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Sunday, May 24, 2020

self wooded acorn (2017)

in burl arms self wooded an acorn woden

gifted off to twilight silvered steps

her sail snow soft

lining gone ways

left shimmered

his palace no forest

but dormant lava forge 

a nest of bees making honey in woden's keep

kept sleep grifted griffins

dined on boiled puffin

no tooth pick but an axe of narwhale mind

hoisting sun north

over ocean grave long smile

to fire up waves moon wrought

or quell mens death lust

iron plants blood deep

dug for acorn beds

long favored her arbor ardour

under springs root-tongued

an egg thatched evening

zephyr breath maiden skip

cross flag stone

time hauled night flown 

felled for rest quest 

eyes self wink woke unbroken

rune steps in silvered snow

covered in glaciers heavy aeon tears

encasing tree home path and door

in woden's winter embrace

time tinseled shut and too slick to traverse

from north winds narwhale blown

down stark solid canyons

negating in silent pleasure the ice

the ice all acorns hear tell of

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