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Monday, February 24, 2025

crimes against humanity , Khasoggi


"Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) is an American non-profit organization launched in September 2020 that advocates for democracy and human rights in the Arab world.

 DAWN was founded 

by Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi 

before his assassination.

Leadership, aims and funding


Director Sarah Leah Whitson said it was established based on the "belief that only democracy and freedom will bring lasting peace and security to the Middle East and North Africa."

 Whitson said DAWN would be funded by private individuals and foundations and eschew any government financial assistance

 – in part, precisely because one aspect of its mission is "to hold Western states accountable" for enabling abuses by authoritarian governments"


"ICC urged to investigate Biden for ‘aiding and abetting’ Gaza war crimes

US-based nonprofit Dawn also accuses ex-secretary of state Antony Blinken and ex-Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin" 

"Dawn’s 172-page submission, which the group says was prepared with the support of ICC-registered lawyers and other war crimes experts, alleges that the former US officials violated articles of the Rome statute, the court’s founding charter, in their support for Israel.

According to a press release, the group’s submission to the ICC lays out what it describes as a 

 “a pattern of deliberate and purposeful decisions by these officials to provide military, political, and public support to facilitate Israeli crimes in Gaza”,  

including “at least $17.9bn of weapons transfers, intelligence sharing, targeting assistance, diplomatic protection, and official endorsement of Israeli crimes, 

 despite knowledge of how such support had and would substantially enable grave abuses”. 

Dawn also stated that Trump’s order against the ICC could subject him to “individual criminal liability for obstruction of justice”.

The group also added that if Trump were to implement his proposed plan to forcibly displace all Palestinians from Gaza and to take over the territory, 

it would also subject him to “individual liability for war crimes and the crime of aggression”.


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