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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Monday, August 19, 2019

Perma $$$ Not For Sale

I sure hope Don Trump isn't using my painting as a plan for the future, tho 

and Swan (Bob Mueller) may have convinced him otherwise

Now, there's Perma (Greenland)

Monday, August 12, 2019

climate change, a midsummer night's dream, oberon and titania

Because Oberon and Titania are both powerful spirits connected to nature, their feuding disrupts the weather. Titania describes the consequences of their fighting:

"Therefore the winds, piping to us in vains,
As in revenge, have suck'd up from the sea
Contagious fogs; which falling in the land
Have every pelting river made so proud
That they have overborne their continents:
The ox hath therefore stretch'd his yoke in vain,
The ploughman lost his sweat, and the green corn
Hath rotted ere his youth attain'd a beard;
The fold stands empty in the drowned field,
And crows are fatted with the murrion flock;
The nine men's morris is fill'd up with mud,
And the quaint mazes in the wanton green
For lack of tread are undistinguishable:
The human mortals want their winter here;
No night is now with hymn or carol blest:
Therefore the moon, the governess of floods,
Pale in her anger, washes all the air,
That rheumatic diseases do abound:
And thorough this distemperature we see
The seasons alter: hoary-headed frosts
Far in the fresh lap of the crimson rose,
And on old Hiems' thin and icy crown
An odorous chaplet of sweet summer buds
Is, as in mockery, set: the spring, the summer,
The childing autumn, angry winter, change
Their wonted liveries, and the mazed world,
By their increase, now knows not which is which:

And this same progeny of evils comes
From our debate, from our dissension;

We are their parents and original."

— A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act 2, Scene 1

hemming and hawing witchhunt

nine days of impenetrable haw
sleeping beauty surrounded by thorns
as the nation sleepwalks down the funnel
abyss to a spidery fascism,
aurora's geomagnetic pulses lit up the clouds
in broken electrons and poodles of rain
haw haw swale the sewage overflows 
all over saint john.
yet no earthquake attends
the tornadoes over yamhill grape orchards
but death's badge grows
where spiders object,

an arm for an eye for a tooth

"Ne'er cast a cloot til Mey's oot"


boquet of daggers,
the crimson cloud swelled neath
his festering wound, seemingly inflicted
by an unseen spider in the course of days spent
in the crannies of where one reaches to pain
T a house, and not having good insurance
this fellow working alongside me
also tells of his herniated condition of his guts
drooping into his nutsack he said as i half listened
to what isn't much fun to hear of
the oregon health plan he has calls it "cosmetic"
though it could be comedic
were it not for being a real human, and now
he won't go to a doctor and the black scab over
a palm sized, smallish mango shaped bump
that days ago was an area of his arm with a
tattoo of a cross
now only the bottom of the tattoo is visible
and he still is laughing it off as he squeezes
out copious pus, to put it plainly, along
with blood of course, and i ask to photograph
it, but who'd want to see this picnic in the park
or try to comprehend
how one lets a piece of our body literally rot
well he did take some antibiotics
that were in some medicine cabinet from years ago
he swills a beer and takes another smoke break
under the hawthorn tree shade
with his axe and a black bird watching him from
the tree he is cursed to destroy

above us, i wearing thick leather gloves
and long pants, and sunglasses for eye protection
are the cumuli heaped up in billowy swelling mounds
of dark blue and eggshell pale ruffles
i could have surmised rain they said they'd heard
long rolling thunder the night before in that brookside
area of town, as the hawthorn had
daily been trimmed back to accommodate ladders
as we cleaned gutters and commenced pain
-Ting our buddy's house, under eaves where
the funnel webs lead a wandering fly into a one
way hello that frodo knows, 
actually three trees we methodically
culled as the faerie king glowered a hundred miles
of rain under his furious brow
with lances on yellowjackets not trained on me
as i painted thirty feet in the air
and they lazily flew about the soffit under my
wet roller full of acrylic color 
not me, not me
the one who the spider chose who the thorn
laced spike tree demanded to avenge
not me, a year to the day of an accident 
which tore my shoulder in invisible winds a kite
crumpled but on fire beneath unruptured
skin, freshly summer tanned and freckled
there on rex, and now life on rex, 
co=incident, planted my heart like a walking stick
grown off a forest gump stump 
with sneakers shredded and the rag tree 
a sprig to the sovereign and the heartwood 
made into ladles for potions
the whitethorn maytree with diving boards for dewdrops
all those three inch swords of thorns
made jesus a cruel joke but also makes funnel clouds
over wine country and descending wrath
feeds Bacchus human blood but in turn dumps
nearly an inch of rain in two hours
in goddamn august, fattening the green hawthorn
berries even as we saw and clip
the triad overhanging the gentleman's fine home
as his daughter crafts an azure grinning wolf suit
at the dinner table out of fake fur
as banshee clouds brim the dead volcano bluffs
of surrounding east portland

"These Siths or Fairies they call Sleagh Maith or the Good People...are said to be of middle nature between Man and Angel, as were Daemons thought to be of old; of intelligent fluidous Spirits, and light changeable bodies (lyke those called Astral) somewhat of the nature of a condensed cloud, and best seen in twilight.

 These bodies be so pliable through the sublety of Spirits that agitate them, that they can make them appear or disappear at pleasure"


does he lose his arm, the fairy army asks
as we guide the trunk to land away from the house
freshly grayed with a brown trim demeanor
as the afflicted mops at his mess wrapped in paper
towels the skin of trees chewed up and 
bleached to exact hue of a drained storm,
with a thud we fell
the god out of season all three grown from one
as the homeowner critiques
my mode of cutting the stump off at the ground
allowing it to endure he claims
as we pull the long deadly branches out past his
vw bus in a heap that a chipper will reduce to
dander, along with the thousand insect queens
and spider battalions buried in crushing 
leafy darkness whether the hawthorn 
planted the lightning or the elemental spark
planted the tree it is neither here
nor there, but it does
weep a sour reminder in goddamn august
perfect painting weather and a treehouse
guarded by oberon on land once tree filled
and needing no human needs nor clootes


se portland oregon


"Hymen is the son of Dionysus/Bacchus (god of revelry) and Aphrodite (goddess of love); or, in some traditions, Apollo and one of the Muses

The hawthorn has been regarded as the emblem of hope, and its branches are stated to have been carried by the ancient Greeks in wedding processions, and to have been used by them to deck the altar of Hymenaios. 

The supposition that the tree was the source of Jesus's crown of thorns ....."

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Rose city Antigua flier

gloggod tree

"The Scots saying "Ne'er cast a cloot til Mey's oot" conveys a warning not to shed any cloots (clothes) before the summer has fully arrived and the Mayflowers (hawthorn blossoms) are in full bloom.

The custom of employing the flowering branches for decorative purposes on 1 May is of very early origin,


The supposition that the tree was the source of Jesus's crown of thorns doubtless gave rise around 1911 to the tradition among the French peasantry that it utters groans and cries on Good Friday, and probably also to the old popular superstition in Great Britain and Ireland that ill luck attended the uprooting of hawthorns.

 Branches of Glastonbury thorn (C. monogyna 'Biflora',[8] sometimes called C. oxyacantha var. praecox), which flowers both in December and in spring, were formerly highly valued in England, on account of the legend that the tree was originally the staff of Joseph of Arimathea.


Serbian folklore that spread across Balkan notes that hawthorn (Serbian глог or glog) is essential to kill vampires, and stakes used for their slaying must be made from the wood of the thorn tree.

In Gaelic folklore, hawthorn (in Scottish Gaelic, sgitheach and in Irish, sceach) 'marks the entrance to the otherworld' and is strongly associated with the fairies.

 Lore has it that it is very unlucky to cut the tree at any time other than when it is in bloom; however, during this time, it is commonly cut and decorated as a May bush (see Beltane).

 This warning persists to modern times


The superstitious dread of harming hawthorn trees prevalent in the British Isles may also be connected to an old belief that hawthorns, and more especially 'lone thorns' (self-seeded specimens standing in isolation from other trees) originate from lightning or thunderbolts and give protection from lightning strikes.

Hawthorn trees are often found beside clootie wells; at these types of holy wells, they are sometimes known as rag trees, for the strips of cloth which are tied to them as part of healing rituals.

 'When all fruit fails, welcome haws' was once a common expression in Ireland.

According to a medieval legend, the Glastonbury thorn, C. monogyna 'Biflora', which flowers twice annually, was supposed to have miraculously grown from a walking stick planted by Joseph of Arimathea at Glastonbury in Somerset, England.

 The original tree was destroyed in the sixteenth century during the English Reformation, but several cultivars have survived. Since the reign of King James I, it has been a Christmas custom to send a sprig of Glastonbury thorn flowers to the Sovereign, which is used to decorate the royal family's dinner table.

In the Victorian era, the hawthorn represented hope in the language of flowers."

Thursday, August 08, 2019

orbital drifts

a year of orbital sanding, my grain all threshed
and born in leaves of skin and loaves of actions
after sudden tumbles make origami 
out of tendons sinews and muscle
that none have a rosetta stone sense of understanding
to decipher, off a makeshift ladder
near pill hill
the capsule glides down to where our bus
does more trodden works, at the base of rotting humanity
intent on rebuilding waist deep in a swamp
blurred in wildfire smog that time
a year ago pick up sticks
balanced ladders spliced onto ladders over bamboo
skewers and shards of former workers
draining into eastmoreland's bog
making ends meet and masking the ceiling of sky
to end up on the gameboard square
the pawn scours the facade of rex to silly putty
a pax interregnum so thoroughly
the ball socket
flies into outer space of no notice nor benefit
yet some surmise it is made of subsidized cheese

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

vexless, by extension

close your eyes, it is night
the dreams are long sweet drinks.
rest resolves unsound gravity.
some tines earth furrow no brow

close your heart, it is blight
toil wracks throat in censored parch.
hallucinations sound reality,
shallow minds reap yes, yes it do

klickitat hippies from 2294

sic communication a vacation

if communication is key
yer one shitty door


sic you are

forced joke best joke
beat neck
tongue traveler


gonzos garbanzos
what'll ya peruse eschew


sic, sic commune
a vacation.

Whiskers on kittens, etc etc

Jump start that possum

It gushes, it dries up.
Summer works to play dead possum,
Poke it with a beer can.

Saturday, August 03, 2019


Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in endotherms. Hibernation refers to a season of heterothermy characterized by low body temperature, slow breathing and heart rate, and low metabolic rate. It is most commonly observed during the winter months.

Although traditionally reserved for "deep" hibernators such as rodents, the term has been redefined to include animals such as bears and is now applied based on active metabolic suppression rather than any absolute decline in body temperature.

 Many experts believe that the processes of daily torpor and hibernation form a continuum and utilize similar mechanisms.

 The equivalent during the summer months is aestivation.

Aestivation or æstivation (from Latin: aestas, summer, but also spelled estivation in American English) is a state of animal dormancy, similar to hibernation, although taking place in the summer rather than the winter. Aestivation is characterized by inactivity and a lowered metabolic rate, that is entered in response to high temperatures and arid conditions.

 It takes place during times of heat and dryness, the hot dry season, which are often the summer months.

Invertebrate and vertebrate animals are known to enter this state to avoid damage from high temperatures and the risk of desiccation. 


Desiccation (from Latin de- "thorougly" + siccare "to dry") is the state of extreme dryness, or the process of extreme drying.

 A desiccant is a hygroscopic (attracts and holds water) substance that induces or sustains such a state in its local vicinity in a moderately sealed container.

(Dried up meat.


Sleep is a naturally recurring state of mind and body, characterized by altered consciousness, relatively inhibited sensory activity, reduced muscle activity and inhibition of nearly all voluntary muscles during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and reduced interactions with surroundings.[2] It is distinguished from wakefulness by a decreased ability to react to stimuli, but more reactive than coma or disorders of consciousness, sleep displaying very different and active brain patterns.

Sleep occurs in repeating periods, in which the body alternates between two distinct modes: REM sleep and non-REM sleep. Although REM stands for "rapid eye movement", this mode of sleep has many other aspects, including virtual paralysis of the body.

 A well-known feature of sleep is the dream, an experience typically recounted in narrative form, which resembles waking life while in progress, but which usually can later be distinguished as fantasy.