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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Bloetgoet Women in Swale Canyon, Washington

oops apps lapse dark-ops

Typical, I post
My critical
Peace piece( oops
Left out Apple

Used facebook
And installed messenger
On my dumb phone

Now the dashboard
On this blog is

Friday, June 29, 2018

peace piece

Piece of shit Google
Piece of shit Facebook
Piece of shit Microsoft
Piece of shit Palantir
Piece of shit Oracle

baby in a basket

All 3 of my daughters
Were born at home
Surreal was the first home birth
Paid for by the Oregon health plan
Nov 1993, she had 3 professional midwives
And a birthing tub for the 30 hour push.
Isis was magically born
During the planetary alignment in
May 2000, haiku. Maui
She had a beautiful generous midwife
Friends with woody harrelson,
We flew 2 weeks b4 the due date,
We left 3 weeks after her birth
It was perfect. Two years later
Mesa was ready
To get born, and our awesome
Renegade midwife had moved to
Portland. Mesa born in 2002,
Only half a mile from the home
Where surreal was born 8 years earlier.
Sarah was on call doula,
2 year old Isis
Half awake as sister was born.
Both heroic moms
All super naturopathic doctors
Birth is not
A place for hospital hooks germy
Strangers. Birth is holy
Intimate contact sport.
So get the story here from
The one paying
Paying attention to details .
A good dad like me
Is always there in every human heart
Ready to emerge, grow, progress
Learn, defend and feed.
Let humans be animals
Not cogs of a corporate state.
Let nature be nature
Or taste reality chewing your life cord
Floating 42,500 feet in the sky
Like Hawthorne c. Gray
Launching off fort anomaly
Baby in a basket
Ain't we all

pro choice 1656 American

Thank goodness
Thank millions of protests
Activists and working women
Thank the iww and ACLU
Thank the Constitution
Thank those who
Protect sidewalks for free speech
Thank Nature for legal safe
Thank courage and grit and backbone
For the right to fight for liberty
Thank choice
Thank science
Thank donors sponsors and benevolent acts
Thank condoms and the pill
Thank basic sex ed in school
Thank holding hand men
Thank those who stand up
Thank goodness thank abortion
Thank prerogative and aspirin
          For lacking these
We have no civilization
We got no rights
We got rapist's babies in our womb
We got wronged
We got less than a free range duck
We got zero peace 
We got fundamentalist fascism
Thank the Constitution
Thank Nature
Thank science
Thank tough decisions and sterile rooms
Thank women thank you
And then drink some water
And get to work

pink and yellow roses

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Best vegan burger in Oregon, Bgood Burger

Black bean
Brown rice
Sweet pepper
Spices and herbs
Olive oil

Bgood vegan burger


Don't experiment with alcohol
Kids, know better.
Sips turn to slups turn to sloshed
Age 15 was too early
Too early for moi
Look at those red flags
Lil brother even more dire than me
Got caught with booze
On a school field trip,
Got shit faced on sangria age 10,
Vomit he white carpet to crimson
Got caught shoplifting,
Little brother, and when booze
Broke mom and dad and the bathroom
Mirror, aim that blame
At the oil stained bottle
Cadmium cobalt verdigris pthalo.
Aim at your hero
The disdain, why maw took you
8 hours away to a foreign south
And you packed a pistol
In high school. Be honest,
Self righteous dupe O dad.
There was a better
More healthy way, growing mind and
Body and being young,
Little upper lip fluff tuffstuff
On the bmx bike and camos.
Me, I had a job at 15
Where college age waiters would
Always buy us a bottle,
Or we'd act 18 and just drink
That suds at Eskimo Joe's
And smash a glass with the first,
Wrought by being witness
To bad actions influenced by....
Experiments. Better wait 
Tho I hear it's too late,
Let them try it said Nature.
Just a sip like France.
There's no age on other things
In France, too, goes hand in gland,
Loss of control
Loss of innocence 
Lost and can't find the keys or panties.
It's never too late 
Regarding wait. Simply halt the
Malt, the weight, the tax of toxins
Ellubient isn't the word on
The tip o tongue. Ask mom and
Sisters other mom,
Puke and driving blind and betrayals.
Don't be tipsy till its time.
Wine is magic, wear those gloves you
Get at age 21, 25. We're not invincible,
We're fragile, strong, weak and tough.
Wait the wear and tear.
Don't take it from me,
Listen to history and burst door jambs,
It will be them or you and the
Juice fooling yer compass, normally
So spot on smart. Go back
In time, and wait. Wait. Wait.

mom and her bronze 1966

surrealistic forest Bloodgood's art mafia pappy

STILLWATER — An artist known for realistic forest landscapes is more abstract — but preserves the tie with nature — in a new show in Stillwater.
The artist is Oklahoma State University professor emeritus Dean Bloodgood, who is in a two-man exhibit with Lawton artist Jay Bonifield.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Google recognizes Palestine

Why can't everyone
Get along?

greyfield hours

Yes it's called insomnia
Thanks old gal
Fought by text with my butter half
Can't sleep yet all those
20 years not down a drain
Not wasted on our 3 daughters
Going to a lush gray field
All our good piss
Making life greeen pillows for
Our daughters
Why sleep when mind exhumes
Why not Indian leg wrestle
The covers off my shitcan heart all
Eternity like that sleepless
Week I lay poisoned
In the woods nearly 20 years ago
Bit by bit by Love

forgreave, fortwit

Nudge not, lest ye get nudged
Dong unto others as they donged you
Forgreave and fortwit.
Turn the check if slapped 
Easier to thread a camel
Just don't nudge on a budget.

Pope scoopalot?

Who in Italy
Visits this blog
70-80 visits
Every other day?

I'm intrigued 


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Deadwood, Peter Couchman

Cheyenne Indian Agency
Peter Couchman
Married to my
Great grandfathers sister
Mary Bloodgood
She died, he
Went on to BIA agent head
Of Sioux only a few years
After wounded knee massacre.
Couchman opened first
Mental illness facility
To jail them differently,
More in keeping with the
Assimilation mandate.
He did back his native officers
When they slew a white man
Who'd married and beat his Lakota
Wife. O Mary ,
What you missed, when Deadwood
Was all mud and cocksucking hooligans.
Cheyenne Indian Agency.

all my peeps in Palestine!

Monday, June 25, 2018

the poet lariat, Bloodgood Cutter

Obviously he was
A Bloodgood,
As his mom was msry Bloodgood.
Obviously he was
A Cutter.
Well said, he was foremost
A yokel
Bible thumping gump style twit
With lotsa loot and land
Big neck slum 1867

Donald Hall, to read poetry book cover

On top of the books in my room
RIP well worn poet

Doon Iowa tsar sands Oil

Did Google inform
You of the 230,000 gallons
Of tsar sand oil
Polluting air water land
In a stew of floodwaters
Emptying into rivers
That supply Omaha their
Drinking water
What about billions of fish
Birds frogs turtles snakes
Coyote deer rabbit insects
Did Google
Let you know, or do you prefer
To not? The dirtiest crude
The most toxic
Fracked out of Canada
Dumped in flooded fields
As field and rivers join and merge
33 derailed train tankers,
Just full steam ahead
Into the water 
No tracks in sight full steam
BNSF warren Buffet
And Conoco Phillips, good work.
Who care, it just Doon.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

America's 2nd* oldest nursery---established 1790. Bloodgood Nurseries

Ben Franklin, George Washington
They shopped swapped
Seeds with Bloodgoods.

bloggod seeds and trees 1659 flushing NY

Conoco Phillips tar sands oil spill in Iowa

230,000 gallons
Of tar sands crude
In floodwater rivers

BNSF.... Warren Buffet

Who drives a 33 tanker
Train into floodwaters
Covering the tracks?

loud& order competents

Lard&odor boots drumpf
Down wall street 2K street,
Lord&porters shoehorn 
Law to smell
One annudder
Get it? Loud&borders,
Lawn hoarder.
Nero competents.

radio reaches

Radio reaches
Landlocked sirens
Teaching new zeus tricks
Their sonorous
Berg melting lies
Radio teaches ear
         Old glasses
Sink, slipshod don,
Down neath dim dungeons
Radio leeches primeval medicine
Our swamped peaks
Can't harbor in good conscience
Under fascism
Radio unleashes the leashes leashes

Thursday, June 21, 2018

fort anomaly, the dalles

champlin, fina, citgo, total

Estonia Nigeria

Romania France Poland
Luxembourg Russia Estonia
Spain Indonesia Nigeria


tygh valley cadillac

50, 000 visits

50,000 page views
We're nearly there
So what smile
1st amendment flex 

blot 9

Bees lavish life as beaver welds
Knotted runes in his lair, 
elk ruts to rut,
Marmot a trout shredded 
As marmot
The lynx cub garnished, woodpecker
Drums over the fire-ate clearing,
Turtle necks the
Sun, the swan clarifies again
      again again

blot 8

Our animal metronome tocktalk
Pulled nether-hither willy nilly
Minerals in marrow
Our deciders, bends minds toward
Dusk merganser dives
After shimmers elusive 
Sun fleshed scales
Far under outboard motor choppers
The oblique towrope hitching photosynthesis
Like a pet in reverse
Led to not blotgood, 
good blooms to
Later flourish whatnot
Glances at the wrist the wrest (the rest
Angels grapple)
      caeleno storms off,
Amobeas and tardegrades dance
       A no leggy polka
We learned back in pre drool

blot 7

Humming humanbird, harpy
Hovering holistic
Hologram, heart heavy hero
Honey honed home helper
Hung hard Highness
Holy holy holly hops 
Hummingword hunch heap
Hungry harmless 

blot 6

Dirty plate tectonics
the crash of cosmic bustubs
Overworked cogs shatter cohesion
Rippling suburban brick tombs, out spill
Living zombies fingers edible sporks
The wave of our future
Self consuming neighborhoods,
Fracked of virtue, left as a ruptured coccon
Or spent planet
Said the oilygarch picking his teeth
Wih a baby wishbone,
       attached to San Andreas
Area fundraisers
        for planet killing swine

blot 5

Her carved narwhale chastity belt
A myth read wrongly 
in stars illomened
Floating prone in a longboat
         oakkeeled dream
Pouch story full for nine light years alone
Rationed water drips
Manna down the sail
Her silkworms singing and minding a helm
Intent on artful drifting,
Her fingers rippling time space, So What
She murmurs lushly to the narwhale
Pulling horizon before all craft
On tethering sun 
To earth's flimsy purpose 

blot 4

Caught fish marinate cold eying the fire
Under lightning blooms
Behind ocean distant sky at last twilight
Noble trout sans guts
Lowered onto coals of burnt ox bones
As thunder hums the mile thick
Mistake of man
Known as concrete said the tree and
Roots to the trouts best cool ear

blot 3

Clearing blackberry swords
Thirty foot long razor wired evening
berries dark good
Just out of justice's preach
A fist full of dolors 
Fencing blackberry cords slashing
A hydra to cut one a thousand grow
Black berry tart and dusty
All summers photo
Soon a pie, america, no longer
Filled with with trapped birds
Their cries our crust cowers 
In carharts leapt at twilight speeding

blot 2

Barefoot planets tread cacti coordinates
Childlike curious, less
Worldly smart ( ahem exhibit T
Strings catgut theory for streamers
On the fence hop show,
Hosted by make believe black holes
Elephdonkie puce, well roasted,
Smudging the Constitutional morass
So longview photon scans from hydra
Must sift thru muck for
Where to plant the quantum 
Iridium gold ideas,
Seeds unsawn, elements as yet fetal
Winking over time's sultry shoulder,
Sunburnt strap marks
Reflected in light water pools

blot 1

Warm windy sultry sim
mersummer over
Sumptuous allsense 
heart plug tug
Stirs steers 
amok aligned

Luxembourg handmedown castle

Princess de lannoy
Of Luxembourg,
Send your
Handmedown tiaras
To the booth
Under the Burnside bridge,
Time to downsize
Time to share with yer cousin bloggod

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

the world is her acorn

She was due when the animals
Called her out, join us, join us
Midwives circumspect guess
All wrong, mom in labor 30 days
"Early" as I hurry back
From La honda art festival
Cuz someone spiked our driveway
Lo and behold
Good thing I got back when I did
Was it one week later?
You went into labor
Out in the woods
In our straw bale stone floored oasis 
With toddling Isis,
The malamutes and ducks
Ready for regular
Primal programing, you at 10 pm
Already dilating with an oak smiling moon
We call pasha our midwife
90 miles off in the city,
She's worried month early? No,
Wrong due date, and being sage safe wise
We abandon our plan
To birth in natural seclusion 30 minutes
To any hospital, and drive to
Portland, the birth canal wide by the hour,
Howling the landlady awake
All night, she arrived
Over the narrow pass into father hands
Same as sister Isis
While big sister surreal the midwife welcomed
With me looking on, learning
Mother exhausted, roaring in peace trials,
Loving and hating life
To say never more, once perfection
Such as mesa arrives,
A 6 pounder, like sisters, like me,
On time and squeaky fresh
Doted on by two grandparents the day you
Made the journey,
No name at first other than sweetums
Surreal had just left for Iowa,
Now 16 yards later in the inchworm stampede
Your pet squirrels
And dusty longboard, friends, pet rats, peeves,
Swimming the width
Of the Columbia at age 4
That was remarkable
Even for a ninja whose name rumi
Has compassion by the leash
As she cares and carries the family wait wait
Weight, not afraid of the crinkles
Anymore, only tepid to 
Ford the unseen road runs under life's creek
The mesa scoured stands, a castle
For her rumi to thereby survey
A lofty mind
A broad and granite base
The colors of mineral creation 
Hair thick as night ever dreams
If you want to be an astronaut, just do it
Like Hawthorne gray
At fort anomaly in 1899, trained to break
Hearts and records and fix imaginations outer orbs
Mesa rumi
Mesa rumi

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

carpe diem ant

A desert eagle a tiny finch the big wind
Rivers awestruck
Toward avian antics
Clouds loft effortless cuts
Over the chicken coop buffet
)(  Lightning,                      far off
Lawnmowers unflinching 
mow the row O
Raspberry canes thread blackberry veins
The carpenter ant
Exits a fresh split log, unscathed 

Saturday, June 16, 2018

NYC flushing 1656

Milan ooh LA LA
Corfu Geneva Paris


vaders ein mutters

And kompromat
And Pat Darlington
And little itty
Pity, so very OK.




And good moms
And dads
And all kids

stumpwater, OK 74075

Glug glug
Koysaanisqatsi 3.2 beta,
Oklahoma out of balance,
Red red mad
Full of glug glug oil bigots
Full of squandered brains
Empty canbutwon't
Half full fool
Cheater class teach 
Posing the still life spread eagle,
Act decent,
For Hefnersake.
Old central pile of rubble
The shareateen center by the stonewall
Boyclub and Eskimo Floes
T Rex stadium bedlam trash
Late for class, dean. Grow up,
Be a two ball man.

now's fake border

Genius babies
Raised us
At the border,
Out of the Rio mud

America, non
Existent sans
Fresh blood
Parents and inalienable

Corporate rule
Isn't personhood,
We aren't bargaining chips
For mob rule fat cats

Genius babies dream
Sure, and fix
The future,

Kidnapper klown
don dim dung, go to hell
On that vile bible 
Weapon-ICEd non


Played horseshoes
Played Frisbee
Fed the bunny lovage
Slept in a spring hammock,
Normal for a day
Lasting 47 years
Washed my feet burns from pulled car
-pets, had a pretend brother
Played house in a tree
Pass me the tin can,
Gimme a ring.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

ugly 83rd

Ugly nasty low life vermin,
Gave you half life so put that perm in
It'd radder slink a cesspool drink
That ferret added mink

Ugly high brow chump
You smell like OG dumps
Torsoe worse than schlop
One scrapes off the dock

Ugly barkeep witch
You tick my U S niche
East of 83rd
Bite greasy all night turds

Ugly panoramic song
My optic wrongs


I'm asleep in the life hammock
My parents Love 

pdx bigot war

Hey Ellen Rosen bloom
Hey Kate bigots don't like you
Hey civil rights

I die each time
For us

I see the war
It's nasty Trump colored fascist k

eat shit traitor, June 14

It's near flag day, so burn a don
Effigy, hold your

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


No flow ride cult
Just weed 4tykes
"Why i'd auta...."

trumpets 205

Piece of shit men
Pyramids of bucks
No balls
No antlers
No smarts

Wads of dick,

soweast quiz zine

Bulgarian feta
Several hamms,

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Finnegan baked


But not only
Mentioned. Burnt. The eaves

Their apples

itty nitty

So ya feel itty bitty, boo
Watt a pity,
putta some puddytat on derhook
Said da trout in da Brook

Take a ditty
Make that song
Lay a city
Crown yer gong

Bitch ate 24 7
Guts grate
Better delegate anthems
Over cocks and bantams

Lil itty bitty, boosted yup
Hey bad kitty all that we purssssssd
It so major, it mirror Harold's hearse

Retro bitty biddy
PurseOohh da nilly willy
They were there, and itty pity
Went far  on sensibility


Monday, June 11, 2018


Hey Poland
Hey Mongolia
Hey Cambodia

Friends. An injury to
One is an injury to all

A yo to yall

Sunday, June 10, 2018

flotsam flotsam. (2005)

The world's a thousand tongues long, kneedeepthick 
Memory sings a river of history tossing our bubbles
Along the horizon until we balance or steam
Hits the cold autumn encompassing,
Until the newest bestests shirk and shun
The signals creasing evening
Into origami feigning ministers and heads of state
We ratify and adhere to the codes of barbarism inscribed
On our ignoble gene troughs
When we deign to dabble in esoteric spasms
Of maudlin mod art, glory swine at the fair
As shallow as a ring toss game
As blank and callused as the ferris man's lever thumb
Hijack your self one liberty every foot a day,
Buddy can you spare a crime?
Mine is mint condition, said sabertoothsoothsayer,
Warble on, weary flotsam

2005. The dalles


ruskie moocher Trump episode (2005)

Nature on a cracker,
"Sssssschpeak inkglish" it vehemented.
Pools of rapid fog
Wrapped the cityscape. 
Freeway blizzard closing costs.
Mice in valor cages, varnish.
Sizzled fat. Loose horizons.
Blemished saladbar produce
Burbled a poet podium
Made of hyacinth skulls
There to taught new stitches
In her dress emblazoned
In oats and good deal horses
If you buy fur by the acre 
Said the ruskie mooch,
"Mooch yer own accoutrements"
Liking his friction half sanctioned
He told the doberman
Tree ears bent wind
Into nature on the
Edge of said cracketeering

Part 2: gizmoz
Part 3: arguments 1 cannot lose
Part 4: music's envelope

The snacking giant birds
And newborn turtle riots by 
Crapcastles where
The upper crust is losing
To better lower castes
The solid wave took it asurge
With a trumping suck

Episode 5: missionaries gun
Their way to the rebel voodoo tribe 

The dalles, oregon

dalles dam. (2004)

A regular poem, built of mythos
Was slapping against the shore of the evening
As the damned engine's third eye cyclops
Punctured the fog
Off the belly of the Columbia river

Migratory birds unlike stuffed turkeys
Filling the aisles of listeria,
To outfly the fork is key strategy 
Here in nature world
Clouds do as

They will, we can piss them off
With planes and radars but they'll
Drift into morphed omens
Beyond all censor's snip-n-tuck discretion,
River and rock, now there's
A relationship built to wilt.

Put condos on the marshes
Call it reclamation victory
4 us ape clan!
The duty of a cementblock is to measure up
A soldier must crumble his pity
A duty of a doilly is to administer grace

So regular poems go,
Decorum duncifies our landscape

The dalles, oregon

own the fold (2004)

Owning the concept of land
Landing a concept
Setting a concept
Owning up to a concept
Lend land an owner
End run around the land
A land of leased.concepts
The lord and leash and the land
Grounding a concept
What concepts owe
Is when
Land begs of map to own the.fold

The dalles, oregon

wishy washy fascism (2003)

Thrice the wind brought a sting with the song
As meals were fast eaten & the coinless were beaten
Under the gables of the tavern
All the fables of the brethren
Tacked like oiled leatherns 
The gutters ran rampant
With souls clutching mugs,
Cheers such bothered the hue of church 
Attempting love's blues
Food borne of heart was free as their swords,
Kisses dealt grace to memoried figments 
Of pigments that ran from The Zoo


Planet X kinda cool, planet G
Hella Nada, and space ships don't kill universes
Universes kill unikorns transpliced 
With sequin techknow ledges

(You may be My Sunshine
But you accordingly expose me to
Deadly radio waves
So fuck off#%-@$ !!!


Versus ran a good race 
As Rather came in
A close first, Squander held taut
The reins at the end of the Global Dock
The chipper ate Would no duh
As Space served its own cover crop


Vamping does the trick
The slickity shit schticht
As USA's stance was a primordial prance
Performed at the country trance
Did I mansion yet
All the dicks were bobbed, 
Their domes scrapped to sell as
Control knobs soon responsible 
4 dusty farts borne of french typhoons
(Toads happy in their slime
Prefer undisturbed to remain, skunky.


River was full of water of a liquid sort
It pushed a smell of grownup creek
Moved out of the house in a huff
As a spring sundrop fell 
healing slender declensions
Rendering you, my love, to my love
As your water to rivers
       is always becoming
Built out of travel
Making a path of inscription reflections O
Time under bridges  O branches


In retreat, sloth fumbled over the glass strewn parking lot, past a hobbled spotted owl, who'd been poisoned by a Greenpeace colored rat,as our tree sitter falls 90 feet across the border to steal a return ticket to terrorville, diplomat made an unwelcome mat for billionaire feet used to wipe politico cats, the helmless family parked the home mess economy in a vast city park, under tarped dreams, by palletboard cradles and schools


We have one mandate,
To love, don't go wrong. If you
Swerve, fists relent. Strong goes limp
& sues, thereafter. Your mandate
Is newclear, so go fuck rusty logs
With timber salesmen,
It doesn't reckon to their
Business prospects.
They exceed review
And twit twit twit with satan signs.
Second world conditions, fresh 
Incisions calculate, then strafe
With sanctions. You
Are a suit stretched over a million
Botched or broken souls.

What a proud price
z USAUSA grade A commands!

2003 the dalles, pregon

Saturday, June 09, 2018

olive parsley basil pizza with pickled peppers

hailstorm around mtTabor minutes ago

a cuss of justice (2003)

I woke up in a stupor and my knees weren't even bent
I broke up in a giggle, my jello so content
I'd wore down all my morals till soul was soundly spent
   But I couldn't no I wouldn't say please

I hushed up and said grace, gravy on my face
I bashed the party growers, a hardon for a mace
I did my part and meant it when I laid the jail to waste
   But fer the photo I did not say cheese

I yessired all the officers and pleaded my case
I drew upon old charm pool, Gibraltar, and my base
I told you when we handcuffed was hardly chaste
   But for the show you were good to go

I splintered up my hangnails, made a picture frame
Glued back my eyelashes, sheltered all the blame
I spoke a long lost fabric and feigned a rabid shame
   But I vote not to let my leaves all blow

I felt a lowly vermin and justified the trap
Chewed off my best credit, tourniqueted my SAP
I jettisoned the headache and did a victory lap
   But I couldn't purge the file

I dwelled in abject entropy, sponsor keeping dibs
Counted out my morsels as they took my tidbits in
Ibrung my story to the cave and hollered Drinker's Lib
   Then took notice of a big hairy trial

I downplayed all the romance, good times gone asgod
I ronnyraygunned memories, said listen to da flood
I swore they were my floatie, my duckie, and my blood
   But I didn't mean to mean what they need

They shot me to a forum, put me on a chair
They voted all the dunes inferior at our fair
They falsified my vapidness, called me on the dare
   And i spread out all my plummage likes bird

They voted me a heathen a king and a fake
I abstained all over the tally, a consumate rake
All all agreed on one thing and that's thou auto forsake.  
   But the object of our scorn was divided

I plead the cuss O justice, O freedom and the dunce
Cuss if yer not all of them, Just one you will be once
The game so tidy neat, my football needs no punts
    But ya love the drama runback that's provided