, the ox born reticent

from hedges of stars unpruned, sans quadrant

pits, crawls, pitfalls and spittle.

stumbles, freckles, scrapes negligible------

quarter minus, stringline, rakes indispensible

tendon, ligament, and aspirin. a little

clod by clump by shovel by ton

ten yards in a dumpster, i'm not done-----

thousands more pounds on the camel's son

prep path in gravel dust, how the west was won.

mt tabor 2017

Powder blue, Celeste, Periwinkle, Baby (2017)

Powder blue, Celeste, Periwinkle, Baby;

the tones of the sky, winds of a lady

   fierce; Teal and Viridian, crossing lights eyes

  Indigo watched, their verdure her prize

as mother Zafire her Indigo embraced

giving horizon a  long Steel pause; Cyan his face

   etched empty promise, Cornflower-lies,

   skin of soul's ceiling, Palatinate demise

devolving Royal Duke Dodger, their cards in the trash

by Ultramarine's ocean stairs stares Iris, smashed;

   plural the blue in varied display,

   Byzantine mirror of peace portrayed

  action describing, the morph and her flavor

  his tongue yon mountain, a glacial savor


Portland friggin Oregon

hera's hook his hart heard (2017)

Hunting with music apollo you're familiar

Did woo yon hydra, tie astrid's mane smooth;

  Chinookian chieftess to shore conjured particulars,

                  with an anklet of eagle-flight moves

atlantis that postcard you hide under pillow,

our tabla, your crust-tidal history;

  mermen of whale stock, their radars billow

  mars back to whence waterless mystery

scooped indra's net, stars silver-anchovied

atop drying racks celilo arrayed, celestial

                     pemmican egyptians envied)

   in the amazon real piranhas request y'all

Swim, slow swift; dance anomalous under

formless cloud masters, music lone sunders


salient zero (2017)

An instrument balm, her voice aphrodisiac

booming emphatic enough to cardiac

   arrest any sheriff, or bailiff of cupid

   tasked to swoon swain stupid's

mead-merry eyes, drinking all wenches,

in bleary bleak praise, half-glued to benches

   teetering toward such sultry-smooth bait

   odysseus and frank sinatra can relate---

---mermaid her siren thigh shimmering tone

---oceans of strange fiends atonal, bone

   reaped of sheepskin the razor reefs claimed

   the toll song extracting, not first explained

Bombing a silent salient hero

searing ear pleasant (math with all zeros)

Portland Or

winter feathered sketch (2017)

today a sketch,  a balk to the park;

get oxygen moving, give muscle some spark,

   towering trees ice tipped and holy,

  fog overflowing horizon a bowl we

sup slowly, no hurry bestirring

that work past word's lark, demurring

   to leave a limb so warm clung

   to sing rare hollers, never'fore sung

flying most prescient, tail feather serves

over the tennis court, winter unnerved

   squirrel eats fir skin, there high by the sun

   warming a paunch and nuts by the ton

planting ice needle drip heat feeds the mosses,

stellar jays hunting, what frost heave tosses


Mt Tabor


k street hooker (2017)

the k street limo, there stripped to the rims

afire with treason and glorious hymns 

   sloshing with rubles, tipping in shit-coin,

   gropes the flagpole, salutes his own groin

dragging the nation behind republic balls

every sensible human recoils, appalled 

   lobbyist borscht in caviar vases

   coors lite gals to handle the cases

panty hose bandits their paws on the triggers

fraud festive faces gloat on their sniggers

   sabot their high heeled, indiscriminate ways

   hooking in cowboots, branding the strays

   demoniac bubbles arise their champagne

   gleeful that greed has an American name

Portland Or

raucous hocus pocus (2017)

Whereso snock yon nobleman, besmirched

Yon maiden tent in showers autumn-gold,

   Young jim there spilled his bloody perch,

   His fighting fish, on lawn:     vomit-bold

Far removed from gut-spilling biddys

(Who booze-pumpkined) young jim whils't strum guitar,

   Last Prance charm trance, everyone giddy

   Blankets, weed, trailmix; wine in jars

Twenty bands of the city, a barn off the grid,

Folk dopehead goddesses, rich from sold lids;

   Capping the captains, down in the mess hall

   Raucous rock weekend, welcome were all

  Die o dionysus, remit gut's remainder

  After such show, such gallant retainers

4u snakes

Portland, Or

self wooded acorn (2017)

in burl arms self wooded an acorn woden

gifted off to twilight silvered steps

her sail snow soft

lining gone ways

left shimmered

his palace no forest

but dormant lava forge 

a nest of bees making honey in woden's keep

kept sleep grifted griffins

dined on boiled puffin

no tooth pick but an axe of narwhale mind

hoisting sun north

over ocean grave long smile

to fire up waves moon wrought

or quell mens death lust

iron plants blood deep

dug for acorn beds

long favored her arbor ardour

under springs root-tongued

an egg thatched evening

zephyr breath maiden skip

cross flag stone

time hauled night flown 

felled for rest quest 

eyes self wink woke unbroken

rune steps in silvered snow

covered in glaciers heavy aeon tears

encasing tree home path and door

in woden's winter embrace

time tinseled shut and too slick to traverse

from north winds narwhale blown

down stark solid canyons

negating in silent pleasure the ice

the ice all acorns hear tell of

seine wisher shimmers (2017)

in lights bedroom softened

under sheets bird patterned sweet seine-wisher

a tree root bloomed bee storm hardened

busy the loom cracking ocean floor sullen twine hell afixed

ocean working wodan dockside tallies in cuts on oak

masts mind fastened with an oar hard as night lost

in the veins of the flower in ice 

the snow of once there a bit yellow under the

weep of shimmering


narwhale murmuring night

folding next all craft ignores

all thrust, brow dull, a keel

making mystery cleave to be known

passed, past taken heart plunder

once rites blot tossed seers (2017)

he sisters-bloody took the stallion's pride to toss it midst

a grove if not hang it o'er sap hot doors

were smell not a factor in decent dancehalla root riven

cobblestone floor halued bluestones great grandmother

was born on bloody proud to have no thing but milk

and honey from breasts dis tipped in wisdom

woven or undone as trails take off tails or make ails

all one fallow knows feeling woe woden the bloody sisters

his daughters mocking the flower of flocks great rising

he cast  where deserves rest in bogs to feed dull snails

keepers of doors only bloody eyed minds born of know

and hung about the skeletal tree just strings

wind pulled or drew tomorrow with

in vicious tender dances fire shown to sif her sisters

eyes shared nine tree times seeds under that many stars

explaining cracks sound antler bone 

illustrations running fish to inlets 

cherub harvested in their bloody rank loincloths 

of wolve furs earned entrail-fast buttoned in gold

from asteroid gifts of thor sif fashioned them threadlike

to amend man a carnival rent in lights bedroom softened

under sheets bird patterned sweet with

a tree root bloomed bee sallied busy the loom

ocean working wodan dockside tallies in cuts on oak

masts with an oar hard as night lost

in the veins of the flower in ice 

the snow of once

blotgodi raven bowl (2017)

down dropped said rainbow black bird 

wind-wand willed corn of the new world 

drooping off limb roost, the mountain lava cool beneath 

a kingpost more lonely for the company surrounding nine daughters

easily scared into a knotnut self planting wodan planted mind:

                          "healing, death, royalty, the gallows, 

            knowledge, battle, sorcery, poetry, frenzy

  Goði hrafnblóts, Goði of the Raven-offering

  ravenous redbloodhaired bloody hoofed steed of freyr

                             Blóðughadda "                                                                                 

bloggod his finger fires sent to nine twig-soul drenched 

hunted spiders born dust hungry for

felling planets on a droll tragic peck,

wavemaiden winds stirring flesh filled spy birds 

beyond speech

frothing pitching bellowing cooling

an arm of ygdrassil rent sullen

with nerves oil stripped

jotuun woodpeckers no spring sprite

nor four stag defenses may temper 

if huggin or muinnin don't fetch

rainbow root bridge a canal for stars to meander 

under navels of spring-cradles 

hidden if flowers yet dragon guarded

filled in feathered snakes of rills rushing uphill silvered blue

trunk twigs trash woden chips feeding sun 

fire song under spells raven eyed close

haunting thickets each former strength

bearlike attended

heart of hammer mallet sound wind lightning spear

veins ripped farms burnt wells poisoned 

spoils dehumanized

seeds vaulted over bloodhooved boars or cossacks with falcons

battle seeking shadow sinister eight legged ministers

wodan crushes village grave fury 

spilling human wine over oceans fierce

ancient gravity hurls godan along dog god good blood fort forests

skald rib lungs riven 

drug over hideous razor rocked silence

unmasked in lacerated paint burnt wood oils flower dregs soil riches

elk fed well slept guarded by hounds

lions nine dragonmaids three chambers

good gold god bold blood bloomed quartered spring warriors

phlox or aster or ladylace or dartknee or falling giant

stone burrows fed naked in rain 

eleven ghost charms element chained

trance blotgodi priestess gallow cleansing nine arrows hurt sent

to track deemed demons donning broken tooth false hornet hate

ear pinched eye punched gut 

blasted ankle shattered lung twisted throat split

past opened from greed hovels raven managed feasting on republics horror

                   giant mounds godan odin wodan wooden

 eagles scratched time over night waters pegged tied in green leather

from feral stallions zeus drove once

before valleys of cohorts

before granite or feldspar or coal dripped

in olive oil merchant perfume

whale parts our doorframes planets cousins company 

pulling leviathons onto marble yet liquid 

in a storm birthing circle

*                           *                          *

a circle punctuated by the eye of white willow's

sweeping charm

eight hundred miles wide drinking oceans flattening mountains

for meal is ground of bone beneath our thoughts,

a field of sky raised horses placid there in the hold of ships

rearing over waves mirrored in helm's raven watch

summoned of owl scat crushings star-sent 

wind was wand willed that no blot blood spilled

5-23-17 portland

chisled seer (2017)

born on boughs covering stone harmony hearth kettles

wodan again grins shakes silver reindeer rattle

cattle mill about stout doors baby has no use for

as powerful wont godan giveth thrice willful in measure to cub size

weaned on mead and teethed on henbane spoons oak

strangling wyrm oz was easy pleased throwing new scales to sky

his placenta ygdrasill three roots

world tree limbs four stags forage

no den no zen woe then zeus when

eagles tested one won another heart riven

where thunder fears

unborn strewn for raven mockery assimilation

wolf swallowed good son goddown born deep browed

chiseled soul stone seer cutting time for hearth food

aeon dust swirling in grey gazed once bent

portland oregon

orange boar (2018)

mother super moon, winter cloud swaddled
gutting your pumpkin president, the dotard
   slimy seeds his forte, tiny stem don't mention
   super mama moon, way above condescension

hauling oceans lapping roar, on every shore
moon strength, give thanks, you orange boar


cat haiku (2015)

soft big eyes explore

hard world inexorable

look it up, kitten


touch mynose my tail

(i told my body what to do)

clean work starts @ home


bottom of litter

blues top karma plate potluck

squirm toward free nipple


runts rule bully law

(who are you calling a runt!

back and forth tales sweep


 cute fang takes nice mice

home to her children waiting



whisk sweeps his her story

(the furrier the better)

moon looks down and nods


underwheel barrow

sheltered brood discovered (oops

sorry, mother cat


one by one neck haul

children lumber pile safety

confine cat castle


punctured tin delight

aroma sound saliva

twenty feet running


i catch my own food

simple rodents. bugs. or tuna.

swipe of stealthy paw


let  me in i plead

not as dog with scratching paw

waiting doorside hours


independent, yes

allergic to stroking, no

depend on that (logic


milk bowladulthood

enough only one sitting

otherwise---flies drawn


i draw with my tail

accomplishment legend map

"where i been is done"


our pingpong ball chase

(neverending game of life)

thank goat, walls of time


sister-brother nest

just leave one nostril open

epiphany air


mother chews the cord

father prowls barndark quiet

these things, are given.


wrapped in dishtowel love

take out baby burrito

parent practice good


purr mechanism 

runs purely (by seeing you

daughters trifecta!


catch and release game

sharpen our human smile bark

sunshine yawn nap stretch


litter conflation

no mess, nor pissy sponge sops

sibling, final friend


sandpaper tongue bath

six down one to go...oh bother

go to where did they


my head on your haunch

milky waterbed sister

straw built camel back


father of the field

(mothered subterranean

night? anarchy rule


no yarnball catnip

please, pull burrs from my fur.

supply pillow, too.


crossing the road storm

stuck in treetop innocence

same difference, yep


symbolic proxy

go where we cannot, freedom

mate with life yourself


curious prowler

atop grandmas china hutch

cat in a bull shop


in stow away add

inadvertent cat cargo

going gone round trip


motions of nine lives

cheating death by pursing life

twitching cat dreamnap


they fought atop fence

cauterwalling "might makes right

roles might


sleeping kneading leg

owner complains of clawhurt

anyway, whose lap?

Portland Oregon
for Mesa

....far nearby in a shithole pagan myth....(2018)

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Trump's Covid Toll


Director OKC Office, Senator David L. Boren, Just Another Feather in the Cap

"Sadly, Mom died December 6, 2018, 3 ½ months short of her 100th birthday, a milestone she truly wanted to reach! She just got tired. Mom, born March 19, 1919, to Inez Gose Lee and Colonel Arthur Hurd Lee, in Hennessey, OK, and raised in OK, Honolulu, and NC, attended Duke University, 2 years, where she was a reporter/cartoonist for Duke’s newspaper.
She was a Phi Beta Kappa graduate from Oklahoma University with a BA degree in Art; teaching staff of American Institute of Banking, Alumnae Admission Advisory Committee for Duke University; President, Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae; President, Phi Beta Kappa Alumni; awarded Phi Beta Kappa of Year ’97; Chairman Women’s Division, Association for Responsible Government;

Director, Volunteers Council of OKC; State Advisory Committee, OK Landmarks Project; VP and Board of Directors, Legal Aid Society; Committee, Capital Improvements; Chairman, OKC Board of Adjustment; Chairman, OK Crime Commission; Ex-Officio Criminal Justice Advisory Committee, Association of Central OK Governments; OKC Criminal Justice Council; Judicial Advisory Committee; Director OKC Office, Senator David L. Boren;

League of Women Voters; Director of Volunteers and Board of Trustees, Presbyterian Hospital; Chairman Women’s Association, OKC Art Center; Co-chairman Residential Division and Board, United Appeal; Board member Community Council; Board member and Officer, Junior League of OKC; Chairman, OKC Charity Horse Show; Daughters of American Revolution; President, Colonial Dames of America; Philomathea Study Club; President, Wednesday Review Club; OKC Zoo Association; Board member and Officer, Free to Live Animal Sanctuary; Board, OKC Pet Task Force of Citizens Advisory Committee; Japanese-American Student Exchange Committee; Kirkpatrick center Associates; Trustee, Kirkpatrick Foundation; Twentieth Century Club; and, President, OK Art Council. She was a member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral. On a personal note, Mom and Dad were married 57 years before Dad passed away in 1999. "


Inez Gose Lee
BIRTH 1895
DEATH 16 Jun 1989 (aged 93–94)
Houston, Harris County, Texas, USA
Rose Hill Burial Park
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, USA
PLOT Old Mausoleum
MEMORIAL ID 69737172 · View Source

Obituary, The Oklahoman, June 20, 1989

"Inez Gose Lee, Oklahoma City and Houston, died June 16, 1989, at her home in Houston at the age of 94. Mrs. Lee received her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Music Degrees from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and had done post graduate study at Chicago Musical College, University of Colorado, Boulder, and Northwest University, Evanston, Illinois. She pursued special music study in New York and Honolulu. Her hobby was language and she studied French, Italian, Spanish and German.

She was a banker and rancher in addition to being a musician and composer. She was vice president and director of Farmers and Merchants Bank, Hennessey, and her ranching interests were in Kingfisher and Logan Counties.

 Organizations which she served as president include Army and Navy Womens Club (World War II), Oklahoma Phi Delta Theta Mothers Club, Campfire Girls, Ladies Music Club, Young Womens Christian Association, Oklahoma Art League, Wednesday Review Club, and 5 terms as president of Town Hall.

She had been vice regent and regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution, chairman of the Interdenominational Choir, Oklahoma City, and had served on both the National Campfire Board and Council. She was awarded the National Campfire Gulick Award. Her other memberships include Womens Drivers Corps (World War II), Patroness Group of Sigma Alpha Iota, Symphony Society, Womens Committee for the Oklahoma City Symphony, Art Center Association, Alliance Francaise, American Guild of Organists, Chi Omega and Sigma Alpha Iota, both at the University of Michigan. She served on the board of directors of the State Federation of Music Clubs and held memberships in the Oklahoma Heritage Association, Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club, Lakeside Country Club, Houston, and the Houston Symphony League.

She leaves 2 children, Mrs. Jerome W. Byrd, Oklahoma City, and Robert E. Lee, Houston, 6 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Burial services and interment will be held Wednesday, June 21, 11:30 a.m., at the Old Mausoleum, Rose Hill Cemetery. Arrangements by Hahn-Cook/Street & Draper. All friends are welcome."

Spike Lee Da 5 Bloods

A poster for Spike Lee’s new film.   

"Starring Chadwick Boseman, Lee’s film follows his Oscar-winning BlacKkKlansman, which was loosely based on the true story of a black policeman who infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan. Da 5 Bloods, coming to Netflix on 12 June, promises another politically charged war epic where “our heroes battle forces of man and nature – while confronted by the lasting ravages of the immorality” of Vietnam."

 “We’ve always believed in this country,” he said in a recent interview. “That is why we fought for this country, even knowing we were slaves, in the civil war … We built this motherfucker!

 I mean, we’ve been nothing but patriotic! And this great, great country has not really made its promise yet to people of color.”

good bloodlines, good blood, bigot Trump and the First White House Memoir

Repugnant Trump Trolls Bloggod as Bloggod Trolls Fascist Trump

"In an apparent ad-lib, Trump looked up from his prepared remarks — which praised the firm for teaming up with General Electric to produce ventilators and face shields for medical workers — to observe that Henry Ford’s descendants, like the current chairman, Bill Ford, who had introduced the president, have “good blood.”

"“The company founded by a man named Henry Ford,” Trump’s prepared text appeared to say, “teamed up with the company founded by Thomas Edison — that’s General Electric.”

But when Trump came to Ford’s name, he looked up from the text and observed:

 “good bloodlines, 
good bloodlines —

 if you believe in that stuff, you got good blood.”

"Paul Jennings (1799–1874) was an American personal servant, as a young slave, to President James Madison during and after his White House years.

After buying his freedom in 1845 from Daniel Webster, Jennings is noted for publishing in 1865 the first White House memoir"

"His book was A Colored Man's Reminiscences of James Madison, described as "a singular document in the history of slavery and the early American republic."

Living in Washington, DC from 1837 on, Jennings made many useful connections and was aided by the northern Senator Daniel Webster in gaining freedom. In the 1850s, Jennings traveled to Virginia, where he tracked down his children, who had grown up on a neighboring plantation with his late wife Fanny, also a slave. His relatives on his mother's side were sold by the widow Dolley Madison with Montpelier in 1844. His three sons joined the Union cause during the American Civil War.

In 2009 his descendants were honored at Montpelier following a lecture on Jennings. They were also invited to a private viewing at the White House of the Gilbert Stuart portrait of George Washington, which Jennings helped save during the War of 1812 and the British burning of the Capitol."


Brings me to a story of when
Grant my brother
lived in NY City

And one day around Rockefeller Plaza
Grant notices a crowd
and hubbub emerging and it is Ronald Reagan
exiting and heading with Secret Service
toward his awaiting limos

So Grant starts yelling Nazi, Nazi

And Ron cups a hand to his ear,
straining to listen and
yells back to his adoring public

"Sorry, Nancy couldn't be 
here today......" and it was well played,
old Ron, well played.

true urban legend

PS GoodBloods line up to vote


 Trump told the assembled executives, factory workers and media. “Good bloodlines, good bloodlines. If you believe in that stuff, you got good blood.”

"A great grandmother of automobile industrialist Henry Ford I, the one who was Henry's father's paternal grandmother.

 Rebecca Jennings-Ford and her husband, William Ford (1775-1818), are the earliest names on the Ford (Motor Co.) family tree and had 5 sons. 

They were believed to have lived as tenant farmers near Crohane, Cork County, Ireland, until c. 1829."

(So, Trump heralds the Henry Ford bloodline which is only traced to Rebecca Jennings and Henry Ford 1....the Automobile maker's great grandparents )


"Humprey Jennings
Birthdate: 1658
Death: 1725 (66-67)

Immediate Family:
Son of Mary Jennings
Father of Elizabeth Doak

Brother of Robert Jennings"

(The Jennings in my "bloodline")

Mary Jennings (Millward)
Birthdate: 1636

Immediate Family:
Mother of Humprey Jennings and Robert Jennings