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Sunday, September 30, 2018

another one bites the crust

beautiful family 1972

Very Dirty $3367 from Terry Bean

"Terry Bean, a co-founder of the Human Rights Campaign, was a big national fundraiser for Democratic politicians before his 2015 indictment in Lane County on charges of sexually abusing a 15-year-old boy.

Bean offered the alleged victim a $225,000 settlement prior to trial, and when the young man refused to testify, the case was dismissed.

Records show that over the past month, Bean has given $3,367 to City Council candidate Jo Ann Hardesty.

 Hardesty faces Multnomah County Commissioner Loretta Smith in a run-off for the seat being vacated by City Commissioner Dan Saltzman."

"Mark Wiener, the one-time best connected political consultant at City Hall, lost his only candidate for City Council when Commissioner Dan Saltmzan unexpectedly decided not to run for re-election in 2018.

Although a majority of the council had retained Wiener's firm Winning Mark in the past, it is currently sidelined in next year's council elections, unless a new candidate retains it. Nick Fish, the other council member up for re-election next year, has retained Hilltop Public Solutions for his campaign.

All is not a total loss for Wiener, however. 

Saltzman paid his firm $25,500 this year before he changed his mind about running."


backwards Red State Oklahoma

"Oklahoma lawmakers are scrambling this week to close an egregious loophole in the state's rape law—one that allows a rapist to walk scot-free if the rapist forces non-vaginal sex on a victim while he or she was blackout-drunk or otherwise unconscious.

The rightful outrage follows a March 24 appeals court decision on a law that states forcible sodomy (which can include oral or anal sex) cannot occur when the victim is so intoxicated that he or she is completely knocked out at the time of the sex act. 

The appeals court was considering the outcome of a 2014 rape case, in which a 17-year-old boy accused of sodomizing a 16-year-old girl was found not guilty—despite overwhelming physical evidence and even witness testimony that the girl was totally incapable of consent."


"Kansas, for example, has a rape law that clearly states what Oklahoma’s does not: It includes a line for when the victim “is incapable of giving consent because of the effect of any alcoholic liquor, narcotic, drug or other substance.”

RAINN music

Tori Amos (born Myra Ellen Amos,[1] August 22, 1963[2]) is an American singer-songwriter and pianist. She is a classically trained musician with a mezzo-soprano vocal range.[8]

 Having already begun composing instrumental pieces on piano, Amos won a full scholarship to the Peabody Institute at Johns Hopkins University at the age of five, the youngest person ever to have been admitted.

 She was expelled at the age of eleven for what Rolling Stone described as "musical insubordination."

In June 1994, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), a toll-free help line in the US connecting callers with their local rape crisis center, was founded. 

Amos, who was raped when she was 21,[71] answered the ceremonial first call to launch the hotline.[72] She was the first national spokesperson for the organization and has continued to be closely associated with RAINN.


Ultimately the facade was defaced in ivy
That ate the lead paint chips
In soggy relish just down the blvd on rye
As decadent decades deformulate
Sending ultimatums repurposed in roses
Whose thorns made epitomy a razor
Under swordfern
-soft dogshit shadows,
Ultimately the wuthering heights weathered
Ladders smellnotof rosy gallops
Teetered toward taught layers leadpaned academics
Scabbed in leagues of creepy ivy
The facade faced suns other music
As interior anecdotes yawned
or brushed teeth hairs

Monday, September 24, 2018

duct tape rendition (free w/dissent

mo incre weap ever wielde

brave old world

boiled down

X My Heart

america etc etc scattered amongst oblivion remains

booster seats

mural turpitude


4 the worlds

4 works of art, print and mixed media on paper


#bcuz brothers/sisters can't be bothered
#bcuz girlfriends/wives have their own violations
#bcuz lawyers want money nothing else
#bcuz police yawn or smirk
#bcuz aunts/uncles don't get involved
#bcuz friends have no life perspective
#bcuz shrinks shirk and therapists are messes
#bcuz men don't whine
#bcuz moms been thru worse
#bcuz dads are men don't whine
#bcuz witnesses don't recall
#bcuz booze
#bcuz bodies are army fodder
#bcuz sleep happens to everyone
#bcuz fear is a tool for weak power
#bcuz nothing explains inexplicable random pain
#bcuz judges are among the dirtiest
#bcuz religion washes the windows with blood
#bcuz big brother keeps tabs for kompromat
#bcuz oedipus not prometheus
#bcuz fog of war makes two headed babies
#bcuz absurd history gets vetted
#bcuz self preservation salt and sugar
#bcuz everyone hurts
#bcuz no one matters
#bcuz attention is spam on moneys plate
#bcuz them not me
#bcuz foreskin is a toss away wrapper
#bcuz explanatíons mansplain while questions hatch quests

note rammed note gagged ( not confirmed

"Forming men for others"-----gtown prep skool

Note how the cover up mimics the assaults
Ram it thru pin it down muffle the cries
Note the sophistry of desperate devils
Note how insecurity dominance violence and treason segue
Note how victims are framed
Note how ivy league poison is a sacrament to success
Note justice gagged in roman orgy sheets
Note the redacted fake christian soul
Note disappearing ink of octopi on ecstacy
Note Dennis Hastert and Church pedophile priests
Note how flawed beasts assume power lent by worse beasts
Note your typical shame of silence
Note how blackmail kompromat runs capitalism
Note erasure of notable whistleblowers
Note in my town
Note on my watch
Note how free speech breathes freedom none control
Note the stolen panty flags of fraternal order
Note 100 kegs of white dick juice
Note grown adolescents in robes and wigs
Note how tiger mom paints her jail stripes on legal strippers
Note remote viewing its called recollection
Note reason if it riots
Note how strong water is rising over pig slurry levees
Note how saying shut up don't work
Note then and note ever your body mind and will
Note struggle as essential

Sunday, September 23, 2018

exquisite corpse dada facade

Pellet horsewhip
Rolled gold
Ligature cupola
Social shading
Requite pith
Calf clockwork
Milksop grumble
Sturm drang set
Enshroud sleep
Pate electroplate crust
Jean need sensationalism
Toothsome there decoration
War tenure galaxy
Extend fatal hatchet
Instant diameter sensitive
Spaniard difficult serial
Hidebound crew radiant
Snuff shock factorial
Switch kepi final
Thimble let widowspeak
Civilize Landfall compendium
Tidalwave facade

3 O clock equinox pizza

tomatoes peppers garden fresh pizza bloggod

frat rape cults usa

"It was like frat boy behavior," Goldstone said. "It was
Kind of a bonding thing"  Moscow 2013, emin agalarov and don Trump brag about fucking miss america contestants

Fascist billionaire GOP
Deny fossil fuels cause climate change
Of course they deny systemic rape and sport frat halos
Pussy grabbing kremloin don
Money laundering traitor,

 signed earth etc etc sentient life

rule the thing

My kids love me that's the thing
My kids love to not see me
My kids kid me about you
My kids goet off it's no thing
My kids caught jobs achoo!!!
My kids rule the thing

downtown portland candidates

Saturday, September 22, 2018

xray saturday nite

XRAY radio 91.1

Welcome to the neighborhood!

Nope pledge drive
All you other
Frequency radio dives

criminal hedonist GOP

Don't forget about Corey lewandowski
Trumps campaign mange
Who assaulted the female reporter
Don't forget lewandowski works to lobby
Trump for pvdsa Venezuela oil
Don't forget about Moscow 2013
And Phil Ruffin and the Ritz Carlton
Don't forget Roger Ailles or Roger Stone's kremlin hookers
Don't forget about Steve Wynn GOP slime
Don't forget the agalarovs and kaveladze
Don't forget Trump is a serial woman abuser
Don't blink if oil casinos and money laundering matter
Don't let democracy get manhandled
Don't forget about g bush sr
Don't forget elephonky cohorts

diesel tones

Roadhouse fiddle in a place straight
Out of twin peaks with logging trucks exhaust braking
All the regulars catch the show
From barstools a ways away
We're plenty loud how I like it
Tie dye over the flat screen how I like it
Pool table dust how it takes it to like it
Somewhere to get away
If yer a hunk of tree on a flatbed stop on by
Keep an eye on widowmaker
Sawing his own limb off in an acoustic trap
Keep an eye on the wrong way clock
Put sum gravel on the stage peel out
Near home humming diesel tones

Friday, September 21, 2018

pregurgitated remockracy

Remedial democracy ate coal ash cakes
At the headstart 4 venture nihilists
Mountain retreat, the buffet line overfloweth
Toward pay per view toilets
Hello america softest oldgrowth butt map
Remedial hookey took
A hundred trillion gallon raincheck and went crabby
Sideways to the boiling lobby pot
That's news said pre
Gurgitated remockracy

Monday, September 17, 2018


Scythes, the grasses mow as ruminant
Earth digests ploughshares
In 5 eyed chambers
Of ladders bent over time's barrel,
Ill equipped to quip
Looking worms in their poetic hearts
Using little more
Than silica water hinted into forms
Cereal, ethereal
Is is or will she not sic
her goddess bee
Float over scoured mesa lands,
Harvesting men's infernal dream engines
Casting lugnut motes
Into clock tines of alluvial music

Sunday, September 16, 2018

shrug it off

Dancing dervish falling in like left
&wrong, a sucker for friendly gestures
Cutting loose
Shaking micro agonies off
Stomping twirls use the entire floor
Mopping the ceiling with laughter
A dozen horns take their solos
Women in flannel cowgirl shirts their husbands
Have their hands overfull
I get out of there
In several peaces just in time

soft splits

She thinks yoga quit the answer
She's thought square circles before
She's a self describing spiral
She's doubleparked on my lap
She thighs
She found her lovely
Me I squeezed her hand and gave my space
To admire her endless back
I used to orbit her spinning silver pole
As money flew at her ankles in gusts
All I had were precious metal flowers
When the autumn curled up my heart
No magic stretches rejoinder geometry awry
As she drifts from our moment
I'm left in this thought bubble
Never so inadequate my attempts to keep
What won't be tethered
Her wind her spine hair swept
She does splits and cleaves the day
She splits so softly
And sits on keys like a phoenix egg

Saturday, September 15, 2018

lawyear peas

Grandpa was a stinky smoker
But I don't recall being a mad kid he took
Us to braums for crinkle cut fries and ice cream
And the state senator across the street
Warmly saluted his old hairy lawyer
Ears that never missed a thing I reckon
Even around the pretty 40yr old nursing home girls
when I'd bring him a burger
All my cousins were doing
Pushups in houston or the peace corps
Or sucking up to headmaster
When we got grandpa
Now they got ma on oxygen and just like
ralph would always say
can't go wrong with peas

Friday, September 14, 2018

red gold bare

She wept red gold, or hair
Over saxony her pipes
Blare, eardrums flare.

All men (her lair laid bare
Scampered, hares
Hurried too aware.

Harried her heir
Smelt iron:  rust cares.
Under prodigious spiral stares,

She swept rare
Fields free of mares,
Hay-gold his wares.

(Hydrogen trains, Saxony)


Helen Keller
Never used the braille
In a Trump tower treason
Menage a trois
In a thousand blinking
Wobbly years but Howard Hughes
He put braille in his loafers
To stand eye to eye
With Eugene debs


Steamed cauliflower carrots butter,
Thank you. Pizza fries burrito, so sad.
Repairing body, delicious.
Prescribed sleep backrubs ganja
Well two out of three.
Think I've tamed ache pain today,
Others get deluged
Coal pond slurry, no thanks.
No plea deal televangelist nut
-rition expert roofrat hailing 911

and so on

Her figs, his gloves, her mantle,
His rodeo, her glasses, his cantilever,
Her aquarium, his tropes, her dustpan,
His dog, her plate, his zit, her jet,
His lute, her caravan

ambivalence tilts

Valence no prince, no dragon
Just fire that by nature heats or burns
Equal place if you're greek in rome or troy
Ambivalence straddles the quagmire,
Who knows? May be full of honey
Cognitive dissonance nods enthusiastically
Bad boss tilts at windmills
Which grinds our meal, both.
He saw a foe and smelled his own scam
And speared the calendar with a
Two inch brush, too shay!

dumpster diving at fort anomaly, 2007

"A new study suggests that ingesting even a single piece of plastic can be deadly for sea turtles.

Researchers found there was a one in five chance of death for a turtle who consumed just one item - rising to 50% for 14 pieces."


fix sic

Coffee, beers, tacos and weed
Ibuprofen midol and pamprin
Red wine, chocolate.

Can't fix
Taste buds that taste you
spit out poems

Thursday, September 13, 2018

lest nothing soothe

Nothing qualms this ache
Insult on injury, your forte.

Heaps of medicine
My snake sloughs their joke.

Stand back,
Lest nothing soothe

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

living trace

Elk rack bog dredged
Mars lust earth Squander
Deaths gander
Deaths gander

Feed thine eel wheeze,
Greed thin malaise
Deaths pander
Deaths pander

She who watches her eyes all frenzy
Twenty thousand years sounds crescenzee
Death make us up
Death goose us up

Give me to vultures
Versus corporate cult lures
Deaths swan song
Deaths swing swans

Mull it over
Under the clover with hogfaced rover
Deaths stoned face
Deaths living trace

Perry quake nuts

Earthquakes round perry are normal
Beer falls up the shelf, green beans
Clock daddy

We dig them quakes

We used to torn natos
We hail satan in golfballsized ice
We perry perry nice

Round perry,
Earthquakes are normal.

salve fer da innards

Bloggod Note: this is how I self treated my shoulder injury when my employer NWPainting Specialists had no insurance on his 5-7 exterior house painters, and how Oregon didn't give me any doctor or medicine or money for 100 days even though Workers Comp knew my employer hadn't carried insurance for several years. 
It took almost a year to regain my health. It was the last employer I had

Two beers.two.midol
One willowbark one lidocaine outertubepatch

A pint of green oil
Voila pancakes with chocolate chips

Salve for da innards


amazon cages for workers

"Working conditions inside Amazon warehouses came under scrutiny earlier this year in "Hired," a book about low-wage work in the U.K. by journalist James Bloodworth, who worked undercover at one of the retailer's English warehouses. 

He depicted a workplace where workers are treated like "robots," a claim that Amazon disputed: "Actually, robots are treated better," claims Jeff Bezos."

"Amazon, which has come under fire for treating warehouse workers "as robots," is now deflecting criticism for a 2016 patent that proposed to house workers in cages. 

The patent was highlighted in a recent article by two AI researchers, who wrote that the design illustrated "an extraordinary illustration of worker alienation, a stark moment in the relationship between humans and machines." 

unknown region CIAin't

Page Views last 30 days

freckle mop

tree crown, boots brown 
bee haven bird bliss
barnstorming story
we own peg and awl peg and awl
hauled hose under cloud's sneering nose
tanktop freckle mop

half & half

art endures (NFB)

Once upon a Time....

"In Norse mythology, Freyja (/ˈfreɪə/; Old Norse for "(the) Lady") is a goddess associated with love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, seiðr, war, and death.

 Freyja is the owner of the necklace Brísingamen, rides a chariot pulled by two cats, is accompanied by the boar Hildisvíni, and possesses a cloak of falcon feathers. 

By her husband Óðr, she is the mother of two daughters, Hnoss and Gersemi. Along with her brother Freyr, her father Njörðr, and her mother (Njörðr's sister, unnamed in sources), she is a member of the Vanir. Stemming from Old Norse Freyja, modern forms of the name include Freya, Freyia, and Freja.

Freyja rules over her heavenly field Fólkvangr and there receives half of those that die in battle, whereas the other half go to the god Odin's hall, Valhalla.

 Within Fólkvangr lies her hall, Sessrúmnir. Freyja assists other deities by allowing them to use her feathered cloak, is invoked in matters of fertility and love, and is frequently sought after by powerful jötnar who wish to make her their wife. Freyja's husband, the god Óðr, is frequently absent. 

She cries tears of red gold for him, and searches for him under assumed names."

mexico 1992


water planet dryland farmer
framer intent tensions
fire far flung

bowrain/rainbow tied treetop
tiered tries ladder color
don't gutter say please

jest cross your knows
sop up supermoon
plant a flag

make it seedy 
thaw awe
dance remembrance

eye 5
opened a gain
moving clutter

mesa, forest, isis----the dalles 2004

muse sic

music a precursor wand the rain conducted
by harvest thirsty plants, spark motes, gyrations of bird bones
first notes bring droplets cheekside
as ignorance turns to calve another trillion tonne splinter
that's our soundtrack nyet happening
if a berg falls and no one is there to hear it did it
make waves, duh. the human trap
of ignorance overfull, ears dull to the pitypatter of thunder
clapping new marvel sequels
my hammer a bow of hardwood
my hammer with slepnir's mane and catgut strung
call collect hydrogen two parts one part oxygen, duet
just duet dew wets does its number one all over
pleated troughs deadbrown off summer's jag,
crispy cereal still on the stalk
shaking in evening opening curtain anticipation,
music rain three part harmony
concrete ozone mists invisible hear to bulge senses
shake off yer wings curly headed cherub
nary enough for a rivulet
be happy for this first mist in summer's livid breath

Sunday, September 09, 2018

hey google what's an "unknown region?"

Last week page views

Have Moicy

Steve Weber, Peter Stamfel, Robin Remailly ( Crystal Ballroom 1999, next to last gig together)

Jail Kris Paronto

"former CIA contractor threatened former President Barack Obama during a television interview with Fox News on Sunday"

 “I just wanted to see what he had to say. And when that came across, I just wanted to reach through the screen and just grab him — grab him and choke him.

“It’s completely offensive and I wish I had that man sitting in front of me right now without his Secret Service,” the former CIA contractor added, smacking his hands together in a threatening gesture.

Hegseth then cautioned Paronto against threatening a previous head of state. But the former contractor pushed back"

"Kris Paronto, who worked for the intelligence agency during the 2012 Benghazi attacks that left U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens dead, was speaking to host Pete Hegseth about recent remarks by Obama suggesting that the Republican investigation into the incident was politically motivated."


Jail Kris Paronto, and other lowlife Traitor thugs for hire.

Jewelry since 1992