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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Warning, Ooey gooey hooey Ahead


Sensitive content?

It's a poem.

It was Flagged before it was published. 

I read the community rules just now. 

I violated none of the stipulated rules. 

I criticized Google recently.

The poem references "sensitive topics." 

This action is spurious. 

I'm guilty of mentioning local politicians, criticism of oligarchs, sarcasm, irony, dark humor, and lampooning far right corporate fascism. 
Guess I hit every button. 


Father of three adult daughters, women.
Poet admitted to Columbia University grad school 1990.
Violinist, musician.
Former landowner.
Former capitalist owner of Fort Anomaly, the Dalles.
IWW member.
Former Democrat.
Oh, some schmuck from Facebook or Willamette Week is a teeny twit?
The Pentagon is threatened?
Commerce is affected?
The CIA has jitters?
AIPAC didn't get my donation?
Nazis have lawyers in primary states?
Google in the Dalles and Columbia Gorge has thin skin. 
 Retribution is Business. 
Where's my Scarlet Letter.
I mentioned Ginsberg adoringly: Blacklist.
The List of Heresy.
Vatican Priests. 
Kill the Messenger.
Free Speech but not examples or Facing Accusers.

Coda Thaw 2/3. 

Pathetic, Overlords. 


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