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Sunday, July 08, 2018

time suck flotsam, jetsam

show up to same old new work
whaddya know, calebs from driftwood
and the homeowner went to KU the same time as me,
what movies do you like is the banter 
over the hot loud heatguns
he says he watched a 1992 dracula with whatshisname
tony banderas i ask nah, that other guy
then the next night 4th of July on the midnight tellyvision
by random is antonio lestat's dad
and brad pitt and tommy cruz in interview with
the umpire, sure a coincidence
and then caleb don't show to work the 5th
he got t-boned in a carwreck
he was in the hospital as i watched the holy
-wood vamps, same old new work
between sips of clear clear
water, homeowner brings his music,
ween, hey i met those guys at pine street theater
when golden delicious opened
piss up a rope, put on the gloves
show the gibby in driftwood photos from 1988
a bag of ribs and the graphix bong
but we had a flat on fell and oak, 
fred douglas plaza
and les claypool from primus came by
to huff nitrous from ballons big as state fair pumpkins
a primal high the same old new work
maybe you didn't know the old hipeye from the Crossing
or that chuck mead plays the grand old opry now
or that garth brooks warmed up the hideway cabin
on lake carl blackwell in 1986
and ate all the celery out of the potato salad to fuel
his shotput arms, same old new song
a horseshoe ringer with the horse still attached
if i was gonna be a gump it woulda been from alisha and
linda and kermit but the chiseled gravestone of 
romance was heaved into the Kaw and Ark City river
along with other willow love garden vinyl
before the flaming lips went up in snarksmoke
before the butthole surfers had a hit single
the fly on the blot godwall
just a maze of eyes and ears and a thousand years
in a crypt( O logical
morass, just ask the Transylvanian Codrescu
down in LSU under the banyan and magnolia 
flowers devouring coeds in flytraps of academic sugar
the same old lures 
how to bite and slip off the barb fame dangles
easy new old slough of skin from a ranchhanded hack
some day you'll namedrop
me but i'll be long, long here and foo tar away
too far portrayed in connected blurs and 
the nanny of 27 year old mockstars leadbellied
in the pines planted in 1659 from grafted 
vlissingen splinters off St Georges in Flushing
as the doctors probe light looks at the retina and pupils,
this one island in time washed over by waves
from that thai cave drama all the same new old heroics
umbilical cords
oxygen, holding breath suspense the ladder of elements
study steady hands it ain't who you know
it's where you remember the rungs of the party line
it ain't who you eat, it's where you eat them 
says epicureans sophistry from a hunger pantry
4 centuries deep in loam and asphalt
a vegan worm with two front ends and middle
full of the same old song in segments
fetch the dog a bone and drop a nickle in the 
beggar cup for a minstrel's fiddle-roots curled o'er
the clock, the same old faust deal
just ask egmont under the chopping block
or lo john brown the meteor of the war
his beard streaming said melville from his relative
obscurity having written the greatest novel of all time
as bloodgood cutter the lariat poet
who Twain mocked as in Innocent Abroad
walked collecting rent from widows along Big Neck
the vamp's favorite food source, same old work

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