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Thursday, February 28, 2019

bog iron, klickitat river, Goethite

Goethite (FeO(OH); /ˈɡɜːrtaɪt/[5]) is an iron-bearing hydroxide mineral of the diaspore group. It is found in soil and other low-temperature environments. Goethite has been well known since ancient times for its use as a pigment (brown ochre).

 Evidence has been found of its use in paint pigment samples taken from the caves of Lascaux in France. It was first described in 1806 based on samples found in the Hollertszug Mine in Herdorf, Germany.

The mineral was named after the German polymath and poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832).

"Streams carry dissolved iron from nearby mountains.
 In the bog, the iron is concentrated by two processes.
The bog environment is acidic, with a low concentration of dissolved oxygen.

 In the acidic environment of the bog, a chemical reaction forms
 insoluble iron compounds which precipitate out.
 But more importantly, anaerobic bacteria
 (Gallionella and Leptothrix) growing under the surface
 of the bog concentrate the iron as part of their life processes.
......Their presence can be detected on the surface
 by the iridescent oily film they leave on the water ...
 another sure sign of bog iron.
 In Iceland, the film is called jarnbrák (iron slick).

 When a layer of peat in the bog is cut and pulled back using turf knives,
 pea sized nodules of bog iron can be found and harvested.

 Although the iron nodules are reasonably pure,
 there aren't many of them. 

They are, however, a renewable resource.
 About once each generation, the same bog can be re-harvested

Around the year 1100, the area where Gouda now is located was swampy and covered with a peat forest, crossed by small creeks such as the Gouwe. 

Along the shores of this stream near the current market and city hall, peat harvesting began in the 11th and 12th centuries. In 1139, the name Gouda is first mentioned in a statement from the Bishop of Utrecht.

bulk nuts at the cherry sprout

Forest, Snock, Natalie

Cherry Sprout 2009

yes, cars are evil

"A new report by the GHSA determined about 6,227 pedestrians were killed in motor vehicle crashes in 2018 — a 4 percent increase over 2017 and the highest mortality rate since 1990.

"While we have made progress reducing fatalities among many other road users in the past decade, pedestrian deaths have risen 35 percent" since 2008"

unknown region (china, saudi arabia, mars)

Once again, where the Hell is "Unknown Region?"

Hi, Latvia!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

feinstein's plurality

pane in the neck window
rain pummeled 
took medicine, slept thru appoint
but dream sequences galore
cleaned the kitchen, got the vac going
made it to the post office do re mi
had a beer and had one great game of pool
shot six balls straight to win
went and saw a big movie from another world
dropped in to whiz while squandered youth
ended their grampy rock set then off
to catch the bus
which stops ten blocks short as the street
is blocked off with a dozen police
and two huge RV mobile crime partymobiles
and camera men say someone was
killed dead by gunshot
the flares sending nasty grey smoke around
a few blocked blocks somewhere
there's home there's a dead body it's how
you look at thangs
i'll take that pane
in the neck any day it says the green new
deal is more popular than feinstein's plurality
of purchased excuses 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

moon stages

o'er the bog
i watched the moon 
glommed with clouds
from the parking lot frost
as moon slough
tween love& 
benumbed truck wind
peeling layers off days
best avoidance of bogs
on stages however
meek cyclically shine

Monday, February 18, 2019

generous wrinkles

i bought today (a small sketch
pad and some candy
jewelry (corn syrup
on rubberband
before getting a brrrrr
-ito: nutrition facts: spiral
bound 75 lb 
zero protein
red 40 LAKE 
also saw an old friend
he's pretty old about 80
player generous wrinkles

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Multi-Cheese pizza with spinach, kale, thai basil, kalamata olives

Multi-Cheese pizza with spinach, kale, thai basil, kalamata olives

corporate climate change denier-enablers etc etc

"Facebook is increasingly engaged in combatting (sic) misinformation that causes “real-world harm”. Yet despite the health risks, anti-vaccination propaganda is currently not treated as a breach of its content rules."

HIRE an editor, Guardian!* sic *sicK. Leave free speech alone and "combat" political-corporate fraud, otherwise known as FASCISM


Facebook video spreads climate denial misinformation to 5 million users


"Facebook Bans Tobacco Ads, But The Tobacco Industry Finds Other Ways To Market To Teens On The Platform"

"Facebook is under fire for how it collects and shares people’s information with third parties. Advertisers have been able to target housing ads to white people only and exclude older people from seeing job ads. 

And Cambridge Analytica, the data firm hired by Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, inappropriately obtained information on as many as 87 million users, Facebook revealed Wednesday."


"Google, Facebook, and Microsoft have publicly acknowledged the dangers of global warming, but last week they all sponsored a conference that promoted climate change denial to young libertarians.

All three tech companies were sponsors of LibertyCon, the annual convention of the libertarian group Students for Liberty, which took place in Washington, DC. Google was a platinum sponsor, ponying up $25,000, and Facebook and Microsoft each contributed $10,000 as gold sponsors. 

The donations put the tech companies in the top tier of the event’s backers. 

But the donations also put the firms in company with some of the event’s other sponsors, which included three groups known for their work attacking climate change science and trying to undermine efforts to reduce carbon emissions."

"Among the most notable was the CO2 Coalition, a group founded in 2015 to spread the “good news” about a greenhouse gas whose increase in the atmosphere is linked to potentially catastrophic climate change. The coalition is funded by conservative foundations that have backed other climate change denial efforts. 

These include the Mercer Family Foundation, which in recent years has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to right-wing think tanks engaged in climate change denialism, and the Charles Koch Institute, the charitable arm of one of the brothers behind Koch Industries, the oil and gas behemoth."


vegan burger, vegan sloppy joe, vegan cheese pizza

vegan Forest burger

vegan Forest burger topped in vegan sloppy joe

vegan cheese pizza 

vegan pesto pasta and asparagus, vegan mozzarella

Forest Bloodgood
Portland, Oregon

Saturday, February 16, 2019

first amendment journalist/blogger rights

Are bloggers journalists?

Sometimes. While this question is often asked in the mainstream media and on blogs, it does not frame the debate very well. You can use blogging software for journalism, and many bloggers do.
But you can also use blogging software for other purposes.

What makes a journalist a journalist is whether she is gathering news for dissemination to the public, not the method or medium she uses to publish.


"How is the constitutional reporter's privilege qualified?

Courts have set forth a multi-factor balancing test for deciding the applicability of the constitutional reporter's privilege. 

Generally, the subpoenaing party must show that the material is unavailable despite exhaustion of all reasonable alternative sources, that there is a compelling and overriding interest in obtaining the information, and that it is clearly relevant to an important issue in the case."

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

self wooded acorn

in burl arms self wooded an acorn woden
gifted off to twilight
her sail soft
lining gone ways
left shimmered
his palace no forest
but dormant lava forge 
a nest of bees making honey in woden's keep
kept sleep grifted griffins
dined on boiled puffin
no tooth pick but an axe of narwhale mind
hoisting sun north
over ocean grave long smile
to fire up waves moon wrought
or quell mens death lust
iron plants blood deep
dug for acorn beds
long favored her arbor ardour
under springs root-tongued
an egg thatched evening
zephyr breath maiden skip
cross flag stone
time hauled night flown 
felled for rest quest 
eyes self wink woke unbroken


rune carver riven

stone carver stag gored on moss driven floors
his monument unfinished in a glacial mortal blink
fen sunk bog borrowed
anchored in egyptian gold braided tokens
the stag adamant stomping clay skinned bipedal form 
rutting good ground soddy in sacrifice
woden won't mind but
owe hrafnblot under three mantles
carried four ways under one vine
god odin godan goghs to gouda fur goods dogs blood
chiseled in antler his chest demolished
with thunder crack oak smitten fury
one narrow eye losing the canopy life liquidates light
prisms primordial chip crystal runes
to gotland telling mother
bird clergy quicksilver mercy arrows flit
father our craft has sunk dead
roaring rotten slugs easy go working
with raccoons lynx and rat fleshnixxing
and raven gets them later
to mend all nine colors five fires seven warchants
roosting doom dragon night owls creating math 
number tone peace bread hearth son 
splintering shaft of fate gnarling last
thing driven into slab rock
upstood by twelve with mighty hemp ropes
an antler or root or river or sorrow
or ravine thronged in wolves foreign
teeth clouds open the stag moves stage left
snails and bluejays quibble 
over liver politics peer pressure not woden

5-23-17 portland

tree harts

wind horns of four hart darting fourpart hence
over sweeping bows
amidst venerable spans only halting to munch
evergreen grown things
ygdrasil favored to supply abundant
comet flowers tidepools of space
teem starfish with horns three
as dragon dug death from roots long alive justly occupied
forever well filled flush clear water across earths drum
artesian spring carried force
more fierce wrought than mjolnirs big bang
squirrel stirred nutpots
antics frenzy rumor a dare devil toy
from under lady lake
a stag riven hunk of human stone floated from the bog
water spiders rowed time along bank root 
drinking deftly long droughts
a myriad of life 
stone became wind wind became man
man was carved water war owned
sound imprisoned wolves shorn
caged as business
on wind full hungered the eagle juts
carving unfinished sign tones
domes carry cup ygrdraasil as seed
it will be were it was now known nut then
ships chart tenuous passage
as stolen stars scramble fishlike instant
the spore of the seed
on the tip of the horn sings not woe den 

5-23-17 portland

honey in the keep

as morning laid rare in rafters not woden
the thatch still of the field in cones of gold
hemmed by song voices of women
both undressed in summer's roofless merge
in twilight tracked her dance made of stars long gone
along first faintests and marked on the beams
so that later left open, the sky 
(heart always would visit)
inside cherry wood cupboards last reaches
sleep spiders dust fed and sluggish so gentle flies
off wayward cows milk the way the silky sway
showing deepest night born thirsting eyes
not lacking from cover more ancient as an echo
traced to recall some era or vault engraved forever
she once was love shown and splinters there were nun
as sun everslow wraps one in another
drowns lifting darks demise in relative pleasure
no shield woden brung to sleep sated and slain, replete
to hear as mind winnows making room for far misty
lands coined only in friendship leather-laced
patient as thunder to please light's table
in hearts caved snore down drops nine legged dis
-asteroid eyed goddess moon drunk or hunting
under there where wood knot rest in unskilled spear slinging
cracking cabinets of cherry tasked with guard of the mead
if sentries less truant existed woe to them woden
unwoken sweet strings left silver fall once waters
not larger than worry woden harbored when farm realm
keep ships home in bosom bounty 
annointed in ambergris with whalebone thrones under oak timbers
borrowed from time woden met his mountain
far smitten in furs to brave more ice than hell dreameth
in cradle his young and three lions for arrows aligned
in burl arms self wooded an acorn woden gifted off to twilight
her sail soft lining gone ways left shimmered
his palace no forest but dormant lava forge 
a nest of bees making honey in woden's keep

5-22-17 portland

fjord fallow night

rib riven of seaside oxen driven to death
flank flung on coal bed born beside a black oak
seven seers serene tear severe to bits in bites
ash char snow lettered prehistoric blood scribble spray
ice ballast beard teeters toward keg
fists scabbed wrapped in ointment rags plundered
of southern thrusts plunged draining dawn of sun
slung moon songs hurled breath smoke
under eight pelts four furs six trees three rivers solid mtn sweat
mothers birth men yet cry to scare wolves stiff distant
in dens won by woe found wanting
creel harpoon craft mast listing in mist bygone tomorrow to battle
a silver rattle left and earrings persian glass
time sealed in twelve century slough night tantalizes mead heavy mind
a brace of narwhale ivory mends a leather pillow of a man
old known tree sounds fire speaks seasons secret lines
the fjord mirror draped in loam and foals child chased
her shield resting more tested his spear ready less flaunted
reindeer swim amid star filled lakes glacier gotten
acorn rolls name game the wood script floats off intelligent
cloak unhurried a button waits finger frozen 
sleep steams breath falls not far afield of brows sheltered
three roosters call fallow nights hold over
in goldrimmed henbane pots ice capped from sitting
knot known by woden born the day belongs

5-13-17 portland

proKnowns (sic the dalles

her body is a catapult for her eyes
her eyes are battering rams her touch is a torch
her moat has never been fathomed
her falcon faints at smells of springs
her tournament is a testament to lust
her banners are censored of color
her chainmail chastity belt has been picked
her horns mimic herald hounds retreating
her tower inspires clouds revolving
her dragon is inspiration for ruthless whim
her bard is bored her vats of oil make heathen salad
her eclipsed eyes hurl one to her floor
her garlic garlands waft over the compound
her totem is a mouse who never scampers
her dignity only shifts to feign endearment

his curvature is a used albatross
his wingspan exceeds his attention span
his sand sandwich was prescribed for acute gastritis
his chaffed epidermis reveals an aptitude
his rebellious lassitude falls flat even though
his dimples are plates of twinkle on double bankrupt lawns
his tarnished trophy is a magnet for suburb dust
his only excuse is complete nausea& holistic miscarriage
his only figures of speech are rolling blobs of muscle
his favorite move was never recorded
his pulse a poem doomed to devour critics
his collections of butterfly parts all flunked
his oldest mop had never seen the floor
his nostrils dialate before magistrates
his only alibi was the remorseful albatross
his parents bought the highway new stripes
his good grades were a curse to the nation
his relations were proud and typically underdeveloped
his breath sought garlic and garlic it found

they fly in sounds of grocery carts crumbling
they make shapes of planned crowds
they harm air by living meat lies
they met maker every morning for an audit
they are scarcely audible at our range of reason
they hunger to get muddy and fart
they pieced together a new orchestra of smiles
they hurry to seem casual
they shudder inbetween the commercials
they cook their pets al dente they spoon out greetings
they make love to the gutter or the web of time
they learn to lace their gravity suit
they pray to various concepts entrapped in motive
they ride bicycles for fun they windowshop the huts of the amazon
they glue new hair on shaved continents
they see as they are seen to be wary

we were related the moment we wept
we never go to the cinema without mace or smuggled candy
we lean toward aggressive heros in passive modes
we wrecked the kite in a powerline and lived
we got drunk off of trestle rain we threw spitwads
we groom bed for action we install security systems for cribs
we sing only when not showered by shards
we polka tango breakdance but never swing
we drove over the city for a bag of lousy grass
we work for those who eat and sleep also
we slop tweet and compete for a living we told the cops nothing
we became the fled shadows that haunt extradition
we smoked the evidence in a sunset of style
we sold the portfolio to a wildlife conservatory
we poke our forks in the mud for spring taters
we eat the pototos and garlic

written March 20, year unknown--the dalles.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Combating BDS Act of 2019

"Baldwin (D-WI)
Booker (D-NJ)
Brown (D-OH)
Carper (D-DE)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Harris (D-CA)
Heinrich (D-NM)
Hirono (D-HI)
Kaine (D-VA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Markey (D-MA)
Merkley (D-OR)
Murphy (D-CT)
Paul (R-KY)
Reed (D-RI)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schatz (D-HI)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Udall (D-NM)
Van Hollen (D-MD)
Warren (D-MA)"

This bill authorizes assistance and weapons transfers to Israel, and extends defense cooperation with Jordan. It establishes additional sanctions related to the conflict in Syria, and allows states to divest from entities boycotting Israel.

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2019

The bill reauthorizes through FY2028 Foreign Military Financing to Israel. It extends loan guarantees to Israel through FY2023, and authorizes the President to transfer precision-guided munitions to the country.

The bill directs the President to report on steps taken to help Israel secure a strategic trade authorization exception.

United States-Jordan Defense Cooperation Extension Act

The bill extends through 2022 arrangements that allow certain defense articles to be transferred to Jordan on an expedited basis. The bill also directs the President to submit a report to Congress assessing the costs and benefits of establishing a fund to support private investment in Jordan.

Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act of 2019

The bill directs the Department of the Treasury to determine whether the Central Bank of Syria is a primary money-laundering concern and, if so, impose special measures on transactions involving the bank. The bill also imposes sanctions on individuals providing support for the Syrian government.

Combating BDS Act of 2019

The bill allows a state or local government to adopt measures to divest its assets from entities using boycotts, divestments, or sanctions to influence Israel's policies. Such measures shall meet various requirements, including those related to written notice and comment.

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

trump is fascism

Franklin Delano Roosevelt 

"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. 

That, in its essence, is fascism — ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power."

Sunday, February 03, 2019


"N the 11th century, chronicler Adam of Bremen
 recorded in a scholion of his Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum that a statue of Thor
 whom Adam describes as "mightiest",
 sat enthroned in the Temple at Uppsala 
(located in Gamla Uppsala, Sweden) 
flanked by Wodan (Odin) and "Fricco".
 Regarding Odin, Adam defines him as "frenzy"
 (Wodan, id est furor) and says that he
 "rules war and gives people strength 
against the enemy" and that the people 
of the temple depict him as wearing armour, 
"as our people depict Mars". 

According to Adam, the people of Uppsala had appointed priests (gothi) to each of the gods, who were to offer up sacrifices (blót), and in times of war sacrifices were made to images of Odin

A 10th-century manuscript found in Merseburg, Germany, features a heathen invocation known as the Second Merseburg Incantation, which calls upon Odin and other gods and goddesses from the continental Germanic pantheon to assist in healing a horse:

Phol ende uuodan uuoran zi holza.
du uuart demo balderes uolon sin uuoz birenkit.
thu biguol en sinthgunt, sunna era suister,
thu biguol en friia, uolla era suister
thu biguol en uuodan, so he uuola conda:
sose benrenki, sose bluotrenki, sose lidirenki:
ben zi bena, bluot si bluoda,
lid zi geliden, sose gelimida sin![20]

Phol and Woden travelled to the forest.
Then was for Baldur's foal its foot wrenched.
Then encharmed it Sindgund (and) Sunna her sister,
then encharmed it Frija (and) Volla her sister,
then encharmed it Woden, as he the best could,
As the bone-wrench, so for the blood wrench, (and) so the limb-wrench
bone to bone, blood to blood,

limb to limb, so be glued.

celanese building blocks acetic acid


"Two Leading Oil Independents Reported in Separate Mergers; Kerr‐McGee Linked With U. S. Smelting, Large Producers of Metal—Champlin Is In Discussions With Celanese"

"Celanese has a process to make ethanol from natural gas"


Interstellar medium

Interstellar acetic acid was discovered in 1996 by a team led by David Mehringer[78] using the former Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association array at the Hat Creek Radio Observatory and the former Millimeter Array located at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory. 

It was first detected in the Sagittarius B2 North molecular cloud (also known as the Sgr B2 Large Molecule Heimat source)

The cloud is composed of various kinds of complex molecules, of particular interest: alcohol. 

The cloud contains ethanol, vinyl alcohol, and methanol. This is due to the conglomeration of atoms resulting in new molecules. The composition was discovered via spectrograph in an attempt to discover amino acids. 

An ester, ethyl formate, was also discovered, which is a major precursor to amino acids.

Samochornov, State Dept. Double Agent, Trump Tower

"Samochornov, an American citizen, has worked as a translator for Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who led the meeting with Donald Trump Jr. on June 9, 2016.

Samochornov translated for Veselnitskaya while she represented a Russian defendant in a money-laundering case in federal court last year and accompanied her to Belgium to promote a film critical of a U.S. anti-money laundering law.

"Samochornov has a long track record of interpreting for governmental agencies and dignitaries, including Russia’s leading human rights activist and the U.S. State Department. 

He holds an M.A. in linguistics from the Institute of Foreign Languages in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, and an MBA from the University of Washington."

"Samochornov is bound by professional conduct not to talk publicly about discussions with clients. The American Translators Association lists in its code of ethics and professional practice that interpreters’ ethical and professional duty to “hold in confidence any privileged and/or confidential information entrusted to us in the course of our work.”

"Samochornov’s work for Veselnitskaya extended outside of the courtroom. 

Veselnitskaya formed a nonprofit group called the Human Rights Accountability Global Initiative Foundation, which employed Akhmetshin as a lobbyist. 

The group’s stated purpose is to restart the adoptions of Russian children to the U.S. by repealing the Magnitsky Act.

In April 2016, Samochornov interpreted for Veselnitskaya at an aborted screening of an anti-Magnitsky Act documentary in Belgium.

Federal prosecutors claimed in court that Samochornov was an “officer” of Veselnitskaya’s group. 

In one exchange from May 2017, prosecutors and defense attorneys sparred over whether Samochornov should be allowed to serve as an interpreter for Denis Katsyv, owner of Russian company Prevezon on trial for money laundering

"“He has apparently been engaged in lobbying efforts that seem to have some connection to at least the defendants’ lawyers in Washington,” assistant U.S. attorney Paul Monteleoni said, according to a court transcript.

 “We understand, he is the officer of a nongovernmental organization founded along with one of the defense lawyers. It’s a little different from our interpreters.

Mueller Kaveladze Mukassey Kremlin GOP

"The idea of hosting that year’s contest in Russia was raised over dinner by Paula Shugart, Trump’s top Miss Universe executive, according to Emin Agalarov. 

In a little-noticed interview published in July, Emin said Trump’s organisation seemed to be in need of the money that Moscow could offer. 

We have a lot of debts,” he quoted Shugart as saying. 


Less than two weeks before the Miss Universe finals, Putin awarded Agalarov the prestigious Order of Honor medal, after Crocus had completed for him a billion-dollar transformation of a former military base into a new state university.

“I wish to thank you so much for your work and contribution to the development of this country,” Putin told Agalarov and his fellow honorees.

 Crocus would go on to be further rewarded with more government construction contracts, including for stadiums that are to be used for next year’s soccer World Cup tournament in Russia."


 Kaveladze has in fact been an associate of some of Russia’s richest and most powerful people for the past three decades.

The Guardian has established that Kaveladze was involved in the $341m takeover of a US company by a Russian mining firm belonging to an associate of Putin, and was a business partner to two former senior officials at Russia’s central bank.

In 2003, the Colorado-based firm Stillwater Mining was bought by Norilsk Nickel, a metals corporation in Moscow led by Vladimir Potanin, one of Russia’s wealthiest oligarchs, who is so favoured by Putin that he has played on the president’s “Hockey Legends” ice hockey team 

"As part of its $341m purchase of the American firm, Norilsk nominated Kaveladze to be one of its five handpicked directors on Stillwater’s new board, according to a filing by the company to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Kaveladze was billed as the president of “an international consulting boutique” serving a “US and Eastern European clientele”.

The deal was the first time a Russian company had ever taken a majority stake in a publicly traded US company. It was viewed as critical by the Kremlin.

 Putin was reported at the time to have personally advocated for the deal’s approval by US regulators during a meeting with then president George W Bush earlier in 2003.

Norilsk was then co-owned by Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov, another major Russian oligarch, who later sold his stake. Prokhorov, who has had mixed relations with the Kremlin, now owns the Brooklyn Nets basketball team in New York. 

Kaveladze and Prokhorov had been classmates at the Moscow Finance Institute in the late 1980s and formed a partnership selling customised jeans between their studies.

Kaveladze’s ascent to the Stillwater board was eventually derailed, according to a source, after the discovery of his earlier involvement in a $1.4bn California-based scheme involving shell companies and transfers from Russia, which US authorities said may have been used for money laundering. "


"The Guardian previously revealed that Kaveladze’s partner in that operation was Boris Goldstein, a Soviet-born banker whose ties to former KGB officers attracted interest from US investigators after he moved to California in the early 1990s. 

In a remarkable coincidence, the US attorney in San Francisco whose office eventually declined to bring criminal charges over their alleged money-laundering scheme was Robert Mueller, the special counsel now looking into Kaveladze’s reappearance."


"That was the same day that Michael Mukasey, who served as attorney general under George W. Bush, appeared before a panel of three judges on the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit to argue that Prevezon—the Kremlin-tied company then charged with hiding a fraction of a $230 million Russian tax scheme in Manhattan luxury real estate—should be allowed to keep a lawyer it had effectively poached from the other side."

"Just before her now-infamous meeting on June 9 of last year with Donald Trump Jr. at Trump Tower, Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya was in court as a former U.S. attorney general tried to pull off an audacious legal maneuver against the U.S. government.

"The meeting, arranged after Trump Jr. was offered information to “incriminate Hillary” as part “of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump,” had originally been scheduled for 3 p.m., but was moved back an hour because “the Russian government attorney” had to be in court that afternoon, according to the email thread arranging it."

Collusion 101 Trump Cower

Akhmetshin told Senate interviewers that Trump jnr led the meeting, telling them, "He was definitely in charge". 

After small talk about the view from Trump Tower and a recent win in the primaries, the younger Trump got down to business, Akhmetshin said, telling the Russian visitors, "So I believe you have some information for us".

"The promoter told the committee that his client, the Russian pop star and developer Emin Agalarov, had insisted he help set up the meeting between the President's son and the lawyer during the campaign to pass along material on Clinton, overriding Goldstone's own warnings that the meeting would be a bad idea."

Others attending the meeting were Paul Manafort, then the chairman of Trump's presidential campaign; Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner; Ike Kaveladze, a California businessman who was born in Russia; Akhmetshin; and Anatoli Samochornov, serving as a translator for Veselnitskaya, who doesn't speak fluent English.

The documents also included interviews with Akhmetshin, Kaveladze and Samochornov. Veselnitskaya also submitted written answers to the committee.

Kushner, who Grassley previously said had been "spooked" out of testifying, and Manafort, who has since been indicted on money laundering and assorted other charges, did not appear before the committee."

"What I see here is another Russian witch hunt in the United States" Kaveladze/Agalarov

"An accused money launderer representing a Kremlin-friendly oligarch has been reportedly identified as the eighth person at a meeting with Donald Trump Jr. last June.

Irakly Kaveladze was a guest of Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya when she visited Trump and other campaign members in Trump Tower last year, Trump’s lawyer told CNN. The meeting was proposed by billionaire Russian real-estate developer Aras Agalarov.

The billionaire is friendly with President Donald Trump, having hosted his Miss Universe 2013 pageant in Moscow and discussed real-estate deals with Trump.

Paul Manafort Former campaign chairman

Donald Trump JrEldest son

Jared Kushner Son-in-law, senior adviser

Natalia Veselnitskaya Russian lawyer

Anatoli Samochornov Translator

Rinat Akhmetshin Russian-American lobbyist

Irakly Kaveladze Associate of Russian businessman

Rob Goldstone Music producer, publicist

President Trump’s latest explanation for the June 2016

"The eight visitors included Rob Goldstone, the manager of Agalarov’s pop-star son who reached out to Trump; Veselnitskaya, the lawyer with ties to Russian officials who lobbied the U.S. on behalf of Kremlin interests; her translator, Anatoli Samochornov; Veselnitskaya’s D.C.-based lobbyist, Rinat Akhmetshin, who was once accused of an international hacking conspiracy; and Kaveladze."

"Kaveladze was the president of International Business Creations, a Delaware corporation. 

Between 1991 and 2000, IBC and sister corporation Euro-American moved $1.4 billion from Eastern Europe through U.S. banks and back to Europe, the Government Accountability Office found in 2000. 

Kaveladze was not named in the report, but he was reportedly identified as its accused figure. 

What I see here is another Russian witch hunt in the United States,'' Kaveladze told the New York Times in 2000 about the allegations.  

IBC and Euro-American “created corporations for Russian brokers and established bank accounts for those corporations,” GAO said.

 The bank accounts were opened at Citibank and the Bank of New York."

"Approximately 2,000 corporations were formed for Russian brokers, GAO found, and 236 bank accounts were opened at Citi and BONY. An employee of Euro-American told GAO the firm created about 10 corporations at a time for Russian brokers, sometimes making up names for the companies. (Euro-American charged a fee of $350 for each company it incorporated.)

“The president of IBC told us that the bank accounts were formed to move money out of Russia,” the GAO report reads, apparently referring to Kaveladze. "

"Kaveladze denied any wrongdoing. He later said he was the victim of an anti-Russian campaign."
Former campaign
Trump Jr.
Eldest son
senior adviser
Irakly Kaveladze
Associate of
Music producer,
Former campaign
Trump Jr.
Eldest son
senior adviser
Irakly Kaveladze
Associate of
Music producer,
Former campaign
Trump Jr.
Eldest son
senior adviser
Irakly Kaveladze
Associate of
Music producer,