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Sunday, June 10, 2018

ruskie moocher Trump episode (2005)

Nature on a cracker,
"Sssssschpeak inkglish" it vehemented.
Pools of rapid fog
Wrapped the cityscape. 
Freeway blizzard closing costs.
Mice in valor cages, varnish.
Sizzled fat. Loose horizons.
Blemished saladbar produce
Burbled a poet podium
Made of hyacinth skulls
There to taught new stitches
In her dress emblazoned
In oats and good deal horses
If you buy fur by the acre 
Said the ruskie mooch,
"Mooch yer own accoutrements"
Liking his friction half sanctioned
He told the doberman
Tree ears bent wind
Into nature on the
Edge of said cracketeering

Part 2: gizmoz
Part 3: arguments 1 cannot lose
Part 4: music's envelope

The snacking giant birds
And newborn turtle riots by 
Crapcastles where
The upper crust is losing
To better lower castes
The solid wave took it asurge
With a trumping suck

Episode 5: missionaries gun
Their way to the rebel voodoo tribe 

The dalles, oregon

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