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Saturday, December 01, 2007

siamese stuntvaudes

mr. whipple and eveil kneivel are now seen as siamese stuntvaudes:

we have little sense, motivations, or strategies of the key players. Baghdad is held by the Ghraibists, who are lying, slinking for now. Basra is uncontrolled chaos, with Sand families in a low-grade, long-term struggle for power. There is now a relatively coherent question:why isn't the illegit guvamint of the usa listed by klink as a key player

I think that's Clearly the situation on little sense of the long-term motivations or strategies of the key players. Baghdad is held by the Sapfists, who are uncontrolled chaos, in a low-grade, longstruggle for a relatively coherent potential militilitia of explosive questions of who controls the lock, for the key players.

their anti-war leader has taken this position. their anti-war leader has taken this position.

their anti-war leader has taken this position.

war leader has taken this position. this position, occupied, was taken by both sides, as the coin stoodunder its antiwar head.
with the extremeties of threats mostly under GAO oversight, FISA gobbled ulysses...but i digress.
with the extremeties of threats mostly under GAO oversight, FISA gobbled ulysses...but i digress
these are uncontrolled chaos. these are the abdications of the Salivafists. Clearly, Jown owns his J!
Or, that gasoleeny stuff,can be rusted and reapered. send our gallons home!
no wonder murtha was g. washinpun's naynay.
(i'll be a transparent referee when you're a magnetic fieldgoal.)
after all, what's the mission? our excellent oil, squeezed from the humpback Democrat. characterized to the point of elucidation, the last key player has ghraibed this position.
murtha is repaired. 70,000 executive persecutions and you can google eyes that ulysses missed. coherently, the surge carried the troops hours, the troops trojan horse, the troops apostrophic syphillis, the excellent oil of mhyrrtha. franken'sense was burned, premature.
lee abdicated to grant, suffi to sunni, though turks will kill all ways the miss moffet kurds.
continue to raise the hackles. shackled, the key players will sing.

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