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Saturday, February 23, 2019

feinstein's plurality

pane in the neck window
rain pummeled 
took medicine, slept thru appoint
but dream sequences galore
cleaned the kitchen, got the vac going
made it to the post office do re mi
had a beer and had one great game of pool
shot six balls straight to win
went and saw a big movie from another world
dropped in to whiz while squandered youth
ended their grampy rock set then off
to catch the bus
which stops ten blocks short as the street
is blocked off with a dozen police
and two huge RV mobile crime partymobiles
and camera men say someone was
killed dead by gunshot
the flares sending nasty grey smoke around
a few blocked blocks somewhere
there's home there's a dead body it's how
you look at thangs
i'll take that pane
in the neck any day it says the green new
deal is more popular than feinstein's plurality
of purchased excuses 

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