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Wednesday, September 02, 2015

flushed ice broker

pull yer icesheet over smoundery
star eyes set ablazed
dig a grinch off the resevoir
drop retardants or mres
they bounce, ash motes race
draw lines in the dustance
anthropomorphize  dot
bring the dot in on air farce one
put cubes in the donor tumbler
move villages with executive nods
map out deadzone, name icecream
flavor bluegreenalgae
drink a bottle of reindeer
grab some pickled eggs from communal jar
introduce flush toilets as a gift
g. jettison the paparazzi on the tarmac
swill a song of sisyphus
drink dregs in dirigibles
reward oily incorrigibles
flame rushmore glacier team OKusa
sell out our springs for a bumpee ride
casino terrain, refrain refrain,
rock and roll and roll and rock
secrete sequestration, arctic armed plantation
i'll ask ya alaska again
fetch boober in the basin
clear the logjammy ted stevens
bridge a money built trip,
start up the ice broker

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