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Monday, November 27, 2017

autumn lettuce (1989)

a halloween cross of two by fours leans on my living room
wall. feathers and dirty coins on the floor where the dust
has been etched by dragged sheets. a stain on the
bedside wall. the garden next door full of clouds
and autumn lettuce. an auction across the
street, turkey talk. a pumpkin too tiny to
carve. wind back the clock, the phone's
disconnected. lists of things to avoid
doing. naked on the couch, backdoor locked making
slowlove with her shirt on, a vw starts. cow skulls
hung with flags poked in the holes.
melville poems by the potty.
milky coffee, dirty dishes
and a bag of groceries
on the table. celery
and razors. car
door parked by
puddle gape,
step over

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