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Sunday, January 23, 2022

Wet Piles of Pet Wiles (2012)

 let's be productive, let's produce new crap

here is your fresh did i say new product

does it reinforce yer world vision of supreme harmony

or fill the spiritual void with its krumpled donut

all the old crap has been lost

to the grinders of time or it is now unfashionable shit

even free can't sell wrapped in gold foils

the newest bestest stuff is lining the arctic shelf

we have armies guarding their barcodes

we have predator drones thanking the tracks of shipments

we have inflatable santas by the crate

the best product we export is poverty!

when deadpoor, all the crap looks great!

can we eat the new crap

or will edibles germinate in its shadow?

we can sure wait to see

the promise of a did i say new trojan pegasus

its paint is still wet

does a leafblower dry wet crap?

lets order a dozen and see!

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