smorgasbord of poetry, photos, political hairballs...MOTEs "More energy, grit and real life in them than 96.8% of the bullshit that comes into the Corpse."
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Sunday, January 27, 2019
Islands of Portland (if all the ice sheets melted
"Glacial retreat in the Canadian Arctic has uncovered landscapes that haven’t been ice-free in more than 40,000 years and the region may be experiencing its warmest century in 115,000 years, new University of Colorado Boulder research finds.
New research used radiocarbon dating to determine the ages of plants collected at the edges of 30 ice caps on Baffin Island, west of Greenland."
copper cheese
copper sulfides are precipitating today
in relationship with colonies of sulfate-reducing microbes.
The nanometer-sized crystals of covellite
are embedded in the polymeric compounds
that encapsulate bacteria.
These crystals coalesce,
later forming the big veins
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Union Hall vandalized in Portland
"Portland IWW Union Hall and Cider Riot Vandalized With Graffiti Targeting Antifa"
Vancouver, Wash.-based agitator Joey Gibson and his followers tried to interrupt a DSA meeting on Jan. 17, but they were turned away at the door.
A few antifascist demonstrators, which DSA says did not belong to their political group, tussled with the right-wing group.
Two days later, Patriot Prayer supporters and Proud Boys meandered outside the IWW house.
They tried to clash with antifascists, but the few mild scuffles ended quickly.
One video posted on Twitter shows right-wing figurehead Haley Adams holding a pink taser to one protester's neck, but she did not trigger an electric shock.
"While Patriot Prayer, the Proud Boys and their supporters have continued to show up to our meetings and outside our office to harass, threaten, and attempt to attack our members, our organization, and our allies, we have used deescalation tactics and otherwise been entirely nonresponsive, which enrages these fascists who are very clearly seeking out a fight and media attention," Katbi Smith says.
"We will not be deterred by violent misogynistic white supremacists who attempt to disrupt our efforts."
Friday, January 25, 2019
semi dream with Roger
in the dream i was on the outside
of a speeding semi truck, hold on as
don't know who drove
barreling down the highway
i said people don't usually ride this way
tried to climb up
there were slots for my hands but like scaling
a wall there were people in the road on
either side we went right thru
and then like a nail in the tire a clacking
and then the rig stopped
and some friend in the side door
roger moore
was saying some nonsense taunting me
so i pulled him out by the ankle
and dropped him to the ground and put
an elbow to his neck at which point
i guess i'd finished that dream,
woke up and roger stone had been
pulled out of his house by the fbi
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
counterproductive totalitarian overreach
"But since the publication of her 2017 paper Magic Weapons, which details the extent of Chinese influence in New Zealand, Brady’s life has been turned upside down, becoming the target of a campaign of intimidation and “psy-ops” she believes is directed by Beijing towards her and her family.
The Chinese government has not responded to requests for comment.
Beginning in late 2017, Brady has had her home burgled and her office broken into twice. Her family car has been tampered with, she has received a threatening letter (“You are the next”) and answered numerous, anonymous phone calls in the middle of the night, despite having an unlisted number. "
"Under Xi Jinping’s leadership, China academics around the world are experiencing increasing intimidation, say Brady and other experts. Some refuse to speak publicly for fear of reprisals or being refused visas to China.
“Kill the chicken to scare the monkey” – Brady says, quoting a Chinese idiom.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
hotrod algae
return to moments murky clear
savor, yesteryear's better hair, and hotrod
drifting down a creek
summerslow, bumping into stones
ringed in algae halos
Monday, January 21, 2019
Yo Merkley, Yo Wyden, Yo Google: what's an "Unknown Region?"
Page Views last 24 hrs
(says Goggle)
Unknown Region
United States
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Fearchars and Cadogs

Scottish followers were known as "Gille Dog",
the servants of Cadog,
which appears as a surname, first as
and later as Doig,
Dock, and
"The genealogy of the blessed Cadoc arises from the most noble emperors of Rome, from the time of the incarnation of Jesus Christ, Augustus Cesar, in whose time Christ was born, begat Octavianus, Octavianus begat Tiberius, Tiberius begat Caius, Caius begat Claudius, Claudius begat Vespasian, Vespasian begat Titus, Titus begat Domitian, Domitian begat Nero, under whom the apostles Peter and Paul suffered, Nero begat Trajan, Trajan begat Adrian, Adrian begat Antonius, Antonius begat Commodus, Commodus begat Meobus, Meobus begat Severus, Severus begat Antonius, Antonius begat Aucanus, Aucanus begat Aurelian, Aurelian begat Alexander, Alexander begat Maximus, Maximus begat Gordian, Gordian begat Philip, Philip begat Decius, Decius begat Gallus, Callus begat Valerian, Valerian begat Cleopatra, Cleopatra begat Aurelian, Aurelian begat Titus, Titus begat Probus, Probus begat Carosius, Carosius begat Dioclesian, who perscuted the Christians throughout the whole world; for in his time the blessed martyrs Alban, that is Julian, Aaron, and many others suffered. Dioclesian begat Galerius, Galerius begat Constantine the Great the son of Helen, Constantine begat Constantius, Constantius begat Maximianus, with whom the British soldiers went from Britain, and he slew Gratian the Roman emperor, and held the government of all Europe; and he did not dismiss the soldiers, which he brought with him from Britain to return to their country on account of their bravery, but gave them many provinces and countries, that is from the pool which is on the top of the mountain of Jupiter to the city named Cantguic, and until the western mound that is Cruc Ochideint; and from those soldiers arose a nation which is called Lettau. Maximianus therefore begat Owain, Owain begat Nor, Nor begat Solor, Solor begat Glywys, Glywys begat Gwynlliw, Gwynlliw begat the most blessed Cadoc of whom we are speaking"
" Two stags came out of the forest to help them, which is said to be why the stream running past the monastery is called the Nant Carfan, the Stag Brook."
"The genealogy of the blessed Cadoc arises from the most noble emperors of Rome, from the time of the incarnation of Jesus Christ, Augustus Cesar, in whose time Christ was born, begat Octavianus, Octavianus begat Tiberius, Tiberius begat Caius, Caius begat Claudius, Claudius begat Vespasian, Vespasian begat Titus, Titus begat Domitian, Domitian begat Nero, under whom the apostles Peter and Paul suffered, Nero begat Trajan, Trajan begat Adrian, Adrian begat Antonius, Antonius begat Commodus, Commodus begat Meobus, Meobus begat Severus, Severus begat Antonius, Antonius begat Aucanus, Aucanus begat Aurelian, Aurelian begat Alexander, Alexander begat Maximus, Maximus begat Gordian, Gordian begat Philip, Philip begat Decius, Decius begat Gallus, Callus begat Valerian, Valerian begat Cleopatra, Cleopatra begat Aurelian, Aurelian begat Titus, Titus begat Probus, Probus begat Carosius, Carosius begat Dioclesian, who perscuted the Christians throughout the whole world; for in his time the blessed martyrs Alban, that is Julian, Aaron, and many others suffered. Dioclesian begat Galerius, Galerius begat Constantine the Great the son of Helen, Constantine begat Constantius, Constantius begat Maximianus, with whom the British soldiers went from Britain, and he slew Gratian the Roman emperor, and held the government of all Europe; and he did not dismiss the soldiers, which he brought with him from Britain to return to their country on account of their bravery, but gave them many provinces and countries, that is from the pool which is on the top of the mountain of Jupiter to the city named Cantguic, and until the western mound that is Cruc Ochideint; and from those soldiers arose a nation which is called Lettau. Maximianus therefore begat Owain, Owain begat Nor, Nor begat Solor, Solor begat Glywys, Glywys begat Gwynlliw, Gwynlliw begat the most blessed Cadoc of whom we are speaking"
" Two stags came out of the forest to help them, which is said to be why the stream running past the monastery is called the Nant Carfan, the Stag Brook."
Thankful Finley (Doak)
Also Known As: "Elizabeth", "Mary", "Thankful Finley"
Birthdate: March 16, 1707
Birthplace: on ship from, North Ireland
Death: September 20, 1791 (84)
Staunton, Augusta County, Virginia, United States
Immediate Family:
Daughter of James Samuel Doak and Elizabeth Doak
Wife of John Finley
Mother of James Finley; John Finley, Jr.; Margaret Finley; Andrew Finley; Thomas Finley and 11 others
"The change of the surname FINLAY to FINLEY is found in various documents relating to this family under date of 1461 to 1501; appears under the form of FYNLAY, FENLAY, and under date of 1506, John FINLEY, partitioner of Cupar Angus, son of John FYNLAY, is mentioned as partitioner of County Lanark."
""FINLAY, FINLEY, FINDLAY, Gaelic FIONNLAGH, less correctly FIONNLADH and FIONNLA. In the Gaelic genealogical manuscript of 1467, the name occurs in the genitive as FINLAEIC, and in the Duan Albanach, an old poetical chronicle of the kings of Dalriada (c. 1070, though in text of later date) as FIONNLAOICH.
" William FINLAY, Royal Forester of King Robert I; m Isabel DEMPSTER, daughter of Thomas DEMPSTER, Laird of Murish, and Eleanor FORBES, niece and co-heir of Viscount FORBES. Children: Andrew and John."
Was Chief of a powerful Clan known as Clan Fionnladh, a sept of the great confederation, Clan Chattan, which held large possessions in Strathdie in the Parish of Crothie, in the Braces of Mar, at the head of Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in the year 1236.
Fionnladh, from which the name Finley is derived, is a combination of hte Gaelic word, Fionn, meaning Fergus and Ladh, meaning boy or child. From this root have come the different spellings, such as, Finleg, Finlegh, Finley, Finlay, Findley, and Findlay. All are pure Scotch, and identical in origin.
Fearchar is said to have been a lineal descendant of the ancient Thames of Ross and Moray, of whom the most famous was Macbeth.
Malcolm II, was King of Scotland from 1005 to 1034, A. D.
zeno's flotsam
new land of towering tree and bike
hobohippoid redundancies
gentile flawscapes
germymandered boundaries
germymandered boundaries
(regarding decent ineptitude,
old flotsam in sterile barrels
wharves buried on flat quests
slack understanding tall'er not
depending the incoming bullshit
depending the incoming bullshit
zeno's froze up arrow
false dichotomy in a salad roll
every plebe a grebe on reprieve
heel yes i wear the USA jewelry of poverty
under your alcoved grassy knoll
archie bunker ashtray
archie bunker ashtray
you fuck you et tu
get a life
write a poem
draw something
have a conversation
fuck you you too, you you
we got a life
we drew swords
we had endless rivers of talk
we folk et tu, folk et tu
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
joy leaves fell limbs (2009)
which then blew up the fruit truck
packed with pallets of hundreds
--- - a story that Razziq chuckles in recalling
while forming a bread line
U.S. officials: said:
seeded with bomb's progress
on the western outskirts
and in the pomegranate orchards
Suddenly a man (in white robes)
fell from the branches
fell from the branches
of the Argfangdad valley
(his suicide vest)
treacherously absent
hundreds crows of joy leaves
they fired and exploded in the trees.
--- a story that Razziq crackles
in recanting, U.S. officials unofficially said
We obliterated those towns.
They're not there at all.
These are just porking lots right now.
and in the pomegranate orchards
the ground remains seedy with largesse bestowed upon
by US officials in joy leaves
joy leaves joy leaves fell limbs from all branches
in outskirts and kerneled multiplicity
the breaks of impatience red
read in the bread
lines. hundreds of
make mouths water (2009)
we do everything.
while you enjoy the pompous pleasure
of wonderment, befuddled
of wonderment, befuddled
over which veto to employ,
we register to bleed. O positive
we register to bleed. O positive
is good for everyone, no doubt.
blue skies mean sunburn.
my back is wet from sweat,
not a river's swift boat to el dorado.
not a river's swift boat to el dorado.
give back my back.
relish your own dog, i'm on
break: broken.
break: broken.
the floor is wet with red tears
because you dream to ask not.
because you dream to ask not.
if things get done, why can't we share a lion
taco? i'll eat the clause.
taco? i'll eat the clause.
sense is never made of such constructs;
that's why art is better
that's why art is better
in a heap of plasma, milk, reflected moorings
and de-heaping tweezers.
and de-heaping tweezers.
tweezers made by us.
we do everything, and in our time.
we make time in which
we make time in which
our autograph is a shadow on the spittle
reserved for shining things
up. making things
butter. making things toast. making mouths
hawk diapers (2009)
peace hawk dived war vulture.
war vulture feigned blood spurt with catsup. made of cats.
up went profit man to squeegee the pearly gates
of prophets that kept peace hawk kibbled on dividends,
while war vulture needed barrows of giblets,
all quite: standard.
feathers were lost, medals traded.
meals were deducted, entrails protracted.
cousins were fathered, interruptions extinguished.
language was passed thru channels
long since ex communicated with reality.
grounded, one stares at feathers and invariably one's feed.
first eyes were pecked
then the thighs or neck in a flurry of sightless battle
vulture war and hawk peace
had a baby. it shot itself before
it aborted itself to save itself.
it aborted itself to save itself.
vulture peace.
crowed nothing common (2009)
nothing in common. not brands of soap, nor church affiliation,
not genetics, nor heaven forbid, the roadmap used
to find the way home. they don't have homes; not Common
homes. their hearths are made of gold, ours: of crap.
their food is different, their speech on another plane, their
mice are docile and don't carry diseases: they sing.
nothing in common. born with eight hands for the taking,
six mouths to be fed while the others wield swords, of gold,
they shed not blood when vanguished, but a sap-like goo that's good on pancakes.
their children are all smiles their soups never burn
they are so unlike us, we have nothing in common.
they pimp us and we pimp ourselves: big difference.
nothing in common, nothing in common. i wonder why we only have
a couple thousand nothings on our side?
the less common, the more crowded nothing seems.
great thaw (1996)
when'll she crest
take rest
flunk flood's test
quit being a pest to us critters
gotta hike to the shitter
rain or snow
when'll she cease to grow i dunno
but the pipes have thawed&
i'm overawed
as the dishes cleanse
at the blush of a trickle
swale canyon, klickitat washington, 1996
central spin (2006)
with strength bent by watered sunlight
the heaviness lakes leave.
in their stead, remains persuade.
integral harmonies extrapolate upon immediate patterns
corresponding with spanish guitar.
ocean eats land to lose itself by winning over the opposition
bedrock. win over the cosmic bang while yer at it!
time molds and decays seasoned edges ripe
for return; slime begins soil of heaven's design.
plants emanate from the banks,
animals in their secret realms unharried by humans
create blue foot prints, writing starry oaths
within each tread. a bath in heated stone
traced to the mantle of the magma opus
central to the spin
the dalles, 2006
mineral men (2006)
i feel like a sack of shit slung to plug a levee
(emotions ain't real but they sure are heavy)
boil us down to zinc iron copper
world market dollar eighty scooped from a hopper
in a warehouse built of fractals by god
illusions determine our form of sod
unplowed due to steep rocky terrain
fortify with obstacles the living brain
make thyself indigestible, monkey wrench
the stench associated with the bench
marks proving where turds skidded logs to float
mill jobs to japan in island sized boats
count yer blessings by the ounce and the gram
mineral vegetable mre spam
the dalles, spring 2006
schmaltz waltz (2009)
the love and the sadness did a dance tonight
there weren't no music didn't break out in fights
thoughts most precious, cast before swine
logged by foes, rest by a pint of white whine
why o why are our heads so thick?
with guts of feelings spanglin' the dick?
why o why is my folks so dumb?
sweetsour intricacies of coming undone.
my friends are perfect i think that they know
the world is pure butter 2% yellow snow
my heartache is contagious and mostly benign
just suture my memory on some dotted line
a guy stabs his heart in writing a song
to find the mercy of wanderin' on
the sadness and the loved duked it out all night
there ain't no grammar in the language of slights
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
nary a yankee in sight
United Arab Emirates
no USA no USA views today!
"Venezuela's PDVSA in oil deal with firm part-owned by Florida Republican"
"CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan state oil firm PDVSA [PDVSA.UL] has signed a deal with little-known U.S. energy firm Erepla, partly owned by a prominent Florida Republican, to help increase the socialist-run country’s plummeting crude oil output, the company said.
Erepla Services LLC, with an undisclosed stake held by Republican Harry Sargeant III and which Delaware state records show was only registered in November, said it plans to invest up to $500 million to increase production at three Venezuelan oil fields in exchange for a portion of the crude produced.
"Sargeant maintained business ties to PDVSA in the early 2000s through a company that he partly owned called Trigeant, whose Corpus Christi, Texas-based refinery processed Venezuelan crude into asphalt, according to court records.
PDVSA won arbitration claims against Trigeant in 2006 and 2008 totaling $52 million for unpaid crude cargoes, and received a $17 million payment, according to court records.
Before having paid the full amount, Trigeant sold the refinery to a third party.
PDVSA won a court order blocking the sale, arguing that it was a fraudulent transfer meant to prevent it from collecting on the arbitration judgment because Sargeant had a controlling stake in the buyer. Trigeant later declared bankruptcy"
"The largest U.S. receiver of Venezuelan crude
last year was
PDVSA's refining unit Citgo Petroleum with 175,873 bpd,
by Valero Energy with 166,099 bpd and Chevron Corp
with 83,041 bpd, Eikon data showed."
CITGO Rosneft Trump-Putin
Sechin, formally out of government but still Rosneft chief and part of Putin’s inner circle, now controls at least 13 percent of the energy business in Venezuela.
He visits the country frequently, increasingly as landlord rather than collaborator.
“We will never leave, and no one will be able to kick us out,” Sechin said last year, according to Russia’s Tass news agency.
"The Trump administration has previously weighed imposing sanctions against Venezuelan oil, but Trump ultimately rejected taking that additional step after an internal analysis showed it would lead to an increase in US gas prices.
A full oil embargo would cause gas prices to rise by 15 cents a gallon for about six months, a former senior administration official said of the analysis."
"The White House on Friday announced a new round of sanctions against Venezuela that explicitly exempt the U.S. arm of the country’s state-owned oil company.
That company, Citgo, donated six-figure sums to Trump’s inauguration and recently hired former Trump officials to lobby for that exemption.
"Since 2014, Citgo, a Delaware corporation, has fought to insulate its operations from measures aimed at punishing the Maduro regime’s efforts to consolidate political power.
Under the administration of President Donald Trump, those efforts entailed beefing up its D.C. influence operation with lobbyists with deep ties to the president’s political operation.
In April, it hired Avenue Strategies, the firm co-founded by former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and campaign adviser Barry Bennett.
Since then, Citgo has paid Avenue Strategies $160,000 to lobby the White House, the Treasury Department, the Justice Department, and the Energy Department on the “potential impact of U.S. energy and foreign policy restrictions on CITGO Petroleum Corporation's operations and valuation of assets,” according to disclosure filings.
Russia now owns significant parts of at least five oil fields in Venezuela, which holds the world’s largest reserves, along with 30 years’ worth of future output from two Caribbean natural-gas fields.
Venezuela also has signed over 49.9 percent of Citgo, its wholly owned company in the United States — including three Gulf Coast refineries and a countrywide web of pipelines — as collateral to Russia’s state-owned Rosneft oil behemoth for a reported $1.5 billion in desperately needed cash.
In 2016, Caracas put up 50.1 percent of Citgo as collateral for a new crop of bonds, allowing it to pay off its most pressing debts.
When Russ Dallen, a Florida-based managing partner at the brokerage Caracas Capital Markets, sifted through court filings in Delaware, where Citgo’s holding company is based, he found that Rosneft had reached a deal that had pumped $1.5 billion into Venezuela in exchange for a lien on the other 49.9 percent of Citgo.
With assumptions that Citgo, if sold, could be worth between $6 billion and $9 billion, the arrangement amounted to a sweetheart deal — and, in addition, the Russians had managed to lay claim to almost half of a major U.S. oil giant. "
"The company, based in Houston, wrote off $647 million in Venezuela last year.
Schlumberger, Halliburton’s principal global competitor, took a pretax write-down of $938 million in Venezuela late last year.
He visits the country frequently, increasingly as landlord rather than collaborator.
“We will never leave, and no one will be able to kick us out,” Sechin said last year, according to Russia’s Tass news agency.
"The Trump administration has previously weighed imposing sanctions against Venezuelan oil, but Trump ultimately rejected taking that additional step after an internal analysis showed it would lead to an increase in US gas prices.
A full oil embargo would cause gas prices to rise by 15 cents a gallon for about six months, a former senior administration official said of the analysis."
"The White House on Friday announced a new round of sanctions against Venezuela that explicitly exempt the U.S. arm of the country’s state-owned oil company.
That company, Citgo, donated six-figure sums to Trump’s inauguration and recently hired former Trump officials to lobby for that exemption.
"Since 2014, Citgo, a Delaware corporation, has fought to insulate its operations from measures aimed at punishing the Maduro regime’s efforts to consolidate political power.
Under the administration of President Donald Trump, those efforts entailed beefing up its D.C. influence operation with lobbyists with deep ties to the president’s political operation.
In April, it hired Avenue Strategies, the firm co-founded by former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and campaign adviser Barry Bennett.
Since then, Citgo has paid Avenue Strategies $160,000 to lobby the White House, the Treasury Department, the Justice Department, and the Energy Department on the “potential impact of U.S. energy and foreign policy restrictions on CITGO Petroleum Corporation's operations and valuation of assets,” according to disclosure filings.
Russia now owns significant parts of at least five oil fields in Venezuela, which holds the world’s largest reserves, along with 30 years’ worth of future output from two Caribbean natural-gas fields.
Venezuela also has signed over 49.9 percent of Citgo, its wholly owned company in the United States — including three Gulf Coast refineries and a countrywide web of pipelines — as collateral to Russia’s state-owned Rosneft oil behemoth for a reported $1.5 billion in desperately needed cash.
In 2016, Caracas put up 50.1 percent of Citgo as collateral for a new crop of bonds, allowing it to pay off its most pressing debts.
When Russ Dallen, a Florida-based managing partner at the brokerage Caracas Capital Markets, sifted through court filings in Delaware, where Citgo’s holding company is based, he found that Rosneft had reached a deal that had pumped $1.5 billion into Venezuela in exchange for a lien on the other 49.9 percent of Citgo.
With assumptions that Citgo, if sold, could be worth between $6 billion and $9 billion, the arrangement amounted to a sweetheart deal — and, in addition, the Russians had managed to lay claim to almost half of a major U.S. oil giant. "
"The company, based in Houston, wrote off $647 million in Venezuela last year.
Schlumberger, Halliburton’s principal global competitor, took a pretax write-down of $938 million in Venezuela late last year.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Sunday, January 13, 2019
woodah woodah woo
woodah woodah woo she says as a sort of condiment
joining nonsensical verbal dishes
of "conversation" leaping from thought to
thought mezza-dish ramped up on
chardonnay probably and vape crutchpen
not to mention the add
-er all up and minus actual food an
empty tummy highly distracted just a few
mo'men uts
to get on my mascara she tells
the room and any ears waiting to care
as her ride nods off and the clock
turns pumpkins back to compost in crystal slippers
woodah woodah woo
out the door nope back in fergot dis
out the door again nope ah can't take that to the show
then off until round one
when banging the door off its twinges deja views
a redux of lost keys phone purse et al
hysterical upset at anything within screaming
distance no lesson can unlearn woodah
woodah woo can i use yer fone?
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Friday, January 11, 2019
Wednesday, January 09, 2019
nine treasures
did jupiter and venus dally
in the public alley of stark darkness,
was mercury found
in mud? sandals hermetic, sealed.
library of night,
alight on four wheels,
future past tense, into dalliance.
the smile lent a date
to the sand about the goal of the sphinxtress,
a moist date not the starsullen kind.
hitched on the rim of the hill,
venus and jupiter,
they shared a salad of trees
they eschewed one another
did momentary dances create black holes
were the feathered comets not enough?
are nine treasures less than one?
leave it to the professionals
comfort squats on the part time worker,
stealing a rest in the desert
where the prickly pear
blooms bewareness as part and parcel of a wary dumping ground
littered with garden party accoutrements,
swimming pools of undrinkable water
and plastic bottles racing past tumbleneeds
toward the boarder's fence
where squatters hold sway while
trying to do number one or number two while avoiding
contact with an adverse terrain
of colosss husks
and burnt out pintos whose rusty comfort
returns his borrowed iron
into the ground by dropping sweat beads
onto a game floor
ruled by umps in loafers
who decree "play ball or blackball"
who scream "suck it up" while siphoning the gasps
of children fleeing "free tirade"
mad in the USA with boss springing the steens mtn. stallions free
in the movie version, in the disney venison,
getting comfortable with the corn eaters
in the black row of ledgers
running red ink
running out of metaphors for loss
running out of ways to screw with impunity
a stripped out threading where parts, partners,
frank steins brimming with bubbly "hey bub"
as the spokes define a hub
in the radial stretch of making it to the next paycheck
that bounces off the book cooker
and lands not on land but on the backs
of flipped turtles in their empire shells
calling the shots
from way off in lard conditioned eateries
making hypertension the medium whereby one presents any opinion
or addresses the gift of slave labor
to a hole knocked into a saguaro with a tiny sharp beak,
in a residential enclave cul de sac
guarded with goiters from incessant desk loitering
an ugly repose from which to respond
to pretty pleas for basic rites such as washing,
drinking, resting, breathing professional air
with unlicensed noses just out of reach
but easy to smack
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