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Thursday, November 30, 2023

"Scientists studying the birds on King George Island in Antarctica found 

 they nod off more than 10,000 times a day,  

allowing them to keep a constant eye on their nests, 

 protecting eggs and chicks from predators. "

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Smell touch deposits

 How does virtue earn its glow, 

By trust our balance in principle grows, 

A sheen of radiance covers the brook, 

Ice over waters flowing nook 

Nestled in mud we winter time's slog, 

Growing whiskers, barbels in alluvial grog, 

Our ration of furnace lighting the heart 

Howls castle ramparts brick- lessly apart 

Our brood nestles closely in family dark, 

Water's ubiquity the catfishes lark 

By smell touch deposits and billions of years, 

Awaiting some tidbit nature's drifted arrears  

Three inches with fins in a pod all dependent, 

Innumerous variables likewise incumbent. 

"Many larger catfish also have chemoreceptors across their entire bodies, which means they "taste" anything they touch and "smell" any chemicals in the water. In catfish, gustation plays a primary role in the orientation and location of food"


How Well, ( not Powell's)  

Monday, November 27, 2023

A web of balance


yellow-billed cuckoo 

tufted puffin 

 Columbian sharp-tailed grouse  

 Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit 

grizzly bear 

Oregon silver-spot butterfly.


When we'd pull off 142

Top of the grade 

It was a couple miles to our destination

There by the ramshackle farmhouse, dilapidated trucks 

Rotting porch returning to nature

With humans living in accessory mobile home, the road solid but worn by a century of big trucks and there foot snows 

Across this single lane rut 

Would dart the quail, quizzically running 

Alongside bunnies making haste toward blackberry labyrinths 

Wintertime, herds of 50 deer 

Coyote sirens who knows how far off calling long distance 

People weren't meant to have more guns than cunning there 

Balance under the transmission lines strutting over salmon, 

A body of water at the base of drainage for 1000 acres of field 

Full of tadpoles in summer, 

Aflutter with bird most year round 

It's all precious enough to defend, the balance. 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

 Who's that hiding behind a tree 

It's the fir hiding, not me 

Knows the axe 

I know some facts 

No one gets infamy free 

Lose a limb, spill some sap 

Take a turn on Santa's lap 

Climb the fence or hacksaw late 

That's festive spirit, reprobate 

Or egg nog brandy distillate 


It's easy to chuck on new Year's day 

Bad wires are smoking the crispy display 

Camel's melting in a snow fuchsia pink 

Three wise men need a hose drink 

Jesus fled the manger in code 3 alert 

Pitch a wet towel if anyone's alert 

Landslide covers the sleepy berg below

Clearcut Xmas who'll ever know 

Stolen off the lot 9 ninety nine 

I'll write off as church expense 

It's melancholy crime 

Bulbs flashing in candy melting all over the wrapping, 

The record needle is stuck on Von Traps 

Whiskers, whiskers, whiskey and mittens 

Mittens, blitzen, and sleigh bells glisten 

Each solstice I pine 

For a chug of divine, 

Another fraud placebo 

In the RV gazebo 


Xmas with Grandfather Ralph


Saturday, November 25, 2023

Wood ye cooed (2014)


As if Words

held Title to City

by Love Divested

our soil


swells Banks Inverted

Snow Endows


clearing Makes Way

blot god

wood ye cooed

sun River feeds Sea Time

leave Words

Paper Shop Bags

eat Truth local sprung

as When

Love nurtured

Paid On, not "off"

 Frosty potatoes is what mom would say on mornings like these, coffee mug in hand as she took us to the bus stop in highway 51. It'd be dark, perhaps raining, before seven am, the rural bus route bumping down dirt roads in the opposite direction of school and town. We'd had another breakfast made from scratch, eggs and sausage, toasted homemade bread. Perhaps an omelet or french toast, homemade donuts. Maybe fried potatoes, hash browns, or latkes; potato pancakes. Off to Highland Park for me and Grant. She'd be in her books, or off to the University, just a building away from where Dad taught painting and drawing. Once or twice a week I'd go from elementary class to an hour of private violin lessons from Mr Muller, or subsequent teachers with more patience. I had to practice at home a half hour a day, set by the dual timer on the oven in our small kitchen overlooking our 3 acre home. A martin birdhouse high in a steel pole, the seemingly huge sycamore with a father built treehouse, open mowed grass that accommodated football matches with friends. When it rained in the summer, we streaked around naked, it was that private. That was prior to school age. We were free to roam the countryside. Fences meant little to nothing for the most part. Dirt roads were where brother and I broke out our bikes . We weren't allowed to ride in the highway. We got another piece of land when I was ten. We called it The Land, but it had a 7 acre pond. It'd freeze hard and thick and was good for hockey with a crushed can puck and just the right stick. Everything frosty. We cut our own trees for Xmas every year, had a bonfire for it mid January or February. Years passed. A life passed. The steam passed and became bird breath, bug and coyote stuffing. Mom'd tuck us in, do creep mouse. It was all poetry and music and watching birds feast from our wood heated home. 

Friday, November 24, 2023

Grease monkey

 "I'm gonna beat up some homeless people...." And run my mouth wearing my company jacket, alongside my nicer buddy also wearing his company coat. Great advertising, easy fix. 


Grease monkey hearse rehearsal 

Flunktard calibration stupefaction

Caliper hijinks cerebral entropy 

That's the soused louse 


Banana squeal tired of breath 

Wheezing repartee over his head 

Misled by self, found in salvage 

Mishmash baldheaded corporate serf 

Inadequate on every level 

Overcompensating offskew moron 

Bitch damaged elbow dragging knuckles 

Unable to asswipe his shadow 

What's the effects on a turd embellished

Same hot dog Pennzoil relushed 

Gonna flame easy so greasy it makes the boots tremble  

Walk away like always 

Or stay here in never  


Three Precious Children


"The particle, named Amaterasu after the sun goddess in Japanese mythology, is one of the highest-energy cosmic rays ever detected.

The Amaterasu particle has an energy exceeding 240 exa-electron volts (EeV), millions of times more than particles produced in the Large Hadron Collider, the most powerful accelerator ever built, and equivalent to the energy of a golf ball travelling at 95mph. 

 It comes only second to the Oh-My-God particle, another ultra-high-energy cosmic ray that came in at 320 EeV, detected in 1991."

"one of the "Three Precious Children" (三貴子, mihashira no uzu no miko / sankishi), the three most important offspring of the creator god Izanagi.  


the Kojiki, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and Susanoo were born 

when Izanagi 

 went to "[the plain of] Awagihara by the river-mouth of Tachibana in Himuka in [the island of] Tsukushi"[a] and bathed (misogi) in the river to purify himself after visiting Yomi, the underworld, in a failed attempt to rescue his deceased wife, 


 Amaterasu was born when Izanagi washed his left eye, 

 Tsukuyomi was born when he washed his right eye, 

 and Susanoo was born when he washed his nose. 

 Izanagi then appoints 

 Amaterasu to rule Takamagahara (the "Plain of High Heaven"), 

 Tsukuyomi the night, 

 and Susanoo the seas."


"On May 27, 2021, the Telescope Array experiment detected the second-highest extreme-energy cosmic ray" 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Single blind Stoic


"Alongside Aristotle's ethics, the Stoic tradition forms one of the major founding approaches to virtue ethics.

The Stoics are especially known for teaching that "virtue is the only good" for human beings, and that external things, such as health, wealth, and pleasure, are not good or bad in themselves (adiaphora) but have value as "material for virtue to act upon".  

Many Stoics—such as Seneca and Epictetus—emphasized that because "virtue is sufficient for happiness", a sage would be emotionally resilient to misfortune. 

 The Stoics also held that certain destructive emotions resulted from errors of judgment, and they believed people should aim to maintain a will (called prohairesis) that is "in accordance with nature". 

"Because of this, the Stoics thought the best indication of an individual's philosophy was not what a person said but how a person behaved. 

 To live a good life, one had to understand the rules of the natural order since they believed everything was rooted in nature." 


"Stoicism teaches the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions; the philosophy holds that becoming a clear and unbiased thinker allows one to understand the universal reason (logos). 

 Stoicism's primary aspect involves improving the individual's ethical and moral well-being:  

"Virtue consists in a will that is in agreement with Nature". 

This principle also applies to the realm of interpersonal relationships; "to be free from anger, envy, and jealousy", and to accept even slaves as "equals of other men, because all men alike are products of nature". ' 

"one of Zeno's teachers, is considered the philosopher who first introduced and developed an approach to logic now known as propositional logic, which is based on statements or propositions, rather than terms, differing greatly from Aristotle's term logic.  

Later, Chrysippus developed a system that became known as Stoic logic and included a deductive system, Stoic Syllogistic, which was considered a rival to Aristotle's Syllogistic (see Syllogism)." 

"Chrysippus wrote over 300 books on logic, on virtually any topic logic today concerns itself with, including  

speech act theory, sentence analysis, singular and plural expressions, types of predicates, indexicals, existential propositions, sentential connectives, negations, disjunctions, conditionals, logical consequence, valid argument forms, theory of deduction, propositional logic, modal logic, tense logic, epistemic logic, logic of suppositions, logic of imperatives, ambiguity and logical paradoxes". 

Stoic theology is a fatalistic and naturalistic pantheism: God is never fully transcendent but always immanent, and identified with Nature. Abrahamic religions personalize God as a world-creating entity, but Stoicism equates God with the totality of the universe; according to Stoic cosmology, which is very similar to the Hindu conception of existence, there is no absolute start to time, as it is considered infinite and cyclic. Similarly, space and the Universe have neither start nor end, rather they are cyclical. The current Universe is a phase in the present cycle, preceded by an infinite number of Universes, doomed to be destroyed ("ekpyrōsis", conflagration) and re-created again,[26] and to be followed by another infinite number of Universes. Stoicism considers all existence as cyclical, the cosmos as eternally self-creating and self-destroying (see also Eternal return).

Stoicism does not posit a beginning or end to the Universe.[27] According to the Stoics, the logos was the active reason or anima mundi pervading and animating the entire Universe. It was conceived as material and is usually identified with God or Nature. The Stoics also referred to the seminal reason ("logos spermatikos"), or the law of generation in the Universe, which was the principle of the active reason working in inanimate matter. Humans, too, each possess a portion of the divine logos, which is the primordial Fire and reason that controls and sustains the Universe. 

"There has also been interest in applying the tenets of ancient Stoicism to the human origin story, environmental education, vegetarianism and the modern challenges of sustainable development, material consumption and consumerism." 

one of the hidden assumptions in CBT is that of determinism, or the absence of free will. They argue that CBT holds that external stimuli from the environment enter the mind, causing different thoughts that cause emotional states: nowhere in CBT theory is agency, or free will, accounted for.

Another criticism of CBT theory, especially as applied to major depressive disorder (MDD), is that it confounds the symptoms of the disorder with its causes."

Soule, Delano


More recent work in 2017 has identified the parents of George Soule through a high-quality Y-DNA match of Soule with families in Scotland and Australia. 

 Following up on research published by Louise Walsh Throop in 2009, the DNA study pointed to Soule's parents as Jan Sol and his wife Mayken Labis, who are identified by their marriage as Protestant refugees in London, England, in 1586 and by the baptisms of their children before 1600 in Haarlem, Holland. 

 Their eldest known son Johannes Sol is identified by his baptism in 1591, as well as by his permissions in both Haarlem and Leyden to marry in Leyden. 

 Johannes Sol, a printer in Leyden with one known publication, died suddenly, probably while helping William Brewster in the presswork for the Perth Assembly.  

 His apprentice, Edward Raban, apparently fled to Scotland in 1619 in order to avoid being apprehended by agents of the king of England. 

 It appears he was accompanied by the pregnant widow of his master and probably took with him the missing press of Brewster, as well as the telltale type and initials from Brewster; Raban also apparently took with him the Sol press and type. 

 Edward Raban in 1622 published a very veiled version of his master's shocking death, well hidden in a discussion of drunkenness and resultant whoredom. 

 It would appear all helpers in the press work and distribution of "Perth Assembly" took an oath of silence that was never breached, even after King James I died in 1625. 

Some researchers have pointed to circumstantial evidence that George Soule's family may have had Sephardic (Converso) Jewish roots, due to "Sol/Soule" being a common Sephardic name and "Soule" (the version George used in his will) being a Basque province.

 Soule's daughter-in-law, Rebecca Simonson, daughter of colonist Moses Simonson, may have had Jewish ancestry, and Soule's printing colleague, Edward "Raban was from a Jewish-descended family in Germany." 


Lillie Flatt (grandma)

Wallace Marion Flatt (great grandfather)

Walter b. Flatt/ Hannah Priscilla Soule ( great great grandmother) 

Sullivan Soule

Zeb Soule 

 Jonathan Soule

Micah Soule

Josiah Soule/Lydia Delano Soule  

John Soule 

George Soule, Mayflower passenger 

Lydia Delano was born in March 1680 in Duxbury, Plymouth Colony, and died on 23 November 1763 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts. She is buried in Myles Standish Burying Ground, Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massashusetts, United States.

Parents: John Delano and Mary Delano Weston.


Josiah Soule (1679-1764) 


Gysbert (Guilbert) de Lanoy

Philippe de Lannoy (1602-1681), who was also known as Philippe de La Noye and whose family name was anglicized to Delano, 

was born in Leiden on December 7, 1602 of religious refugee parents Jan/Jean de Lano/de Lannoy (ca. 1570 Tourcoing, France-1604) and Mary/Marie Mahieu (ca. 1580 Lille, France-1650).  

François Coek (Pilgrim Francis Cooke) appeared as a baptismal witness for him on 6 November or 6 December 1603 (New Style) at the Waloon Church, Leiden, Holland.

It is said that Philip was a passenger on the Speedwell which turned back and then came on the Fortune the second Pilgrim ship, which arrived in Massachusetts on November 9, 1621 ("Great Migration Begins", by Anderson).

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Keep it in the heart


I’m just keeping that in my heart because I so want to get our kids back in school



Profile cheapdate leading question profligate 

Inert instigation leads to squashy mid-level interrogation 

My home.

Monday, November 20, 2023


,"celebrated Palestinian poet and author, Mosab Abu Toha, has been arrested by Israeli forces while trying to leave Gaza, according to his friends and family."

Sunday, November 12, 2023



Ralph James May 

"MAY Ralph James, born Dec. 31, 1907 in Thomas, OK to John Harry & Emma Elizabeth (Luderman) May.  

He died Sat. at the Stillwater Nursing Home in Stillwater, OK.  

He married Dorothy Champlin in 1931 in Enid, OK.  

He grew up in Oklahoma City and graduated from Classen High School. 

 He received a B.A. and an LLD from OU in 1931. He was an assistant city attorney in Okla. City. He was with Shell Oil in Tulsa '35-'45. He was in private practice in Okla. City from 1945 until his retirement. He was with Bulla, May and Byman and later alone in private practice.  

He moved to a farm near Hydro, OK in 1965 and came to Stillwater in 1977 to be with his daughter.  

He played Baseball in high school and at OU, and was also Team Manager for basketball at OU. A member of Crown Heights Christian Church and a former Deacon and Elder. 

 He was active in the United Way, and a 32 degree Mason in Guthrie.  

He was preceded in death by a brother, John H. May. He is survived by a son, Ralph James May, Jr. Memphis, Tenn. Daughters Janice Louise Tollas, The Woodlands, Tx., and Melanie Ruth May Bloodgood, OKC, OK. 6 grandchildren.  

Memorial services will be 2:00 PM Tues. 9-29-92 at Crown Heights Christian Church with interment in Rose Hill Cemetery." 




Six grandsons.

I'm the only one living in Stillwater who visited independently, spent countless hours, treated him as Grandfather. My brother was taken to Louisiana at age 15.

His son Jr quit talking to him when he was in high school.  They never saw one another again.  

Friday, November 10, 2023

Prodigy at Food Front



The Four Seasons


Chaconne, Fritz Chrysler 


Cabalist gunsmith affect 

Slack soapbark fire-engine 

Tail-end reification confess 

Nix crybaby nominative 

Cold consideration malediction

Cluster reduce mass 

Button-snakeroot mathematician literalism 



Friday, November 03, 2023

Food Front Co-Ops foreclosure 

 Thanks to the mystery leaf sweeper who witched away the status quo indifference, leaves. 

I was hurting 4 days after brooming hunched over like a houseless elf, using a handleless whisk to clear my area at the entrance. 

And also thanks to I Know Who who taped up over the April news, 

the only printed info regarding Food Front Co-Ops closure on the building,

 with current Board actions and information.   

" We have 6 months, or 30-45 days." 

We don't have a store, and we're draining our Equity in the property at $20,000 per month. $666 per day. 

Thanks tech guru for lieing to my face about Bulk items as you said being " donated to food banks/non-profits" when in fact they went stale since the store closing in April. Or maybe you were simply oblivious. After all, it looks bad to throw out food that is covered in larvae and spiderwebs after it's languished 6-7 months unsold and was probably half stale even then. 

Keep up the procrastination of 

Selling the Property. 

Or maybe we'll rent it in the next....

30-45 days. 


Profiteering off Gaza War


States backing Israel Bonds 

US states invest $300m in Israeli bonds since start of Israel-Hamas war 


Thursday, November 02, 2023

The surge of sympathy


I wind down my big production, pack the fiddle away after counting nine ones and pocketing eight quarters, having busked fiftysomeodd minutes minus the 7 minute conversation with one of 323 people passing by or working or shopping or owning the neighboring buildings or  parking cars to hobble toward the library past the grotesque traffic the planet eater trucks moving garbage brand new in new wrappers from Trash-is-US having lived on 80acres and a 3000 square foot home I'm not redecorating much or shopping for generators and sofas or ceiling fans humming  Their electric hymn ready for nails on chalkboard and bamboo skewers right under the nails those other ones located near fingertips on the bloody cross keeping the peace worldwide I sell out cheap, cheaper, cheapest to the over performative fraud contest because I feel sorry for thin glass houses or apartments and moving crews in a quagmire full of gypsies insensitive to labels and that high lonesome sound of needing rosin, less rosin, or bridges unglued on fire 

NW pdx 

"Another method of gaining cooperation is by paying musicians,  including former insurgents, to work as local stumps, and grow fungi, moss, and lichen." 

Fickle Propaganda


Jean-Pierre applauded Democrats for skipping the AIPAC convention back in 2019, calling out its 

 “racist, Islamophobic” rhetoric. 


"AIPAC is not progressive. " 

,"The organization has become known for trafficking in anti-Muslim and anti-Arab rhetoric while lifting up Islamophobic voices and attitudes.  

As we’ve seen over the course of the Trump administration’s tenure,  

words can prove just as destructive as laws." 


Which explains Anti Nazi laws in Germany regarding Holocaust Denial.


"Danny Danon, a former Israeli ambassador to the UN, said Israel had a list of people it would “eliminate” for participating in the raid, 

 and that journalists who recorded the assault would be “added to that list”.  

He added:  

“We will hunt them down together with the terrorists.”

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Swale Creek 2000


Family in the Dalles, Fort Anomaly


Mom and her granddaughters, Oregon coast


Slow but beautiful


Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Ford

  The Club toasts the Club 

Thumper's Zen


"What are you, forest. " Angry activist. "Why not be  a forest?" 

I'm dumbfounded. It's not my place to ask why they're in hot leather. All my zippers are kaput. 

Time to thwart the wobbly forest

Not flaunt me. I'm normal, activist. See my angry cap. 

Why not see.  Wobble wobble.

Glue on squirrel, bark, conifer canopy, stream mossy soft. Throw in some birds from 1995.   

I wake to unusual sounds, cheers and honks, from a mostly empty school parking lot. the strike is blooming. 

Stand up, fight back says the nest and beehive and the bracken and a fallen stump wiggling with insects. Think honk honk.  






Bloody Good