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Thursday, August 08, 2019

orbital drifts

a year of orbital sanding, my grain all threshed
and born in leaves of skin and loaves of actions
after sudden tumbles make origami 
out of tendons sinews and muscle
that none have a rosetta stone sense of understanding
to decipher, off a makeshift ladder
near pill hill
the capsule glides down to where our bus
does more trodden works, at the base of rotting humanity
intent on rebuilding waist deep in a swamp
blurred in wildfire smog that time
a year ago pick up sticks
balanced ladders spliced onto ladders over bamboo
skewers and shards of former workers
draining into eastmoreland's bog
making ends meet and masking the ceiling of sky
to end up on the gameboard square
the pawn scours the facade of rex to silly putty
a pax interregnum so thoroughly
the ball socket
flies into outer space of no notice nor benefit
yet some surmise it is made of subsidized cheese

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