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Sunday, October 13, 2019

dung dog spook smell

i had to heed the bumblebee, as they graced me
with no flower in sight, unless my dusty sweat
were sweet. i took my brushe
to the yard bucket of water,
removed the drowning astronaut and placed
them on the lawn. calling it a day,
the numbers swirling.
off the meet a bus, a hasty car pulls over
a bit ahead down the street. a wild eyed
wolf-dog darted across the street as
the man from the car ran after.
the dog ran to stop and sniff my hand,
he was a newly adopted stray,
as he led it back to his car by his red bandanna collar.
at my destination watering hole,
i watched as a shiny black SUV loitered in traffic
its plates obscured or missing. inside,
a loud bald man
several drinks boisterous held court at the bar,
a napkin-draped beer claiming a seat
for an absentee. the loud bald man
made rude unflattering comments,
reached into my space to point at some dumb ass
thing. i moved down a seat,
lo to more weirdness. like dung beetles
in the dark, looking to be rescued.

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