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Saturday, April 30, 2022

Harassed on Orders from Worms in Loafers

 Harassed AGAIN, 10am, "Jacob" after it rains on my canopy ALL night.

Canopy, "The forest canopy is a structurally complex and ecologically important subsystem of the forest.  

It is defined as 

“the aggregate of all crowns

 in a stand of vegetation,

 which is the combination of all foliage, twigs, fine branches, epiphytes as well as the interstices (air) in a forest” (Parker, 1995)."  

Definition of canopy

 "(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : a cloth covering suspended over a bed. b : a cover (as of cloth) fixed or carried above a person of high rank or a sacred object : baldachin A canopy hung over the altar. c : a protective covering: such as. (1) : the uppermost spreading branchy layer of a forest." 

"The definition of a canopy is a roof like covering or anything that seems to cover. " 

A CANOPY is a roof.


Is Political Power a canopy or a tent? 

Who orders me harassed? Those already sheltered. 

You can see me under my roof. You hide behind walls and send Dogs, like Jacob. 

It happens over and over in a Loop, Looper calls his Dog, who sends a Pup, who I have to potty train. 

Looper unelected has his Wife in the office of Dogs, she's unelected too. She's a bureauCat rightpaw. Pull the string, yarn, play Consequential! 

The harassment leaves no paper trail. Off goes the white Publicity owned truck, mudless. Soil and soul-lacking. 

Law is my Canopy, my second roof of protection. 

Write me up for not catching pneumonia, office worms. 

Do your math and figure out how much the City will spend to keep a single Houseless man from sleeping under a tree, on Public Land, as allowed by Oregon State Law. 

Staying dry and warm is my big crime, you say. 

Decent Oregon and the 9th Circuit Court disagree. 

Happy May Day, public tools. 

An Injury to One is an Injury to All. 


Friday, April 29, 2022

Lowly bean eating quacker

 Of course I did not rush the hawk, 

stoic gloat atop a squirrelpup  

They flew upwherehow (else view matters, above 

The coastal redwood furspective 

Statuesque dripping red on 

Redress, dropping

Thud at my turned back

 an accident or offering

To we lowly bean eating quackers 

SE pdx



Cars curious creep peer discernedly their peers less enabled 

Out in the rain 

Staying dry, immobile as humans managed the other 6 million years 

Not in a snoozemobile on auto-jerk 

Or in a halfmillbungalobotunseen 

Rubberneckin Friday drizzle, enraged by sciatic tedium and hohummery. 

Idiot Cedric Richmond

 "Richmond was one of a few Democrats who voted to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline.[18] 

 "He is the fifth-biggest recipient of money from fossil fuel donors among House Democrats.  

Richmond's campaign received almost $113,000 from the oil and gas sector, which donated more than any other sector to his campaign. 2020" 

Cedric sides with OIL in BP Disaster territory.

'in 2008, the Louisiana Supreme Court suspended Richmond's law license for six months in a 5–2 decision.  

It found that he had falsified a sworn statement  

claiming more than two years of residency in New Orleans's "D" district in order to be eligible for the district's city council seat.[23]"

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Sondland Fraud

 "Provenance Hotels, the chain founded by Portland hotelier Gordon Sondland, former U.S. ambassador to the European Union. Provenance qualified for a loan of $9 million.'. 

TRAITOR and money launderer Sondland, worth Hundreds of Millions$$$.

"Benchmark Pyramid, based in  

The Woodlands, 

 said it would acquire Provenance Hotels, adding Sondland’s 12 hotels to its 240 properties in the U.S., Europe and the Caribbean."