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Friday, December 28, 2018

oklahoma state university cafeteria (1986)

i sit and wait in the university cafeteria

for my coffee to cool. "and what about that

good 'ole boy from midwest city? he was kinda

slow." two overweight businessmen

wear ugly brown ties. ugly

okies and leering foreigners park in the cafeteria

to watch the fatassed coeds carry their heaping

salad platters. the ugly

men have notebooks graphpaper and big calculators

strewn about their tables.

the middle easterners lounge with empty milk cartons and

spilled wild rice. when they go to class

they occupy the front row and

study most dilligently while at home in the dorm.

here in the cafeteria, they watch

american bacteria socialize

OSU 1986


Tillerson was born on March 23, 1952, in Wichita Falls, Texas, He was raised in Vernon, Texas; Stillwater, Oklahoma; and Huntsville, Texas.

"At age 14, he began to work as a bus boy in the student union building at Oklahoma State University.

 Two years later in 1968 he became a janitor working in one of the engineering buildings at the university.

On weekends, he worked picking cotton."

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