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Monday, June 24, 2019

have we become numb to trump's loathsomeness WAPO asks and then doesn't want an answer

"If the allegations are true, the president of the United States is certainly a sexual predator, and most probably a rapist.

 We will never know for sure how numerous are his victims, but at a minimum they might number in the dozens". (from the article, Paul Waldman)


"In accordance with The Washington Post's community guidelines, your account has been temporarily suspended. Please rejoin the conversation in 23 hours."

Having done NOTHING to violate any "community guidelines." Nothing whatsoever.

My last comment, posts: 

"All impeachment efforts begin in the House of Representatives, which the Democrats control

Call Pelosi and get Biden on board with Impeachment."


My second to last comment posted:

Most of the nation’s biggest newspapers — aside from The Post — left it off on their front page the next day. None of the five Sunday shows mentioned it at all. (from the article)

Corporate Rule could care less about women or how the wealthy get away with rape and murder and massive fraud.

Now, this article is gone from the front page. So little sunshine on the ugly reality of having a fascist regime.


Here are what other people post as comments in the article:

"Iggy Ignoramus ….where'd you go??

we desperately NEED your sexist  stupidity?"
(another comment adds: "Yeah Iggy presents another argument for euthanization at birth."

"Russian dRumpfbot ignored."

"You right wing sub-humans are a grotesque disease that needs to be eradicated from the face of the earth."

"Decent people haven't become numb to the disgusting piece of sheet. Our big problem seems to be Turd McConnell, and his merry band of turdettes, constipating Congress, while they cheer on his corruption."


ALL these comments are being "tolerated" by the Moderator and are more recent than my comments 6 hours ago.

And what did I get *flagged* for posting? Here is what Teddy  at the Washington Post claims is violating the "community rules."


I work for the comments team at The Post. Your account was banned due to comments that went against our community guidelines, which I've linked here.

We don't allow for readers to post personal attacks or vulgar language in the comments section. I've included a few examples from your past comment history:


"Trump is a Kremlin piece of stool"

"goober Lie."



Please review the guidelines linked above. If you have any questions, let me know.



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