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Saturday, July 15, 2017

snail words in borscht dossiers

The word of a lobbyist on the gold of his eye?
It ain't mined, you can bank on that.

Kompromat in a sealed dossier? 
Don't launder it, the crease imparts to one's soul a carbon.

Some treasure Presidential, dredged from omen's ocean?
A fusion of fish, bait, and vulture riven war whores.

Nine Mordors, having split 19% of Dark Oil,
fevered lick the Stone mirror clean, 

Torture plans forward as Ravens know, 
dropped Tool into net, to get Vlad kibble,

Fiery pit of treason, Satan's promise boils
into a pustule boil of it's namesake.  Trump jr.

7-15-17 Portland. after Plath's "The Couriers"

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