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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Faux Potus

Kids run a remote control car
Down the bumpy drive below,
Sunday cook outs waft nostalgic.
Faux potus goes supplicant,
Obligatory to our foes.
See thee bumpy drive abroad.

Suede Skyline Portland

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Peahen mosquito

Of course mosquitos after blackberry
Shoots send blood into the breeze,
Peahens call over the hillside
At dusk, I saw two fuzzy chicks
Run after their scavenging royals
Not sure which is worse
Fresh scrapes or the predators
My day started great
I had a dream with Mesa
She was a silly kid having fun
The peahens howl behind in other trees
Fucking fireworks those sad birds
They made it thru a windstormed rain
Neither worse nor well,

Monday, June 24, 2019

have we become numb to trump's loathsomeness WAPO asks and then doesn't want an answer

"If the allegations are true, the president of the United States is certainly a sexual predator, and most probably a rapist.

 We will never know for sure how numerous are his victims, but at a minimum they might number in the dozens". (from the article, Paul Waldman)


"In accordance with The Washington Post's community guidelines, your account has been temporarily suspended. Please rejoin the conversation in 23 hours."

Having done NOTHING to violate any "community guidelines." Nothing whatsoever.

My last comment, posts: 

"All impeachment efforts begin in the House of Representatives, which the Democrats control

Call Pelosi and get Biden on board with Impeachment."


My second to last comment posted:

Most of the nation’s biggest newspapers — aside from The Post — left it off on their front page the next day. None of the five Sunday shows mentioned it at all. (from the article)

Corporate Rule could care less about women or how the wealthy get away with rape and murder and massive fraud.

Now, this article is gone from the front page. So little sunshine on the ugly reality of having a fascist regime.


Here are what other people post as comments in the article:

"Iggy Ignoramus ….where'd you go??

we desperately NEED your sexist  stupidity?"
(another comment adds: "Yeah Iggy presents another argument for euthanization at birth."

"Russian dRumpfbot ignored."

"You right wing sub-humans are a grotesque disease that needs to be eradicated from the face of the earth."

"Decent people haven't become numb to the disgusting piece of sheet. Our big problem seems to be Turd McConnell, and his merry band of turdettes, constipating Congress, while they cheer on his corruption."


ALL these comments are being "tolerated" by the Moderator and are more recent than my comments 6 hours ago.

And what did I get *flagged* for posting? Here is what Teddy  at the Washington Post claims is violating the "community rules."


I work for the comments team at The Post. Your account was banned due to comments that went against our community guidelines, which I've linked here.

We don't allow for readers to post personal attacks or vulgar language in the comments section. I've included a few examples from your past comment history:


"Trump is a Kremlin piece of stool"

"goober Lie."



Please review the guidelines linked above. If you have any questions, let me know.



Tuesday, June 18, 2019

chirp cats birding

under apple roots chrome gnarled
merry her basket all berries bursting,
chirp cats birding.
watercolors all time revealed,
priceless spider tagged whisper.
trout paused under olive pelt shadows,
history pastiche drunk on fertile 
weanings over sun scoured feet magnets
calendar collects as stream pools
murky his brisket all brimming
beside grail grackles grinning,

Sunday, June 16, 2019


Every night a new story
Every day the same good love
Every year all those
Things taken for granted
That's staying a child

Saturday, June 15, 2019


"Today, Theta Pond is the home of many water fowl and serves as a center of beauty for Oklahoma State University. 

Theta Pond was the site of revelry during the 1970s era streaker nights as throngs of rowdy students shoved the giant Western Sizzlin Bull into the middle of the pond along with their fellow students. 

My own husband has fond memories of his friends tossing him into the drink and wading through the pond’s muddy bowels to reach its banks. "

once a baby 1967

Forest and Grandpa Bloodgood 1967, Stillwater

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

fig mental

down cool in a sponge dark cave
fed on bog butter and flammable mead
night sheltered all remaining
off such drear reins
day parches unflinchingly like a fig
mental snack

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

witch pence and witch trump, the tree doth prefer death

"The European sessile oak had died, the French president, Emmanuel Macron, confirmed.

“It’s not a tragedy,” Mr. Macron said in an interview in Geneva with the Swiss broadcaster RTS. “One shouldn’t see symbols where there are none.”

"News of the oak’s death came as Mr. Trump again visited France, this time on the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of World War II. 

The men tried to put their differences behind them.

It was transplanted from Belleau Wood, a battlefield 60 miles east of Paris where thousands of Marines died in a battle against the Germans who were pushing toward the French capital.

When the oak was planted on the South Lawn, Mr. Macron, who had already enjoyed a rapport with President Trump, said he was pleased the tree “can now take root here at the White House in front of us as a symbol of the sacrifice and the common battles that France and the United States have led together,” according to a transcript of his remarks.

Mr. Trump and Mr. Macron stood for photos, shovels in hand, as the tree was planted. During the visit, the presidents hugged. There was a mutual kiss on the cheek.

The next day, Vice President Mike Pence said, “In the words of the Psalmist, may this relationship grow ‘like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, and produces its fruit in season whose leaf also does not wither.’”

beware the symbols of symbols forgotten
and also of using Nature as a PR stunt
and of calling yourself a witch being hunted 
all the while

hydro ok 1971

emma luderman may,
grant and forest
hydro ok

Sunday, June 09, 2019

Yer message hear 67cents


Nice demonic sojourn

Take the 75 to the end of the line
Walk like a civilized beast
There's dark horse comics
They really need some murals
But at least there's a few posters in Windows about hellboy
And the Wild Hunt
And escaping the cement labyrinth
And varied businesses to the river
Is easy if you
Have feet, wings, claws, dorsal fins,
Or a wheelymajig
The other end of the line is in st Johns
I can't recommend it
As strongly as there is no dark
Horse at which to apply
For an illustrious fantastical job
Nor is the river as clean
Being miles downstream and full of PCB

Saturday, June 08, 2019

Willamette river bliss

Lapping soft wind waves
Fishy smell driftwood ducks
cove girls beachcombing
Trees everywhere sun drenched
Summer patterns stone clean

Friday, June 07, 2019


Born in blackberry vines
And cinder blocks upturned
To breed mosquitos
This little Dutch girl
So chippered and bleak
Made in Japan tattooed her
On a yard tossed back that cost
One lifeless limb.
So chipper
This rare dutch refuse made
In orepan, not born in the sense of
Kilns, nor lacking
As aged imparts character.

Thursday, June 06, 2019

Engine thru the roof

Good if children never know existentialism
Or sophistry or cognitive dissonance,
Ostriches are make believe chickens
And Charles Dickens was a
Chimney sweeper of clean coal
And Twain appeared in blackface only
To be stricken from the curriculum
Used to mop up the
Overflowing levees
Good, better to never know the arc
Of history or donny darkos
Or the ways to neutralize satire
Or how to eat spaghetti with
Both spoon and fork,
That's not existential
That's team twerk.

Verboten vinyl

Wear the up the
Sleeve on
The sleeve,
That's known as

Mueller molasses

Mueller is a GOP tool
Middle of the road toad
Mike Mukasey may
Hide as a redacted Kremlin
Operative along
With the other NYC
Wall Street kooks
And complicit DNC
Corporate assets

Don't matter
We know
The world sees

USS Champlin Destroyer of Nazis

USS Champlin (DD-601) was a Benson-class destroyer in the United States Navy during World War II. She was the second ship named for Stephen Champlin.

After escorting a convoy to NS Argentia, Newfoundland, and another to the Panama Canal Zone, Champlin sailed from New York 11 December 1942 on her first convoy crossing to Casablanca, returning to New York 7 February 1943.

 She sailed again on 4 March guarding a convoy which was constantly shadowed by German submarines for 6 days after it passed the Azores on 12 March. On that day, a radar contact was made ahead of the convoy, and Champlin charged ahead to investigate, finding a submarine on the surface. 

She opened fire, and attempted to ram the enemy, which made a crash dive. Champlin hurled a pattern of depth charges into the swirl, and sank U-130 at position 37°10′N 20°21′W. 

As the convoy plodded east, Champlin and the other escorts fought a constant battle to protect it, but the convoy lost three merchantmen before reaching Casablanca.

 Champlin rescued every member of Wyoming's 127-man crew, as well as taking aboard two survivors from Molly Pitcher. 

The return convoy which arrived at Boston, Massachusetts 15 April was without incident.

On 6 January 1945, Champlin returned to Atlantic convoy escort, sailing for Oran. On 30 January, she cleared Oran to rendezvous with the group bringing President Franklin D. Roosevelt to Malta, where he was to enplane for the Yalta Conference.

 She later escorted this same group back into the Atlantic, and on 20 February returned to Gibraltar for patrol and convoy escort duty in the western Mediterranean. 

On 22 April, she departed Oran for New York and preparations for deployment to the Pacific Ocean.

Eternity 6

Water pressure eye
Omnipotent vestibule
Sacerdotal cloud
Mesa mustang mane
Turquoise eagle Lebanon
Six day eternity

Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Clockwise family

Louise Selover Champlin; Dorothy Champlin May(grandmother)

Ralph May(grandpa)

Melanie May Bloodgood(mom)

Dorothy C. May, baby Forest, Dean W. Bloodgood (grandpa)

Forest, Isis, Mesa, Surreal

Oil OK

Cushing, Oklahoma is the center of the oil universe

World oil prices are controlled by the amount of crude oil stored at Cushing, Oklahoma. That's because Cushing is the pricing point for WTI (West Texas Intermediate) oil prices, the most-traded oil futures contract in the world.
Cushing Storage Rules World Oil Prices
WTI and Brent oil prices have good negative correlation with the volume of crude oil stored at Cushing. Comparative inventory, the present volume of oil compared with the 5-year average, and oil-price volatility, the rate at which the price of oil moves up and down, are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Oil price, weekly price volatility and Cushing stocks. Source: EIA & Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
From the beginning of 2014 until the end of July, comparative inventory fell and world oil prices were high averaging more than $100 per barrel. From August to the time of the November 28 OPEC meeting, Cushing inventories rose and oil fell below $70. OPEC's decision not to cut production caused a spike in volatility and prices dropped to $46 per barrel by the end of January 2015.
Prices rose in February based on hope that falling rig counts would bring declining U.S. production. Rising Cushing inventories brought markets back to reality and they fell again in March (Figures 1 and 2).
Figure 2. WTI daily oil-price volatility, Cushing comparative inventory and world event time line, 2014-2016. Source: EIA & Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
Cushing storage fell from mid-April to mid-June 2015 and oil prices rallied to $60 per barrel. Concerns about China's economic growth and the lifting of sanctions on Iran added to flattening Cushing inventories and oil fell to near $38 per barrel by mid-August.
When inventories fell again in late August, prices increased to almost $50 per barrel and then plateaued until the end of October. Storage had flattened but the outlook for Chinese growth had improved as the People's Bank of China announced stimulus measures.
From the beginning of November to the end of 2015, comparative inventories increased again and oil prices plunged below $30 per barrel with the near-collapse of China's stock markets.
Flattening comparative inventories in early 2016 and rumors of an OPEC production cut and then, a partial OPEC production freeze moved oil prices back above $30 per barrel where they have remained through February.
Expectation and reality both influence oil prices but Figures 1 and 2 show that the reality of Cushing comparative inventory change is the dominant factor. World economic and political events have the power to affect oil prices but without support from Cushing storage levels, these changes are relatively short-lived.
What Must Happen For Oil Prices to Increase
Cushing, Oklahoma is the largest oil-storage tank farm in the world. It has 73 million barrels of working capacity, about 13 percent of total U.S. storage. Several important oil pipelines converge there as oil moves from production sites to refineries on the Gulf Coast (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Cushing Oklahoma pipeline terminal map. Source: International Energy Agency.
Cushing is the delivery and pricing point for West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures contracts. More than 3 billion barrels of WTI oil futures contracts are traded weekly. For the week ending February 26, 2016, the volume of WTI trades (3.1 million contracts) was nearly three times the volume of Brent ICE trades (1.2 million contracts). Each contract is for 1000 barrels of oil.
Few of these contracts result in delivery of physical oil. Instead, most contracts are sold forward to take advantage of the higher contango prices on later-dated contracts.
Limited refining capacity for the light, sweet crude oil from tight oil fields has resulted in the stock-piling of oil at Cushing. Since oil prices collapsed in 2014, it makes more sense to pay storage fees than to sell oil at a loss.
Storage volumes at Cushing have increased since the crude oil export ban was lifted in December. Since then, additions at Cushing have averaged more than 500,000 barrels per week and total U.S. storage has increased about 1.5 million barrels per week. Current storage capacity at Cushing is 89 percent full. As long as Cushing and Gulf Coast storage remain above 80 percent of capacity, oil prices will be low.
For oil prices to increase, Cushing inventories must fall. That means that both U.S. tight oil production, chiefly from the Bakken play, and Canadian light oil production brought by pipeline to Cushing must decline.
oil drillingAndrew Burton/Getty Images
An oil worker takes a break.
Bakken production was consistent in 2015 at about 1.2 million barrels per day. Canadian oil imports to the U.S. decreased from April through July 2015 and may have contributed to the fall in Cushing inventories that lead to a $15 per barrel increase in WTI prices. At the same time, decreased production from the Eagle Ford and Permian basin tight oil plays would free up storage in the Gulf Coast that might allow more oil to flow out of Cushing.
Although world events are important, Cushing comparative inventories dominate world oil prices. This does not mean that decreased production and inventories elsewhere in the world would not affect prices. It acknowledges, however, that increased North American unconventional oil production created the global over-supply that caused oil prices to collapse.
Given the history of the past 2 years, oil prices are unlikely to increase until U.S. and Canadian oil production decline enough to reduce Cushing storage. Recent flat comparative inventories suggest that near-term prices could go either way depending on flows in and out of Cushing.
A relatively small decrease of 3 to 5 million barrels in Cushing stocks could result in a $10 to $15 increase in WTI prices, similar to what happened from April through June of 2015. Conversely, an increase in stocks of a few million barrels may push oil prices into the low $20 range. It mostly depends on U.S. and Canadian unconventional oil production.
Read the original article on Copyright 2016

Scouting Stillwater

Why is Matt Damon in stillwater
At an art gallery downtown
With an OSU professor
It's film related OK
Let's surmise

EW Marland
HH Champlin
Jim Thorpe
Will Rogers
Woody Guthrie
Garth Brooks

Well, they don't paint
Unless you count Woody when
He was a sign painter

Maybe it's about tornadoes
Or fracking
Or Pistol Pete
Or Sonic
Or how parking meters were invented

Maybe he's just looking for
Locations to film
I bet it's about t Boone Pickens
I bet it's about EW Marland cuz
There's already a script
With Weinstein
I bet it's about 67 Indian tribes
I hope it's about Jim Thorpe
Time traveling as an Avenger

Or Will Rogers
That'd be politically astute
To reclaim Payne county
As a blue bastion
Of democracy in a sea of Red loons.

(Chris Terrio
 received his master's degree from the USC )

Sunday, June 02, 2019

Mangled kinesis sequelae

Flawed and corrupt system
To shield bad employers
Is the status quo.
Workers, treated as
Disposable is the norm.
An injury to one
Should be an injury to all,
Not an opportunity
In which everyone prospers
Except the injured. A
Sick system produces
What kind of

There is no kinesis
In scales of injustice.


Peace and quiet make peace
And quiet, summarily. A day of
Rest, six days of test. Sun and moon
Make what rest
Revolves around,
When I
Miss you. We are nothing, 
Insoluble, solved.