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Thursday, September 28, 2023

Doodlebug OKC


The West Edmond Field was Oklahoma's most important oil discovery of the 1940s. It developed through the persistence of Ace Gutowsky, who claimed to know the location of potential oil fields by using so-called "doodlebug" techniques, a modification of the divining rod.

 He was convinced that oil was located to the west of the Edmond, Britton, and Oklahoma City fields, but reputable petroleum geologists dismissed his claims due to a lack of adequate geological and geophysical evidence.

Gutowsky found a backer for his project in D. D. Bourland of San Antonio, Texas. 

They spudded in on the Number One Wagner on January 2, 1943, in the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 32, T14N-R4W, Oklahoma County, a few miles west of Edmond. 

The well came in on April 28, 1943.


Almost immediately pipeline service was established, with the bulk of the production going to the Champlin Oil Refinery at Enid. 

The West Edmond Field produced 7,752,000 barrels of oil in 1944 to temporarily bring the state's sagging oil production to 1.5 million barrels more than the previous year. The field contributed to yet another statewide increase of 15 million barrels in 1945.


Gutowsky's father, Assaph "Ace" Gutowsky, was in the oil business. 

 He became convinced that a major petroleum deposit lay under the area north of Oklahoma City and scouted the area extensively.

 In 1942 or 1943, Gutowsky's father discovered an oil field at West Edmond, Oklahoma, that was estimated at 117,000,000 barrels.

 Gutowsky's father discovered the oil field using a "doodlebug," a "homemade divining rod" and "struck it rich" as several major oil companies bought leases from him.

By 1944, Time magazine

 called the West Edmond field

 the "greatest concentration of rotary drilling rigs in the world."

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

empty the shelves of expired food and stale bulk bin items


"volunteers who came to clean up the landscaping around the store and  

empty the shelves of expired food and stale bulk bin items.  

You made a huge difference in helping to keep the pests at bay..." 


How's the Wellness Section.  


some of our current Board members are tired.  

All roads do not lead to selling 

However, the road to reopening is a long and uphill one, and  

the current Board 

 just doesn’t have the time and energy anymore..."

Champions of Community


Trying to figure out who's browsing 1000 bloggod pages per day the past few days. Is there a seminar going on in Singapore? 

Here's today's Washington Post.

Artwork sure resembles my published artwork.  

"Shrubhaderp Mutherlee "


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Frackricide Kings


"Nationwide, fracking has used up nearly 1.5 trillion gallons of water since 2011. That’s how much tap water the entire state of Texas uses in a year." 


"the 1980s and 1990s, the company experimented with application of different techniques of hydraulic fracturing of the Barnett Shale of Texas, eventually finding the right technique to economically extract the natural gas in the formation. 

 The approach was widely adopted by the gas industry and spawned a new gas boom in North America. 

 The Potential Gas Committee estimates that U.S. recoverable reserves will last 118 years at current production levels.

 production is expected to more than triple by 2020. 

 Because of the technological progress in industry fracking, George Mitchell is now known as the "pioneer of shale." Mitchell Energy & Development Corp. was later acquired by Devon Energy."


Harold Glenn Hamm (born December 11, 1945) is an American business magnate in the oil and gas business. He is known for extracting shale oil resources. 

 As of February 4, 2022, Hamm's net worth is estimated to be US$49.3 billion, making him the 63rd wealthiest person in the world. 

He is the founder and chairman of Continental Resources.  

In 2012, presidential candidate Mitt Romney named Hamm as his energy advisor, and Hamm donated to and advised Romney's election effort."

Saturday, September 23, 2023

isn't isn't


unknown region isn't eluded google's net

unknown region isn't the seychelles

unknown region isn't a sub in the columbia

unknown region isn't a dacha in maryland

unknown region isn't a hub or fusion center 

unknown region isn't a drone and all the other above things

unknown region isn't a pubic inplant

unknown region isn't a fiber optic nest of lies

unknown religion isn't a region nor is it vatican

unknown region isn't negative space hiding plain sight

unknown region isn't getting away with everything

unknown region isn't a studio ghibli anime

unknown region isn't in a race to anonymity 

unknown region isn't gerrymandered or german intel

unknown region isn't full of refugees and slaves

unknown region isn't lacking red ink or radar

unknown region isn't for the have nots

unknown region isn't warm in the antarctic vodka stew

unknown region isn't masked like a gru batman

unknown region isn't a caterpillar pushing down settlements

unknown region isn't capable of lone ranger jokes

unknown region isn't a fourth dimensional intrusion

unknown region isn't harboring decent water

unknown region isn't yet, nyet

unknown region isn't a trillionaire's hobby horse

unknown region isn't hopping with mirrored fleas

unknown region isn't a tool of confidence men

unknown region isn't false/true or between/addresses

unknown region isn't the map to our inner circle

unknown region isn't fog draped liberty holding a torch

unknown region isn't worth the cramp or crap

unknown region isn't born to crawl honestly

unknown region isn't a pandora can of giggles

unknown region isn't particular about hosting 

unknown region isn't manned by cyborg serfs

unknown region isn't chuck barris in a paper sack

unknown region isn't doomed to the funny pages

unknown region isn't a dart board made of air

unknown region isn't a stable genius or noble twit

unknown region isn't O

unknown -regional, a truman show on steroids

unknown rejion ain't above the flaw

unknown region cain't tie its own flip flops 

unawaeegion won't sequester the molester 

unknown region dupes the media scoops

unknown region isn't a pea under the prince's futon

unknown region isn't likely

unknown region isn't a stopover for gulliver or odysseus

unknown region isn't a grey zone of wolves

unknown region isn't GPS on LSD or the CIA's LCD

unknown region isn't in the right lane

unknown region isn't space saying YO whassup

unknown region isn't a flat balloon or a halo

unknown region isn't atlas holding gaia on his shoulders

unknown region isn't much help nor hinderance

unknown region isn't a smoke free zone for harmony

unknown region isn't aware of poetry

unknown region isn't on the tourist slate for yaks

unknown region isn't semi autonomous or partially woke

unknown region isn't a constellation to implore

unknown reach'n isn't carte blanche or a pussygrabbed siren

is it?

Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Purrade Cat


Gobble it up, always hollow enough to wean, free knock knock peeps at formless gleaning, only 40 nights from sweet tooth don't brain on my purrade black cat. Cluck cluck lil duck, on the table feet stuck up, pumpkin candle burns at both ends the shopping seasoning, just a dash in the car we'll be there by Easter. 

I'm so excited to begin the process at Food Front

 Store Close. Sic

Food Front is NOT Community Owned.  It's owned by people from anywhere and everywhere who've paid to become Owner Members. 

"Lastly, we have some exciting news to share with you. Food Front is in the process of due diligence on a $1M loan so we can

 pay all of our vendors,

 close the loan with Beneficial,



the process 

of exploring  

next steps -   

reopening, leasing, selling, etc. "

Nainsook (2020)



literalism                                                    entitle

bluff                                                            muckraker

disproportion                                              conservative

nones 7th                                                   corvette

roundup                                                      crossing

thump                                                               furor

planned parenthood/plane/plant                 bone black bomb

pineapple                                                    bulwark                             

funny                                                          seed


fullback/fullblooded                                   hipster

pompous                                                     least common

portfolio                                                      explorer outofbounds

solid                                                            valuable oval

pedagogy                                                     precipitate


Sarg Major                                                  coxswain

fencing                                                        bock bond

accomplishment                                          burden

blinder/blinddate                                         sentinel

country music                                              Chippewa chickchild

tram                                                             considerable

unfruitful                                                     futuristic

exaggerate                                                   ecclesiastic

independent (boss)                                      dine

regardless of                                                continuation

replica                                                         nitty gritty


strange                                                          nainsook

incantation (3 claps                                      re negotiate

weight                                                          master key

whole                                                           magdalen

bleed                                                            dorm 

juice up                                                        shine

brotherhood                                                  flair fig

place                                                             engross enrich

upwards of                                                   shah shakespeare

mean (average                                             savage

p pa                                                              radiate

octagon                                                        communal

forte                                                             happy go lucky hari kari

Geranium                                                   satanic Sanscrit

sober                                                            poet

waspish                                                        germ germane

 Board                                                          residua

dilatory                                                        carmine

indiscreet                                                     trouble trooper

squeal                                                           secretive

ply                                                                requiem

indubitable                                                   foretell formless

teleview                                                       tom tom trashcan


wet                                                               lymph

microfilm                                                     farm

contented                                                     stolen Ray

trio trinket triennial                                     exobiology

peace                                                           tenure

plumber                                                       discover

stratify                                                         universal joint

Epiphany/epiglottis                                     angina

tongue                                                         huntsman



dissent                                                         polarity

bridle                                                          smart shepherd

doorknobman                                             toddle

mayfield/floodplain                                   odd

tete-a-tete                                                    stilted

paragon                                                      ghat

subsist                                                        eucharist

precious                                                     make enact

circular                                                        binary

Viking                                                         discern

Dada Thread Lint 

June 8, 2020

Fort Anomaly


Empiric prorogue (2018 )


saboteur board

fluere to flow influence

brig rinse riot

pipe muzzle

obsidian blunderbuss 

nobel prize

spick and span

can passive resistance

sour prorogue

bulbous placebo

NIMBY nincompoop

lap empiric

dada dictionary poem


Monday, September 18, 2023

diamond stylus of fantastic night stereo (1987)


diamond stylus of fantastic night stereo (1987)


Dark crippled night draws the shades sealing long haze

Envelopes of rust and navy, feeds potted

Geraniums with postcard whispers of breeze bulk rate

Thirdclass it bounces around the world without

Direction ready by a million snoopy clerks

Cautious night unsheathes the porcupine quills

Brushed by rushing trucks and arabesque shoplights it

Dips into the inky murk of a million

Lonelinesses, sighing lovesick sailor, wraps our\

Leftovers with nocturnal foil

Goofy prankster night carves earth’s shapes into

Shadowed heaps and fills our plates

With wine glasses, her apron is

Never peeled off and runs with the bug juice of a million

porch lights, squeezed hearts, spit out seeds in

Biodegradable coffins, starved pits, plastic dirt,

Formaldehyde prayer

Dusty tongued night yields a stick of charcoal

And sketches the latest ridiculous fashions

Frazzled hair tucked behind the ears,

Evening wear of spread-eagle clouds, hearty bibs

That wipe clean meal after meal,

Long deciduous robes without hint of starch,

Plaid stairs of mute moonlight statues and trellises one and

The same, rosewhisper patterns of wind

That hush the anxieties and fill in the cracks

With the sleep crust of a million eyes pulling living flowers

And doves from the tophat, drawing the diamond

Stylus of fantastic night stereo, painting

The blackness with forms loose,

Supernovas no less, sleepy atomic metronomes,

Tender moonlight wisps of collected scraps

That dogs of day wouldn't touch

Diamond stylus of fantastic night stereo

bloggod at 1:16 PM

Pulp medicine


"Open country 

Beckons like a treacherous



Friday, September 15, 2023

Sing A Poor


Harassed while busking


Some white haired, bearded man about 60-65 in neato bike clothing went out of his way to harass me at Food Front today around noon.

I actually had a good day there finally, after 3 non profitable days. Then as I'm playing, off the sidewalk and on Co op property, this guy comes zooming by on the sidewalk and swerved toward my case which was open to collect tips. There were no other people around, no pedestrians, nothing to swerve away from. 

I called after him, "going pretty fast." He was 30 feet away. "Fuck you" was his eloquent reply.

"Come back here" I said.

He pedaled on up Thurman past the Dragonfly. 

See you later