smorgasbord of poetry, photos, political hairballs...MOTEs "More energy, grit and real life in them than 96.8% of the bullshit that comes into the Corpse."
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Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Vile Rank
There will never be a ship
Named Trump in US Navy
Unless it has a Kremlin flag
And steam powered hamberders
My great uncle the rear admiral
Would smack Dons faux epaulettes
Off his bathtub were he alive
I'd sick my Lt Colonel uncle
On sick Drumpf if our potus weren't
Bone spur impaired
I'd tell my corporal dad
To sharpshoot Dim Dong if
I believed violence worked.
I'd teach my daughters
Less magic and more PR
Skills if you weren't
The problems coloring book guru
And their crayons torn
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
O the wind and rain Oklahoma
Sweeping down aerial oceans,
Sending water moccasins onto rooftops
Launching snapping turtles
In soups of chemical brine covering
The church graveyard.
Pluck a grey hair from the mare
To mend the fiddle bow,
Cimarron soft shell turtles
Swim the new dustbowl mud
Over the banks
And their fiscal lies.
Helicopters noodle stranded citizens
Out of dark unseemly quagmires
Jesus forgot to subsidize.
Two million gallons per second
Top keystone,
The masonry is torn from below
Where speedboat parts return their nylons
To the oily muck.
O the wind and rain,
Doppler dunce hats and silo caps
Take featherless wing
Where monarch armies once clouded
Sky in black and orange.
Cowpokes tie ropes to their livestock
And pull their last rare beef
Off the barn beams.
God didn't forsake you
You thick lumps. Take your little
Lumps and red meat prayers,
Head for higher ground to spot the twister
Wiping the gas stations off
The map. Up the winding stair
Mountains is true
Grit and autotuned country hits,
The ancient seas are
Back, teeming with antediluvian foes.
Jesus on stilts
Will shepherd your kin if they
Believe in the
Wrath of sour grapes and elemental science. Eat the whole storm
And get free pontoons with a fill up.
O the mind and b
Monday, May 27, 2019
McCains good ghost
Megan McCain says "leave my father out of presidential politics"
Too bad, too late. John McCain listed off dictator names to Amy Klobochar at the inauguration of fascist Trump.
If so, that's a piece of history.
McCain ran for President and chose Sarah Palin, utterly unfit for office.
If the McCain family cares about John's legacy, they have to fight for more than a false narrative or a peace born of placating their GOP buddies.
All the GOP are complicit in Trump's obstruction and criminal reign.
Quit the Party or quit hushing critics of Trump and his fascist, bigoted, fraudulent friends.
Liz Cheney gangrene
Liz and Lindsey fascist pigs
Look what I did to her sons
Dim Dong Drumpf says of Barbara Bush
Dick Cheney whose heart
Is made of Saudi foreskin
Look what Republicans have become
Putrid weaklings in Putin's asshole
Breathing smog of their foul acts
And calling it a zephyr
The next worst humanity has to offer
When time fracks Liz Cheney's snout
Watch heaven do a merry jig
When craven Lindsey Graham is
Wearing high heels in hell and Trudy Giuliani is drunk on rotting possum bile
Wave your Kremlin flag
And fetch a doggie bag full of dollars
America the beautiful
Will prevail when vultures string their guts
Over the bloated beltway
Where treason has normalized in a trap
Full of gnawed off rodent limbs
And maggots turn up their noses
At the stench of what rich white Republicans embody:
Deaths droppings and vapid souls
Not worth nothing
But a kick in their evil lackluster mugs
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The gnat swims my cup
Of elixir, riding waves of careful
Sips. I drain the
Sweet dregs and strand the groggy mite
On inescapable sheer glass
But use a nearby
Clothespin clipped to the rim,
Set it next to the buddha,
Return to making
Soon we see our hero,
There on buddha's dry
Friday, May 24, 2019
Dumb Drivers and Shit for Enforcement in Portland
Hit by a car day before yesterday while on a sidewalk
Watched as a SUV nearly ran over a guy on an electric scooter in a crosswalk yesterday
Today a car pulling a camper trailer pulled forward fully blocking the crosswalk at division and 122, and as I motioned for h to back up he flipped me off
Golden Filth in good condition (sic)
Twerp talk right off the bat
Into center field, why run into a fence
To play bohemian Olympic contests
Against ones own side I ask as
"A retard or crazy man"
As long labelled by the unreal estate guy
Who is happy to share a hammock
But little else
Despite rampant bragging on
Illustrious wealth, property,
And the dubious distinctions that gloating entails, scum goddess from
The lower Eastside how were they
To know only 3 weeks into the pickle
That his cuke was a cuckold?
Not that self restraint needs a jacket
With connected sleeves, just
A steady stream of lawyers
To unwrap like furniture, keeping only
The styrofoam for backup pillows or
Snacks for "guests"
It'll fill their belly like most hollow lies
And also slow them down
After we confiscate their brand new
Bohemian shoes they bought
With disability coupons.
When one needs a fiddle player
Go cheap as you can
Cuz the side costs add up
Best get one or two
Fer $10 an hour by the burnedside
Bridge, bridge sagging with homemade
Shit. Fug you
Twit, and your one star
"Everyone loves me"
Sense of self review that easily plagiarizes
Paradise, until caught
Like a greasy baby
In a center fielders mitt
Mimicked once too often to denigrate
As instant replay clearly
This gig sport illustrates, chasing the ball
Over those blue hills
It's not my record that's the problem
It's their fancy bent needle
And a turntable wobbly from the get go.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Second hand
Funny to get coaxed to the record shop
And they have the one
You're on
Is that good or sad?
Moot music
Moot music moved most memories
From farm forms
To toothed truths,
Distant dust decided deciduous dreams.
Etcetera eclectic electives
Leaves left land leery.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Beware the symbols of symbols forgotten
I read at the bus stop
Having left the theater as parliament
Gloriously exploded in fireworks
Beware our brain the Sun
All blazers and their screens
This overtime charade of vendetta
Hear on moving day renditioned
By friendly nappers and tortured
By our own good
Baptised in the rooftop rain
Portland cries on their popcorn
Fake butter the grease of grease so tasty
Eve said blog is in the rain wrung out
To dry in baskets
Pick up the peaces cuz it's out the door
As a drop blotted b
-rain and our fleet arrived to dismay
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
paper bleeds
i read in the news about some idiots
who tried to dig up and rootball
an 180 year old oak tree
and move it to their new home,
i read it on the internet
on a computer screen,
not in a newspaper or in a book
or other fragile
paper based product,
i read it with my eye-brain
still rooted firmly
in this cobblestoned skull,
i combed thru the follicles
of what men do
when they have too much
and not enough
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Friday, May 10, 2019
bring us the head of bannon
"Herodias's second husband was Herod Antipas (born before 20 B.C.; died after 39 A.D.) half-brother of Herod II (her first husband).
He is best known today for his role in events that led to the executions of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth."
departures (2005)
departures, where are
your papers?
how many........*waves*
define where you go,
if and if mostly
you stay?
blood, oil: repeat
"There will be blood"
"Occidental Petroleum has bid $57bn for Anadarko"
"1954: Purchased by the Chicago Corporation for $55,000,000. This parent company changed its name to Champlin Refining Company in 1956.
1964: The Celanese Company purchased the company.
1970: The company was sold to Union Pacific Corporation and was kept as a wholly owned subsidiary.
1984: The Retail business of Champlin was purchased by American Petrofina, after Champlin closed the refinery.around 1986, Union Pacific Corporation and Champlin Petroleum Company sold the Corpus Christi Refinery. ***
The Champlin trade name was part of the deal. Champlin's name was changed to Union Pacific Resources Company (UPRC).
During late 1990's, Union Pacific Corporation spun off the Union Pacific Resources Company.
2000: Anadarko Petroleum Corporation and Union Pacific Resources merged. The Anadarko name survived going forward."
"CITGO became wholly owned by Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA).
That same year, the former Champlin Refinery in Corpus Christi, Texas, became a part of the company’s refining network."
" The character J. Arnold Ross in Upton Sinclair's 1927 novel Oil! (the inspiration for the 2007 film There Will Be Blood) is loosely based on Doheny."
"Doheny is listed in the 1880 United States Census as a painter living in Prescott, Arizona.[6] Later in 1880, he was in the Black Range in western Sierra County of south-western New Mexico Territory, living in the rough silver-mining town of Kingston (about 10 miles (16 km) west of Hillsboro), prospecting, mining, and buying and trading mining claims.
He worked in the famed Iron King mine, just north of Kingston, which drew men to the area. In Kingston, he met two men who later played important roles in his life: Albert Fall, the future Secretary of the Interior, and Charles A. Canfield, who became his business partner
"Freeman Bloodgood obituary
Conesville Man Dies in West; Was Pioneer
July 1925
Middleburgh, July 28. – Word has been received here that Freeman Bloodgood, ninety-two, formerly of Conesville, near Middleburgh, is dead at State College, N. M. Mr. Bloodgood moved to New Mexico in 1881. He engaged in teaming and hauled freight between Las Vegas and White Oaks.
He also hauled the first load of ore out of Kingston in New Mexico, when that place was a mining camp. The ore was hauled to Nut station before Deming was founded. At Kingston he was a crony of Doheny, the oil magnate.
He later conducted a ranch in the Mogollones, after which he went into the cattle business near Kingston. He was born in New York state."
AOK biting duck (shadowography)

"The OK or ring gesture (Unicode symbol U+1F44C "👌") is performed by connecting the thumb and index finger into a circle, and holding the other fingers straight or relaxed away from the palm.
Commonly used by divers, it signifies "I am OK" or "Are you OK?" when underwater. In most English-speaking countries it denotes approval, agreement, and that all is well or "okay".
In other contexts or cultures, this same gesture may have different meanings or connotations, including many that are negative, offensive, financial, numerical, devotional, or purely linguistic."
"Ring gestures, formed by forefinger and thumb with remaining digits extended, appear in Greece at least as early as the fifth century BCE, and can be seen on painted vases as an expression of love, with thumb and forefinger mimicking kissing lips.
When proffered by one person toward another in Ancient Greece, the gesture was of one professing their love for another, and the sentiment was conveyed more in the touching of fingertips than in the ring that they formed.[1]
As an expression of assent and approval, the gesture can be traced back to first century Rome where the rhetorician Quintilian is recorded as having used it.[2] Quintilian's chironomy prescribed variations in context for the gesture's use during specific points of a speech: to open, give warning or praise or accusation, and then to close a declamation.[1]
Contemporaneously the sign appeared throughout the Buddhist and Hindu diasporas as a symbol of inner perfection.
Ethologist Desmond Morris posits that the joined thumb-and-forefinger communicates precision in grasping something literally or figuratively, and that the shape formed by their union represents the epitome of perfection—a circle—hence the gesture's transcultural message that things are "exactly right" or "perfect"
"Dating back to the tenth century in Europe, the gesture of thumb and forefinger forming a ring with the remaining fingers extended was used in a set of standardized ecclesiastical signs employed by Christian monks under vows of silence to represent numerous religious rites and objects. "
"In modern-day American Sign Language (ASL) the gesture can mean many different things depending on how it is applied. The pinching action of the thumb-and-forefinger frequently represents something small. For example, the sign for "housefly" is made by making the gesture mimic a fly buzzing around.[56] In ASL the gesture can also communicate a selection of some sort:
When moved from one side to the other as if picking something up and placing it down, it means "appoint". When the joined thumb and forefinger of the gesture are placed into a hole made by the opposite hand, it means "vote". The sign for "elect" is formed by making the signs for "vote" and "appoint" in succession"
"The gesture is used by doctors to test functionality of the anterior interosseous nerve and seek indications of median nerve palsy in the hands. When performing the test, a patient makes the OK gesture with both hands. If the circle formed by one hand appears more pinched or less round than the other, it may indicate weakness in the nerve.[82][83]
A similar medical test, known as Froment's sign, is used to test for palsy on the ulnar nerve. To perform the test, a patient holds a piece of paper between their forefinger and thumb, and the examiner attempts to pull it out of the patient's grip.[84] If ulnar nerve palsy is present, the patient will have difficulty maintaining their hold and may compensate by flexing the thumb to add more pressure."
Wikipedia leaves out the 100,000 year old practice of "shadowography."
"Since shadows have existed since the existence of objects obstructing light, it is hard to say when the art was first used by humans for entertainment. It could have been practiced by ancient or later humans, but it probably originated in the Far East.[2] The French entertainer Félicien Trewey was interested in the art of Chinese shadow puppetry called Ombres Chinoises, which means "Chinese shadows". He popularized the art of hand shadows when he developed shadows of famous silhouettes. It then became popular in Europe in the 19th century."

1984 plus One
"The Anne Frank House (Dutch: Anne Frank Huis) is a writer's house and biographical museum dedicated to Jewish wartime diarist Anne Frank. The building is located on a canal called the Prinsengracht, close to the Westerkerk, in central Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
During World War II, Anne Frank hid from Nazi persecution with her family and four other people in hidden rooms at the rear of the 17th-century canal house, known as the Secret Annex (Dutch: Achterhuis)
The house – and the one next door at number 265, which was later purchased by the museum – was built by Dirk van Delft in 1635."
I visited the Anne Frank House in 1985, 40 years after the end of WW2 and the Holocaust.
Never again? OK, IMPEACH Trump and get rid of the bigots in Congress, K Street, and Wall Street.
a mountain of clouds (2005)
the wizard's soil in a pouch of water
the moon behind a mountain of clouds made of birds
the muscles that move the eye within
the lake's thousand leagues of unwhispered remedies
the branches of vision seeking final repose of the acorn
the beginning of tying one's hair into a ship of mercy
the rocks that built her body out of milk
the wind in and of itself
the sleep actively awakening other forms
children and parents, grandmothers and fathers,
the food they gathered, the water that walked within them
the sky questioning, the flames warming
the instrument made of all earth and related positions
the ancient enchilada
the hands of a man
2005, the dalles, or
museum of modern moods (1998)
surreal hollering in
new sfmoma
gallery space, forest! forest! as
asian guards usually uptight and stern
laugh as she slaps
'em five under
pollock's guardian of the secret
bigboat go
toot, toot
worked our way pleasantly
past matisses picassos diebenkorns
under one landscape she played
with her shoe
velcro arneson's great selfportrait
pedestal crumb
-ling to re
-veal the empty
nest around the critic comment
float alongside
nevertheless impossible
i believe
to run over per se
astute chaos surreal
exploded on the top floor
sparsely surrounded
by canvasses the size
of barndoors
splattered neonspooged
& watched over by
more guards, protecting
no secret, than flies
on vegan shit
...what time
was it, the fog, lifted
to ask...
beautiful the cold the cold
whistled wing the wind
etching the paper sack
paperstack tenpercent postconsumer
past redemption cooling
the beautiful cold
sea of departures
departures where are
your papers
how many waves
define where you go,
if you stay?
1994 san francisco
thunderstorm eighteen (1985)
blue harmonica dreams
stream across grey burlap eyes,
soothe with nuance softness
ears pointed toward distant sky
fields of grace aplenty
washed clean, noontime weep
the furrows gush a murky blood
into willing earth tears seep
the day of welcome wanes, dust beckons
the lights dim, sun rises on
another's land melting cloudy
on oklahoma's rim
(age 18, 1985)
round eighteen (1985)
the earth is round
but you can't touch the people
and the seas are wet
but you can't know yourself
the sun is warm
but you won't die in your sleep
and the sky is big but yer dreams are bigger
and harder to crush, realize & live with.
(age 18, 1985)
dreaming baby eighteen (1985)
i was riding second class youth eurail
amsterdam to geneva, two german
girls or silly women were sitting next to me
speaking to one another
giggling with furtive glances at me.
do you speak english? smile,
laugh, side to side nod no,
just a bit. oh.
i curled up in my space
a fetal position hands cupped to breast
content on my face sleep in my eye
shortly i awoke to hear snort snort stifle
why do you laugh? they reply,
blush of flirtation, you look like a
dreaming baby. slow bumpy
train ride, air so sweet.
(age 18, 1985)
rosslare (1985)
the pull of the tide, moons strength on earth
minute organisms and bonding glue
that dissolves in death the spray of grey ocean
as i wandered sickly into the dark
the ferry ship bridging peoples twixt and hither
after train ride from dublin to rosslare
trench coats with collars stiffly angled,
wandering beach driftwood smooth from battering slams
soft thru relentless beating of waters fist
pearly white baby ears, macaroni shells
whatever i wrote in natures chalkboard
how long did it stand? was the cauliflower growing
over the gloomy grey swirl merely another ferry
chugging steamy or was it offspring of yet more
driving dismal edge depleting
water pounding loves?
(age 18, 1985. Ireland)
Sunday, May 05, 2019
Friday, May 03, 2019
Suffering diligence
Beautiful day,
Complicated people. Lap it up
With both tongues, both
Forked and buttering.
Empty responses ensure
Wednesday, May 01, 2019
May Day
International Workers Day
May Day
solidarity with nature
solidarity with working class people
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