smorgasbord of poetry, photos, political hairballs...MOTEs "More energy, grit and real life in them than 96.8% of the bullshit that comes into the Corpse."
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Friday, March 29, 2019
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Socialist Venezuela/Rosneft BRIBED $500,000 to Trump's inauguration
Socialist Venezuela chipped in $500,000 to Trump's inauguration
"A Venezuelan state-owned oil company, heavily indebted to the Russian oil giant Rosneft, made a $500,000 donation to Donald Trump’s inauguration festivities, it has emerged.
Foreign donations are banned under US law, but the Venezuelan company, PdVSA, made the donation through a US affiliate, Citgo Petrol, soon after offering a nearly 50% stake in Citgo to Rosneft as collateral for a $1.5bn loan.
Under current circumstances, however, Rosneft could not take ownership of its shares in Citgo – which owns three refineries, as well as pipelines and oil terminals – because the Russian firm and its boss, Igor Sechin, are under US sanctions linked to Moscow’s military intervention in eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea.
A dossier put together last year by a former British intelligence officer, Christopher Steele, containing allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow over Russian intervention in the US presidential elections, mentions Rosneft as a central part of the supposed conspiracy.
Steele claimed that Sechin, a close associate of Vladmir Putin, met one of Trump’s foreign policy advisers, Carter Page, and offered him brokerage in the sale of 19% of Rosneft shares.
Page has denied meeting Sechin, but his visit to Moscow in July is reported by the New York Times to have been a catalyst for the launch of a FBI investigation into Trump-Russia links. In December, Russia sold a 19.5% share in Rosneft for more than €10bn ($10.7bn).
Some of it was bought by Qatar and Glencore, a Swiss-based oil trading company, but the new owners of most of the stake remain shrouded in mystery."
crime family GOP
"Going to a military high school, Donald, is not military service.
You've never worn the uniform. ... So knock it off. "
"He's a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot,"
"He's the ISIL man of the year"
“I’ll guarantee you that’s what it is. . . . The Russians hacked the DNC and got the opp [opposition] research that they had on Trump,” McCarthy said with a laugh.
Ryan asked who the Russians “delivered” the opposition research to.
“There’s . . . there’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,”
McCarthy said, drawing some laughter. “Swear to God,” McCarthy added.
“This is an off the record,” Ryan said.
Some lawmakers laughed at that.
“No leaks, all right?,” Ryan said, adding:
“This is how we know we’re a real family here.”
“That’s how you know that we’re tight,” Scalise said.
“What’s said in the family stays in the family,” Ryan added.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Samochornov, Mike Mukassey, Kaveladze, Trump Tower ghosts
Somehow, the NY Times can't come up with a photo of Irakly Kaveladze, a known money launderer.
Somehow, the 8th person at the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016 isn't even listed:
"A translator named Anatoli Samochornov was in the meeting between Donald Trump’s campaign team and two Russian lobbyists last year.
Samochornov, an American citizen, has worked as a translator for Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who led the meeting with Donald Trump Jr. on June 9, 2016.
Samochornov translated for Veselnitskaya while she represented a Russian defendant in a money-laundering case in federal court last year and accompanied her to Belgium to promote a film critical of a U.S. anti-money laundering law.
Samochornov has a long track record of interpreting for governmental agencies and dignitaries, including Russia’s leading human rights activist and the U.S. State Department.
Samochornov’s work for Veselnitskaya extended outside of the courtroom.
Veselnitskaya formed a nonprofit group called the Human Rights Accountability Global Initiative Foundation, which employed Akhmetshin as a lobbyist. The group’s stated purpose is to restart the adoptions of Russian children to the U.S. by repealing the Magnitsky Act.
In April 2016, Samochornov interpreted for Veselnitskaya at an aborted screening of an anti-Magnitsky Act documentary in Belgium.
Federal prosecutors claimed in court that Samochornov was an “officer” of Veselnitskaya’s group.
In one exchange from May 2017, prosecutors and defense attorneys sparred over whether Samochornov should be allowed to serve as an interpreter for Denis Katsyv, owner of Russian company Prevezon on trial for money laundering.
Samochornov was named on Friday by Rinat Akhmetshin, a lobbyist who also attended the Trump Tower meeting. Samochornov’s mother-in-law confirmed he was at the meeting in an exclusive interview with The Daily Beast at his home on Thursday morning."
"He has apparently been engaged in lobbying efforts that seem to have some connection to at least the defendants’ lawyers in Washington,” assistant U.S. attorney Paul Monteleoni said, according to a court transcript."
Trump Tower Russia Meeting
"Donald Trump Jr. arranged a meeting with a Kremlin-connected lawyer after being told that the Russian government wanted to share damaging information about Mrs. Clinton.
After the meeting was uncovered by The New York Times, the Trump team pushed a false narrative about the reason for holding it."
Photo of Kaveladze:
outhouse (1989)
call me the butthole sailor.
meatloaf television hyperbole
swanprick flutter of illumination& a five
percent inflammation of the eyelids
veined drapery of flesh
encasing an exploding blue seashell shooting out
electric spaghetti entree antennae
tracers off the sparks of a kross
burning black smoke across the front yawn
of an aeolian
abortion clinic.
is no technique. i am the american hero,
king grain missile silo incorporated.
we're ads fer abetterworld.
smoke some ice
in the urinal mind of a retired pig
guarding the condom factory
at night filling them with helium's surreal advice,
hoping they clear the great wall of new york shitty.
i phone sex in silver city
postmark hallmark salutations
with sandpaper underwear's indigestible pride.
i am the american poet.
pass me sum a dat dumbass
over there vern.
nutritious and delicious,
sky high with celery fiber verbiage roughage
freckles of embarrassed experience.
call it purple. chef of
apocalyptic cryptic mystical shit,
a duke of the stratosphear
pantheistic potential redeemer
loitering over the steaming idea of nothing
stirring vaguely as tho it were noun.
cayenne rapid bitchdog in heat radiation
glorybee spellings
speaking onto the gymnastium of fingers
into hammocks of heart& mind.
banners stream from the thoughts
as i take a bath or a bong-----mtn bike majesty
titanium penis accessory& the
skin peeled off miz armenia's skull
to reveal a bustling garage sale
of talents to go vangoghs and pi-ca-so-what
guitar locks remain
on passion's ear, a citizen kane
matador of palimpsest
movies on cellophane dreamwrapping
seen thru the eyes of an orphan
seen thru the hallucinated conscience
of a nazi love slave
noxious words of ash, parsley, zoom------
------to the flintstone
chewable quaalude wrongly administered
in suppository sestina form
blocking megarush satori orgasm
realization of self
of nation of emptiness of images of
oral robert's basketball camp's towelboy
slinging sweaty jockstraps
fulla holy dandruff
shakedown of
points shavings. butthole religion.
my god says alot alot.
plywood splinters from the confessional outhouse.
reading this
is just the time the mayor is found stuck in
a latrine, cause he was fooling
with someone's wife.
number one export: trash.
number one food source: each other.
johnson county cannibals
swimming in rhetorical cloud formations
drunk bottles of some god's elixir.
ethereal winter grass
and fresheners doing the opposite,
dayglow redneck hunters stalking
drunk with uzzis on rent
from the baptiste youth center
whose towering cowering framework
snags these very very words o lighting
ben franklin masonic french gnostic dopesmoker
inscriber of our
aeolian skull, factual driftwood of texas, surfer of the
assholes of this unicycle verse
in thru the outdoor
over stupidwaiters
leaping leftovers and emotional
plastic of reality
hyperfart deluxe rolling cart
wheels a deal down the aisles
pulling fourteen year old wives
fulla cans and cannots
&carrots of indiscretion
aerosol douche
peptodismal curlers rotten teeth regurgitate
ciggie smoke filling dryer dome
catscanning the noggin
searching the inner pouch of reproductive
organs of a topaz as it spazzes
into the railing on the teeth of an
advertising broad spread eagle
over the free american
whey the way of high heels
clipboards and yawn furniture.
sit and rest on america today
as buddha gives barbi a blowjob
and gbush serves pork rinds
to the holocaust ghosts.
the toilet overflows
the children are trimmed and square
fellas in compton are getting mad.
i didn't make the news.
i just read what's up
on the wall.
1989 Lawrence, Ks
for the Butthole Surfers Y Tejas
(shrive. remainder. classic.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Saturday, March 16, 2019
hairline havoc bathos
bathos hemal
penalize flight
touch great blasphemy
settle drill
minimal fistula pendulum
presentiment travel
forestry castanet
role play
created by random dictionary page-turn,
finger chosen selection
"Exquisite corpse, also known as exquisite cadaver (from the original French term cadavre exquis), is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled. Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule or by being allowed to see only the end of what the previous person contributed."
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Bloodgood Nurseries, Flushing NY, established 1790
The project site originally was part of the Bloodgood family homestead, which was
acquired, probably by early Flushing settler Franz (or Francis) Bloodgood (or Bloctgoct), in
the second half of the 1600s, although archival sources differ as to the exact year (Munsell
1882:90; Anonymous n.d.:16; Chapman Publishing 1896:1192) Soon after the
Bloodgoods purchased the land, though, a house was constructed on the east side of what
would become Main Street, within modem Block 4978. This house, later known as the
Garretson House, after descendant Eliza Bloodgood's husband, Garret R. Garretson, stood
just north of the project site, within modem Lots 104 and 107, until its demolition in 1911.
The core of the house was a small structure, presumably dating to the original construction,
but over time the house was lengthened and rooms added, as need warranted. The length of
the house paralleled Main Street.
A description of the house during the 1880s, which by
then had become one story with a garret, indicated the first floor had seven rooms
(including two kitchens, three bedrooms, a parlor, a living room, a dining room, and a large
hall) and the second floor had three large bedrooms and a garret.
The front of the house,
facing Main Street, originally had a sloping lawn, but this feature was truncated when Main
Street was widened, and a low retaining wall was built in front of the house to hold back the
cut bank, with steps leading up from the street. A thick hedge capped the retaining wall,
and rose vines obliterated much of the house's facade (Lawson 1952:163-165). A
photograph of the house illustrates these features (Figure 5).
Although the Garretson house was just outside the project site, the homestead associated
with the house covered all of Lot 101, as well as portions of modem 39th Avenue and 138th
Street. Presumably, descendants of Franz Bloodgood lived on the property from the second
half of the 1600s through the early 1800s, but little is known of them, other than their family
It appears that Eliza Bloodgood's father, Daniel Bloodgood, headed a household and
occupied the property by 1800 and until at least 1830. Federal census records made in
1800, 1810, 1820, and 1830 list Daniel Bloodgood as the head of a household that included
from six to eleven people, depending on the year.
Daniel Bloodgood was a fruit grower,
specializing in cherry trees (Lawson 1952:163-165). The 1820 federal census, however,
indicates three members of Daniel Bloodgood's household were engaged in manufacturing,
suggesting that the B1oodgoods may have held other occupations as well.
Occupation of 'the homestead during the remainder of the nineteenth century is well
documented, owing primarily to the success of Garret Garretson, who married Eliza Bloodgood and took over her family's land.
Garretson was born inNew Jersey in 1807, and
moved to New York at age 16 to work as the overseer for William R. Prince's nursery,
which later became one of the largest nurseries in the country, if not the world.
In 1836,
Garretson opened his own business growing and selling seeds. At the time, there were only
three other seed businesses in the country. Garretson had a 100-acre farm, where he grew
most of the seeds, on Jamaica Road, east of Flushing. His business flourished, and he
ultimately sold his seeds allover the world. Within the project site, along 38th Avenue,
Garretson had a seed store, or warehouse, from which he sold and stored his stock. It was a
long frame building, known as Garretson's Seed House, which endured until 1910, when it
was razed (Chapman Publishing Co. 1896:1191-1192; Flushing Evening Journal March 24,
1910). The Garret Garretson household is documented in federal censuses from 1840
through 1880. The household included Garretson, listed variously as a seedsman or seeds
merchant, his wife Eliza, and their children: Alonzo, Imogene, Susannah, Charles, Frank,
and Jane. The household also usually included one or two female servants, who were often
Irish immigrants.
Several other structures were present on the Garretson estate, as evidenced by nineteenth
century maps. A map made by Elijah Smith in 1841 is the first to show the estate in detail
(Figure 6). Here, three buildings are shown on the property: the larger structure set back
from Main Street is the Garretson house, the seed store building is shown along Liberty
Street (later Lincoln Street, and now 38th Avenue), and a third small structure, south of the
house along Main Street, may be what a 1859 map refers to as an "office" (Walling 1859;
Figure 7). Lawson (1952:77) suggests that this structure was one story high, and removed
in 1867, in anticipation of laying out Locust Street (now 39th Avenue), which had been
proposed as early as 1859, but not carried out until 1875 (Kearns et al. 1988:16). Thus, the
former footprint of this structure appears to lie under the roadbed of 39th Avenue, and not
within the project site. The 1873 Beers map shows that the structure south of the house had
been removed by this time; no other buildings besides the house and the seed store were
present on the Garretson property (Figure 8).

1659-1911 Bloodgood Home
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Lucinda Mahala Lee Miller
Lucinda Mahala Lee Miller, age 90

"The word Mahala or Mahalla is used in many languages and countries meaning neighborhood or location originated in Arabic محلة mähallä, from the root meaning ‘to settle’, ‘to occupy’ derived from the verb halla (to untie), as in untying a pack horse or camel to make a camp.
In ancient cultures hospitality involved welcoming the stranger at the host location and offering him food, shelter, and safety.
This meaning of hospitality centers on the belief that strangers should be assisted and protected while traveling."
John Harry May
BIRTH 16 Apr 1884 Raymond, Montgomery County, Illinois, USA
DEATH 12 Jan 1933 (aged 48) Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, USA
Sina Isabell “Belle” Miller May ----(-Millard Fillmore May)
BIRTH 21 Jan 1862 Raymond, Montgomery County, Illinois, USA
DEATH 7 May 1928 (aged 66) Raymond, Montgomery County, Illinois, USA
Lucinda Mahala Lee Miller
BIRTH 31 Mar 1824 Greene County, Illinois, USA
DEATH 22 Apr 1916 (aged 92) Raymond, Montgomery County, Illinois, USA
Lemuel Greene Miller
BIRTH 14 Aug 1822 Greenfield, Greene County, Illinois, USA
DEATH 13 Dec 1879 (aged 57) Raymond, Montgomery County, Illinois, USA
Mary Finley Miller
BIRTH 1784 Roane County, Tennessee, USA
DEATH 17 Aug 1871 (aged 86–87) Greene County, Illinois, USA
James Miller, Sr
BIRTH 10 Jun 1778 Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, USA
DEATH 20 Oct 1851 (aged 73) Greene County, Illinois, USA
John Finley------Mary Beaver (Finley)
BIRTH 1760 DEATH 11 Feb 1840 (aged 79–80) Greene County, Illinois, USA
Thomas Finley
Birthdate November 18, 1734 Birthplace: Chester, Delaware County, Province of Pennsylvania
Death: June 05, 1816 (81) Montgomery County, North Carolina, United States
Thankful Finley (Doak)
Also Known As: "Elizabeth", "Mary", "Thankful Finley"
Birthdate: March 16, 1707 Birthplace: on ship from, North Ireland
Death: September 20, 1791 (84) Staunton, Augusta County, Virginia,
John Finley
Birthdate: December 18, 1706 Birthplace: Dublin, County of Dublin, Leinster, Ireland
Death: June 06, 1773 (66) Augusta County, Province of Virginia
James Finley Also Known As: "James Jennings Finlay"
Birthdate: 1688 Birthplace: Dublin, County Dublin, Leinster, Ireland
Death: February 10, 1753 (65) Green Township, Chester County Pennsylvania
Alexander Finley----(Margaret Finley)
Birthdate: 1667 Birthplace: Balchristie, Fifeshire, Scotland
Death: January 28, 1736 (69) Dublin, County of Dublin, Leinster
James Finley--(-Margaret Mackie)
Birthdate: 1631 Birthplace: Incharvie, Fifeshire, Scotland
Death: February 16, 1681 (50) Incharvie, Fifeshire, Scotland
John Finley Birthdate: 1579
Birthplace: Newburn Parish, Balchristie, Fife, Scotland
Death: October 06, 1670 (91) Inchervie, Fife, Scotland
Rev. James Finley Birthdate: 1530
Birthplace: Balchristie, Cupar Angus, Fife, Scotland
Death: March 26, 1597 (67) Balchristie, Newburn Parish, Fife, Scotland
Andrew Finley
Birthdate: 1504 Birthplace: Cupar, Fifeshire, Scotland
Death: April 27, 1547 (43) Aughinlyth, Cupar, Fifeshire, Scotland
John Finley, III
Birthdate: circa 1457 Birthplace: Perth, Perthshire, Scotland
Death: circa 1507 (42-58) Cowbyres, Barry, Angus, Scotland
John Finlay
Also Known As: "Fyndlay", "Findlay" Birthdate: 1418
Birthplace: Ketbyk, Cupar Grange, Angus, Scotland
Death: circa 1461 (39-47) Ketbyk, Cupar Grange, Angus, Scotland
John Finley, Sr., Bishop of Dumblan "Findlay", "Kirkpatric"
Birthdate: 1356 Birthplace: Perthshire, Scotland
Death: circa 1445 (85-93) Thane Glentait, Perthshire, Scotland
Andrew Finlay, Sheriff of Perthshire
Birthdate: 1344 Birthplace: Perthshire, Scotland, (Present UK)
Death: 1379 (35) Perth, Perthshire, Scotland,
William Finlay, Royal Forester
Birthdate: circa 1300
Birthplace: Perth, Perthshire, Scotland
Death: 1356 (52-60) Perth, Perthshire, Scotland
Archibald Fynlay Birthdate: 1263
Birthplace: Perth, Perthshire, Scotland, (Present UK)
Death: 1337 (74) Perth, Perthshire, Scotland, (Present UK
Fearchar McFinlay, Chief of Clan Fionnladh Birth 1214
Birthplace: Braemar, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Death: 1274 (56-64) Aberdeenshire, Scotland,
Eugenius Shaw Farquharson McFinlay Birthdate: circa 1190
Death: 1223 (29-37) Probably Aberdeenshire, Scotland
"Fergus Farquhar McFinley", "Fergus Farquhar MacFinlay"
Birthdate: circa 1145 Death: circa 1210 (57-73)
Thane Ruari McFinlay Birthdate: 1090
Birthplace: Ross-shire, Scotland Death: 1152 (62)
MacBeatha Mc Finlay, Thane of Cromarty Birthdate: 1048
Birthplace: Ross-shire, Scotland Death: 1093 (45)
Thursday, March 07, 2019
postcard from turquoise spiral tornado
Doing wine shows in London
and then Dusseldorf and Hamburg German
from the 10th to like the 21st
then come back from Milan on the 27th.
So maybe one more country in the last week,
France or Spain probably.
Wanted to go to Morocco
but will probably wait
till we could spend more time there
cause it's more expensive
Saw my first
european castle!
Wednesday, March 06, 2019
Boycott Divest Sanction bill to criminalize First Amendment protected speech
Democrat co-sponsors
Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL] 03/27/2017 Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] 03/27/2017 Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] 03/27/2017 Sen. Peters, Gary C. [D-MI] 03/28/2017 Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] 04/24/2017 Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] 05/01/2017 Sen. Hassan, Margaret Wood [D-NH] 05/08/2017 Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN] 05/23/2017 Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV] 06/05/2017 Sen. McCaskill, Claire [D-MO] 06/06/2017 Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] 06/12/2017 Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] 06/26/2017 Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO] 07/12/2017 Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND] 03/06/2018 Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] 11/29/2018
The proposed Israel Anti-Boycott Act would make it a felony for Americans to support BDS, with a penalty of up to $1 million and 20 years in prison.
Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL] 03/27/2017 Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] 03/27/2017 Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] 03/27/2017 Sen. Peters, Gary C. [D-MI] 03/28/2017 Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] 04/24/2017 Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] 05/01/2017 Sen. Hassan, Margaret Wood [D-NH] 05/08/2017 Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN] 05/23/2017 Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV] 06/05/2017 Sen. McCaskill, Claire [D-MO] 06/06/2017 Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] 06/12/2017 Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] 06/26/2017 Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO] 07/12/2017 Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND] 03/06/2018 Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] 11/29/2018
The proposed Israel Anti-Boycott Act would make it a felony for Americans to support BDS, with a penalty of up to $1 million and 20 years in prison.
Friday, March 01, 2019
music eyes
Freak Mountain Ramblers, Oregon Country Fair 2000
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