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Saturday, March 18, 2023

Coaxing Off Leash Violence


In the USA, 4.5 million bites happen to innocent victims without provocation. 

" Hospitals treat 885,000 patients who seek medical care from bites,  

370,000 of those need emergency attention,  

and 16 deaths occur.  

Children are more vulnerable and receive 70% of all bite-related deaths.Feb 21, 2023"


 Screaming at the sprinklers at 3a.m., it's the middle of March goddammit below 60 degrees for 133 nights worms are drowning as the murders roost there's pink crumbs on the freshly greyed table and a lady bug sun drunk here at berryman park the day after st.  pats sitting on the sprinkler screaming at the world eating salsa for breakfast here at 4 p.m after an hour at the pool treading chlorine my right shoulder a familiar ache got out my new violin it needs a play no money all week it keeps me in beer at best as radio does a pledge drive begging the conscience I'm so contemptuous of the off leash pooch owners and the feral cars it's mid march and trump fundraises inciting riot I sat at the bar I sat at the bar I sat on the sprinkler with fresh eyes and a voice that never sangpur 

Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Evil Mean White Oklahoma 

"Patricia Spottedcrow was sentenced to 12 years in prison over selling $31 of marijuana.  

She was 25, a single mother, and a first-time offender. " 

"the 34-year-old was arrested on a bench warrant that required her to stay in jail until she could come up with $1,139.90 in overdue fees, which she didn’t have. Nearly a decade after her initial arrest, she was still ensnarled in the criminal justice system, and had no idea when she would see her kids again."