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Tuesday, September 08, 2020

firebird scat

left laps of luxury unswum
took the easy bus to hell
got on no prob
dropped into the droppings of firebird scat by the lawless injustice vortex
only a few ribbed rioters
gave a 20 for free vegan food at midnight no badged badgers
no porky porcupines nor turdy turtles
nay smoky bears hardly even
sign other than the elk
made of cardboard and spittle
where once bronze dignity held the midfle of Main and cars split the wishbone to not crash
as i said DESOLATE at midnight where last the Trail of CS and munitions boomed in poison fogs that soaked the park bloody dust
i now lay my head in this first night in cigarette human skindust my bed for 5 hours " do you know that guy" no
brothers from gathered in twos and threes they say nada
but see maskless honky eat the same sleep like an animal and barely stir
until dawn and first buses which get me to a friends locked home and hammocks awaiting, only 12 hours later drenched in wildfire smoke amid 60 MPH winds ball lightning and a neighbor tree 40 feet tall that crashes within 20 feet of my
only if angled differently be would have crushed either of two hammocks and Thor God of Thunder
comic book also shredded to the oage in Issue godbutcher two gods nailed to their grove, the homeowners AWOL and tree on her side with arms akimbo
a shittree of heaven losing
leave as the fig and fir gloat and last years hawthorne elves make holy war
in cyclone frenzy

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