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Thursday, January 03, 2019

asilted w/star cinders of klickitat county

paths of duty

wars erode and demean
the basis of the world
to exist

heron does his duskish duty
performing a sortie
blackscissor routine

down the creekbed

mirroring the rich flurry
of particles bubbling digitally

from sun's good lung

1997 swale creek, wa

on fire in captivity

dolphins (can) make sounds
so high they are heat
killing other fish
so say
our scientists......also----

understand television
as a simultaneous representation
of abstract reality-----ready

on both accounts for music tv
award show


raised in captivity
(who ain't)
released on bonds promisory
issued thru umbilical


the only alpine parrot
equals innate tenacity
&blown spores
over a cold, well, maybe
lukewarm, cosmos


not to chatter like boring potatoes
that's the trick
to reach people, yer goals,
and a brand new car
full of fun plus nutrition!


the paragon of animals
touched by
bolt of lightning felt
rather special in the bulk poetry section,

hair on fire

1995, pleasantville iowa trip


mantra for a weird alley

witches and plants,
narcs and bugs

only a child born of sun
treads fearless


agents and booze
redtape and voodoo

only a monster of the moon
                stands tearless


accidents and shit,
plots and gonads

---only a dream---
misted of woman

i move the clouds
and go with them

becoming rain

1997 swale canyon, wa


national park

brrrr the luscious winds& purple flowers
living to accompany
pine needled crags of gentility, issuing
from lands indigenous to igneous vocabulary,
sedimentary minds asilted with starcinders,
fractured colors returning the nest
to the broken tree
from which nothing birthed chaos in the presence
of someone washing the television
in rainwaters, sparkling gusts of
lightning-heavied clouds, and meanwhile
squishing out the pattycake people
so each could drive
hearses of oldgrowth poetry into the
kyoto morning sunrise
to introduce bonsai walmart chains

take photos, leave footprints

that's what the Logos discerned
on the fragile basalt

near the video petri dish




beautiful bushome
with electric umbilical extension
affording light

to play its music thru the daze
of fueled imaginations

under eyeballs painted
above our sleepspace,
forgeting watches and dreaming

the plug of pull,
out into country like treeroots,
working soil

to a soft delirium love

1994 glisan st to klickitat


staying, warm

i cut fresh fir limbs
and carpeted the stone floor

around my bed
in the strawbale room over

looking the creek
&its sessions of fog

as the valley temperature
wobbles with the flight of days

skirting the sun

1998 swale canyon washington

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