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Saturday, December 31, 2022

Idiot PDX money drain

 The new skatepark, with a price tag of $5 million, will go in Southeast Portland, Rubio’s office said,  

to “help fill an identified service gap." 


Like the houseless 

Need a skatepark 

Like a middle school 

Needs a place 50 feet away to play hookey 

And vape.

Idiot PDX

Cool dude

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Help no stop

 Can you help me she asks crying, showing her scuffed and bleeding hand 

About 70 to the eye in a decent 

Big coat, I don't have any money I need the social security office 

Its that way, the bus will take you here's a dollar and a napkin, put that on your hand 

I well up 

My bus arrives, off to play work 


Stop! Stop the goddamn bus, the lowlife screams 

You missed my stop 

There was no stop says the bus driver, cruising over 205

With darkness arriving as dusk and this crazed moonbat with two seats full of stuff 

There's no stop there I agree 

Shut up N***** he bellows, now I'm standing up as he stumbles towards me 

The bus still driving, he's calling the driver muthafucka N*****", I'm ready to clock his ticket 

And then notice another man behind me with that same idea 

The bus pulls to a stop, the meth bigot is pulling his junk toward the back exit 

Go out the front 

There by your buddy I tell him 

The bus driver is 300 lbs and taking none of it 

Get off my bus muthafucker 

What's your number!

What's your number!

There's no stop.
