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Saturday, April 27, 2019

buzz off BOT

I take note of my page views and their country of origin, and have an Italian-based BOT
or Spider or somesuch entity that looks at 60-80 "pages" every other day.

buzz off.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

godanblot, freya's day

"If Jesus suffered and died, why is it called Good Friday?

The term "Good" as applied to Good Friday is an Old English expression meaning holy.

It's often called Holy Friday also."

"According to the New Testament, Jesus gave the Passover meal a new meaning, as in the upper room during the Last Supper he prepared himself and his disciples for his death.

He identified the matzah and cup of wine as his body soon to be sacrificed and his blood soon to be shed."


"The name Friday comes from the Old English Frīġedæġ, meaning the "day of Frige", a result of an old convention associating the Germanic goddess Frigg with the Roman goddess Venus, with whom the day is associated in many different cultures. The same holds for Frīatag in Old High German, Freitag in Modern German, and vrijdag in Dutch.

The expected cognate name in Old Norse would be *friggjar-dagr. However, the name of Friday in Old Norse is frjá-dagr instead, indicating a loan of the week-day names from Low German.[3] The modern Scandinavian form is Fredag in Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish, meaning Freyja's day. The distinction between Freyja and Frigg in some Germanic mythologies is contested.


"The word blót is an Old Norse strong neuter noun (genitive blóts). The corresponding Old English neuter blōt (genitive blōtes) may be influenced by Old Norse; the Old English gospels have prefixed ge-blōt "sacrifice".

The reconstructed Proto-Germanic form of the noun is *blōtą "sacrifice, worship". Connected to this is the Proto-Germanic strong verb *blōtaną with descendants in Gothic 𐌱𐌻𐍉𐍄𐌰𐌽 (blōtan), Old Norse blóta, Old English blōtan and Old High German bluozan, all of which mean "to sacrifice, offer, worship".

The word also appears in a compound attested in Old Norse as blót-hús "house of worship" and in Old High German as bluoz-hūz "temple". With a different nominative affix, the same stem is found in the Proto-Germanic noun *blōstrą "sacrifice" — attested in Gothic *𐌱𐌻𐍉𐍃𐍄𐍂 (*blostr) in 𐌾𐌿𐌸-𐌱𐌻𐍉𐍃𐍄𐍂𐌴𐌹𐍃 (guþ-blostreis) "worshipper of God" and Old High German bluostar "offering, sacrifice").

 This stem is thought to be connected to the Proto-Germanic verb *blōaną "to blow; to bloom, blossom", as are the words for "blood" (Proto-Germanic *blōþą) and "bloom" (Proto-Germanic *blōmô).

 Sophus Bugge was the first to suggest a connection between blót and the Latin flamen (< *flădmen), and both words can be traced back to the Proto-Indo-European stem *bhlād- "to bubble forth; to mumble, murmur, blather".

The Summer blót was undertaken in the middle of April (about four weeks after the spring equinox) and it was given to Odin.[5] Then, they drank for victory in war and this blót was the starting date for Viking expeditions and wars."

" Ybor and Agio called upon Frea, Godan's wife. Frea counseled them that "at sunrise the Winnil[i] should come, and that their women, with their hair let down around the face in the likeness of a beard should also come with their husbands".

At sunrise, Frea turned Godan's bed around to face east and woke him. Godan saw the Winnili, including their whiskered women, and asked "who are those Long-beards?" Frea responded to Godan, "As you have given them a name, give them also the victory".

Godan did so, "so that they should defend themselves according to his counsel and obtain the victory". Thenceforth the Winnili were known as the Langobards (Langobardic "long-beards")

Friday, April 19, 2019

red actions thwart justice

"Barr made nearly 1,000 redactions in Mueller report

How many redactions?

Attorney general William Barr’s office made nearly 1,000 redactions in the Mueller report, mostly on the basis that revealing the information would cause “harm to an ongoing matter” , according to a Reuters analysis."


good guess yesterday.


Attorney General William P. Barr’s office grouped redactions into four categories.

 The vast majority of redactions were material from grand jury proceedings, kept secret by law, or details whose public disclosure could jeopardize ongoing investigations.

 To a lesser degree, material was redacted if it could “compromise sources and methods” used in intelligence gathering or would “unduly infringe on the personal privacy and reputational interests of peripheral third parties.”


Veselnitskaya, Akhmetshin, Kaveladze, Samochornov

oh Agalarovs

Felix Sater
Michael Mukasey

etc etc etc

Thursday, April 18, 2019

It's time the United States kissed and made up with Iran.(1987, Letter to the Editor)

November 5, 1987
Letter to The Kansan, Lawrence Kansas:

It's time the United States kissed and made up with Iran. Face it, we need their oil, and we need
translations for their torture manuals. The U.S. could learn a lot from Iran and their methods of
dealing with "deviants." Although the U.S. has been oozing down escalator of individual
freedom at a pretty decent rate for a capitalistic dictatorship, we'll need diesel-powered sneakers
to revert to the modern-day practices of Iran.
     I'm sure we can do it and you, the voter, are just the person to tie those red-white-n'blue laces.
Do it nice and tight like a noose or corset.
     A headline on October 13 read "Iranian executed by stoning." This immediately piqued my
hope for mankind. I mean, how often do you actually get to read about first-rate, modern-day
Salems? Top notch coverage, eh?
     The story reported that an Iranian clergyman was executed by stoning after being found guilty
of "gross immorality, drinking alcohol, possessing narcotics." Whew, and they say you can't have
a good time in Tehran!
     But think about how the United States could benefit in adopting such a policy.
     It's obvious that the first to go would have to be the door-to-door salesmen/evangelists such
as Jim Baker and ol' Oral. And if we took Reagan's Cabinet and staff members, we'd find ourselves
being ruled by the White House hairdresser------maybe we already are.
     McFarlane failed at overdosing on sleeping pills, and Reagan has to be shovel-fed uppers to
stay awake and man the Red Button. Poindexter reeled off close to 190 "I don't remembers"
during the Contra-expose, leaving him buried in a heavy heap of fraud. North and his cast of
millions, formerly lead by Bill Casey, or whomever of the Chronically Ignorant Agency, are still
thumbing through the land-mine section of a Sear's catalog, looking to lose some Swiss change.
     Taking this lot of losers and judging them as one big Incompetent, we find ourselves looking
for bricks and smiling. And we don't need to stop with the government and pulpit; we can just
go down the line and kill ourselves as well.
     Maybe the U.S. could open dialogue with the moderates of Iran if we sent them midnight
shipments of sandstone and granite. But then, we never know when we may need the stones
to build our own Berlinese Wall over the rights of the individual.
     Nancy must have gotten quite a shock when she read the aforementioned headlines about
executions by stoning: "Those drug-pushing fanatics, O heavens those barbarians!" She
undoubtedly fails to think of the way in which our country murders its own citizens. We stone
them to death using lethal intravenous---heinous injections-----everything is tidy and quiet.
     What an awesome head rush.
     It all boils down to something similar to this: Our governments are closet sado-masochists.
The U.S. hangs around the schoolyard after dark, knowing well the fanatical bully is walking
toward visionary Mecca at all times. Then we find Iran dropping firecrackers at our nuclear
tugboats and planting whoopie-cushion mines before our microscopic omnipotent eyes.
     We just need to form a corporate merger and be friends again. They need McDonalds like
the plague, and we could learn the mechanics of happy genocide.

F. Bloggod, Stillwater, Okla. Junior
(University of Kansas, The Kansan "Mailbox" Nov. 5, 1987

1,113 redacted views today

wild hunt

If houses were built on former roads, they could be burnt down, because Odin did not change his plans if he had formerly travelled on a road there.

 Not even charcoal kilns could be built on disused roads, because if Odin was hunting the kiln would be ablaze

Leader of the Wild Hunt[edit]

norns sweet talk the swan

long necked bird, fish swallower
the past present future await
your preening

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

stark hunger

he's on the bench with a shabby suitcase
on wheels, at the bus stop
no need for eye contact
until he approaches, and stammeringly
asks for help for a homeless person
i reach toward the 4 quarters in my pocket
and offer them into his
ragged young hands,
he's maybe 20. here, i say
reaching into my shoulder bag
for the granola bars
take these too, as he eagerly opens
the wrapper and starts
eating, walking off down the sidewalk
going somewhere to spend
that dollar or just keep from growing moss

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

tinderbox batshit

The wood for the soaring cathedral was first felled around 1160 to 1170, with some of it coming from trees thought to be 300 to 400 years old at the time they were chopped. 

That puts the oldest timber in the cathedral at nearly 1,300 years old.


the ribs of our pagan mother released
over the awestruck city,
a forest of oak beams 1300 years old
and a fair bit of bat shit

The Pillar of the Boatmen (French Pilier des nautes) is a monumental Roman column erected in Lutetia (modern Paris) in honour of Jupiter by the guild of boatmen in the 1st century AD

History of the Pillar[edit]

Some time in the 3rd century, the stone blocks that formed the pillar were broken into two and used to reinforce the foundations of the walls along the riverbank. Over time, the island grew slightly so that the 3rd-century wharfs are now a dozen metres from the banks of the modern river (Kruta 1883).
The Christian cathedral of St. Etienne was founded by Childebert in 528 AD on the site of the Gallo-Roman temple; Notre-Dame de Pariswas in turn built over this in 1163 AD.
The pillar was found on 6 March 1710 (not 1711, as is often erroneously stated) during the construction of a crypt under the nave of Notre-Dame de Paris and first published by Baudelot de Dairval in 1712 (Busson 1998, pp. 445–446). Not all of the pieces were recovered; for three of the tiers we have only the top half.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

the wild hunt, selene, norn, nemesis spake, semele, ixion, celebe,

the wild hunt 

fohn wind hard licks the wild hunt erupting

vultures drop, motionless, shadows disrupting

   moonlit groves, armies of faries

   thrashing acorns as tornadoes carry us

down stark roads over homes wrongful built,

for hearth-fires wodan keeps, unwise wood split

   undoing the road and what's come before

   and that which was known, once before sworn

dandy dogs hunting, stay on your steed

to touch ground when godan hunts; ashes guaranteed,

   our tender feet march not that fohn wind,

   rises hot focus up mountains sharp grin

   cutting god's ice beard, the spray off blood hooves;

   red roaming ghost kings, all sensible move



Selene drives her moon chariot wanton wise

pulling men-hearts out to later feed mice

   above green earth her palace so pale

   from craters her whims all mortals regale

moonstruck by proxy, the wine in our glasses

moondrunk the chipmunk, evading owl passes,

   Selene never parks her orb spinning high

   without clouds for hitch-posts cloistered nigh

formed of Phoebe, or maybe old Theia

fished in by gravity, mystery, the moon sees us;

   silhouette of substances similar, serene

   man is kind love until shown his own spleen

shining her trademark, all night she delivers

rolling foul heavens, arming cupid's deft quivers



Swans from swain broods emerge to the Norns

who thread twine, riverine, alluvial born;

   fates tend to puddle, well-tree over-ridden;

  the Norns sort us out, trophy in the midden

a root runs true or turns false no less,

carries our water, the ash of success

   the limbs roost above our imperiled crowns

   widow-maker swooping, silently browned

no fish to swan stalking, mirror calm lake,

no leaf left untasted, the hart there to take

   no dirt clod molested, the serpent true hiss

   there in Norn's weaving wand's illustriousness

   noblest of trees, well watered abides

   ribs crack oak coal, heat presides


          nemesis spake     

Finally Nemesis spake, her truth a rake,

clawing man's crime piles he takes/takes

   for granted, till spark make bonfire;

   good, party ----get a marshmallow, dear

said Nemesis, whittling weeping willow

switches, laying castor&pollux egg on a pillow;

   mother of helen, cause of collection,

   armies assembled to die, perfection;

ceo, senator,  jocular newsguy, trump:

Watch for a chariot of griffins Clumped

   Yer frivolous Insolence and heads i remove

   Shrieked Nemesis      (her army approved)

daughter of  Ocean, her dagger primeval,

dim man-blood meet Nemesis, measured arch rival



bathing in the river, Semele took note yon eagle

bloody from blots to zeus, his attentions "regal"

   Semele demanded the god in full glory,

   thus reduced by thunderbolt, an immortal story;

from fires sprung son dio, wine god of frenzy

born to soothe  time and man, needing ectasy

   a phoenix not ready, zeus sewed in his thigh:

   dionysus, with river nymphs, and mystis, resides

raised in sheer mountains, with panthers, his wine,

wand tipped with spine-bone,             honey of pine

   mead's golden warm fuel        fires the dance

   epiphany blooms               in orgy perchance

  twice born, the grape low:

  wine risen, man knows:



The centaur bow aflame in absolute fire,

breath cloud via spectograph no liar,

  primordial booze of all make and kind

  ethanol, vinyl, wonder centaur's blind

a black hole of methane, tongueless profane,

formaldehyde crib has all life to gain

  loaning out a cosmos to spare

  a rib boomerrang returns for its share

half man-horse,  his core brighter by far,

hera dumbly his target, zeus fixed Ix with tar,

   spinning eternal from fucking that cloud

   (in hearts distillation, purely not allowed)

  big bang banished, moby dick subsumed,

  punished with powers all self-consumed



Say you know them sibyls of the sistine chapel;

you know the core, seed,        and bite of apple

   do you know that great Magna Mater,

   great mother, mountain planter,

Cybele seven thousand year worshipped,

iron from stars, her magnet, perfect

   cured incorrigible dionysus, raving

   grounded the grove and hearthstone, paving

altars blood worshiped, don't sneer now you mortal;

your fridge full of prophecy, awaiting, a portal;

   styrofoam chapel, all lined with the saints,

   st. bacon, st. whipped cream, st. plastic and paint

   moshing foot grinding the feet grapes undressing

   came first mothers music, mystery, sense blessings

Mt Tabor, Portland, Oregon

Jan 2, 2018

Thursday, April 11, 2019

not my deal in life

"Moreno..... has dismissed Assange as “a Roger Stone in my shoe.

“WikiLeaks — I love WikiLeaks!” he said in October 2016 at a rally in Pennsylvania, waving a report on the latest disclosures.

“Boy, I love reading those WikiLeaks,” Trump said a few days before the election after a new dump of emails.

Asked Thursday about those remarks, President Trump told reporters:

“I know nothing about Wikileaks. It’s not my thing. 

And I know there was something having to do with Julian Assange. . . . That will be a determination, I would imagine, mostly by the attorney general. . . .

I know nothing really about it.

It’s not my deal in life.”

Sunday, April 07, 2019

210 W 4th street the Dalles, shiplap siding, high altitude record

Gray was born on February 16, 1889 in Pasco, Washington.

 He was the son of William Polk Gray (1845-1929), a prominent steamboat captain in the Northwestern United States, and Oceana Falkland Bush.

Hawthorne Charles Gray (February 16, 1889 – November 4, 1927) was a captain in the United States Army Air Corps.

 On November 4, 1927, he succeeded in setting a new altitude record in a silk, rubberized, and aluminum-coated balloon launched from Scott Field near Belleville, Illinois, reaching 42,470 ft (12.94 km), but died during his descent after his oxygen supply became depleted

HC Gray Photo


MARRIAGE BIOGRAPHY: (Excerpts from 'Reminiscences of Capt. W. P. Gray', Page 344)
"I was married on October 27, 1868, at Portland, Oregon. My wife's name was Oceana Falkland Bush. She was the adopted daughter of Mrs. Hawthorne, of Portland, a pioneer family after whom Hawthorne avenue and Hawthorne Park are named. 

"My wife was born on her father's brig, the 'Rising Sun,' just off of the Falkland Islands while on a voyage around the Horn. I met her for the first time at the celebration over the driving of the first spike in the Oregon and California railroad in East Portland, April 16, 1868."

bluestone patio, double sided cedar fence, ipe deck, raingarden. NE Portland 2016

Bierger, Forest, Gary, Jake, Umberto did all that. Turned out nice.

2016 stone work

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

whims of nature guide asteroids not humans

whims of nature guide asteroids not humans
our glacial potlucks
our fiddlywinks of rocketry and radiowaves
while animals (science
proves are every bit as intellectual
and far more charming
besides sharks tabloid leeches
on holiday among fascists

just birth

that social media sty where we wallow
and rub elbows and remember old good times,
a son killed by a gun
he was 17. 5 days ago? in the life of a parent,
five eternal moments of abysmal loss.
my daughter lost a friend to the rope, too,
but her best friend gave birth. just

new life mud,
keeps away the flies

fossil lasagna

that big splash 66 million
years ago made lasagna
of zillions of zillions of tons of critters 
and thousand foot tall trees
even avatar never climbed out of
sardine-can fossils
yet another blink of dermis
you idiots, we find
nothing on mars so tasty.
or as hungry, as
actual humans
as species disappear
and the lasagna
is empty toast

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

eagletarians& consorts willing

go around despising the mirrored eyes
of your neighbors, and disparage their mealy
countenance at the weep-a-thon.

form unions or cower, whupped.

tell corporate lies to pay back their thefts.
get sleep and find oddest dreams
in currency mild sweat.

feed livers to eagletarians
and their consorts willing


water churning large stone to sand, doing
dishes. whole trees,
limbs long left behind around
bends. i'd go to sleep
to the shredding
and bowling 
of boulders for year after year
as my kid teethed and learned her ABCd
jumping over rattlesnakes in cats mouths,
and eating tofu.

today again

what wind there is is warm,
so are the hobos on the bus.
all the calls happen in a quantum blender
that sucks.

Monday, April 01, 2019

scapular winging, exterior house painting injury

"Scapular winging represents a rare phenomenon that most commonly results from nerve damage to either the long thoracic nerve, spinal accessory nerve, or, less commonly, the dorsal scapular nerve.

This injury results in an abnormal scapulohumeral interaction during kinetic motion known as scapular dyskinesis. In this case report, the patient presented with scapular dyskinesis and medial scapular winging caused by overhead weight-lifting exercises, and a long thoracic nerve injury was diagnosed.

 Physicians are encouraged to consider long thoracic nerve damage in a patient with a history of repetitive overhead movements who presents with scapular dyskinesis and the corresponding restriction of overhead arm motions."

"Scapular winging can markedly hinder the function of the upper extremity. Nerve damage represents the most common cause, most often to the long thoracic nerve or the spinal accessory nerve.1 Additional causes of scapular winging include direct trauma to the scapulothoracic muscles or structural abnormalities that result in shoulder instability.

Medial winging of the scapula manifests with damage to the long thoracic nerve, and lateral winging occurs with damage to the spinal accessory nerve or the dorsal scapular nerve, although the latter is less common.

 Serratus anterior paralysis is not a common comorbidity, with 1 case of long thoracic nerve damage among 38,500 patients with this condition.

Seventeen different muscles attach to the scapula. The serratus anterior and lower trapezius muscles are the major contributors to the stabilization of the scapula

World says No War 2003, Portland