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Friday, September 05, 2008

don't rescue fanny and freddy, push them into a big green pillow

fannie and freddie are lost in the woods of the world market
they are scratched and a bit bloody by the attack of twigs
and the ravenous bark amidst blackberry catacombs of loserliness avenue

who will rescue poor poor freddie, and fannie.
with the names of orphans from bergman, dear waifs kicked to the winds
by overpilled Execs enamoured of pecks from roostered rosters
and pecuniary impostors

fannie and freddy may have to mate in the wild
to keep the breed going
may have to eat one another, then mate.

who knows, but the tears of these small giants whimpering amidst the cobwebbed horizon
strikes a curdle in my milk. i cannot sup but for their wayward plight.


one doesn't rescue(risk lives in the attempt)----------enormous Corporations from
untenable precipices. one Pushes them to the right

landing spot.

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