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Saturday, August 23, 2014

eyes on director age 11

snipers, tear gas, militarized police in portland oregon nov. 13 2011...eviction of peaceful political protest

"Not only have cops been known to go undercover to infiltrate rallies, but they can also lie and commit some crimes as part of their missions.

 Sometimes, they may even pretend to be your friend, encouraging you to commit a crime.

 Entrapment, Kreuscher says, is a difficult and very specific legal principle to prove—so don't expect to rely on it if you suddenly find out your "friend" is actually the fuzz."

spurious advice in the face of a police state, november 17 2011 occupy portland oregon chase

"You don't have to speak to an officer on the street unless you choose to." The best thing, Kreuscher says, is to be unfailingly polite but say you're busy and then walk away. That's key. If you stay put, you might eventually relent and start chatting.

i'm out of here---pepperspray, batons, riot cops at peaceful protest november 17 2001 portland oregon

militarized police portland oregon november 17 2011, chase bank pepperspray

chief of police mike reese ( not mayor reece) november 17 2011

militarized police november 17 2001 portland oregon usa

chief reese november 17 2011 occupy chase bank portland oregon

pepper spray victim n 17 2011 portland oregon

n 17 2011

Saturday, August 02, 2014

hung out to dry

folk tails, nailed to the barn
"sorry" stories that fell by the hundred
to ground zero bin ladens
from leaving while the map erasers
loaded airwaves with hysteria

used to shoo the flies
with those tales
where the shit emerges from the commitee