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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Earth to Houston: abort the Frackpipe!

"The Canadian prime minister has already said to the American president, if you don't want to build this pipeline to bring – create 20,000 American jobs and bring oil through the United Statesto the largest refinery complex in the world, Houston, I want to put it straight west in Canada toVancouver and ship the oil direct to China," Gingrich said at the debate.

"You'll lose the jobs, you'll lose the throughput, you'll lose 30 or 40 years of work in Houston."

And think of all the jobs "created" from the environmental damage this will allow!

Think of all the private prisons that will swell with middle class Americans that protest this for eternity!

Think of poor, poor Houston. Corporate Welfare knows no boundaries.

A State Department analysis of the Keystone plan pegged the job gains as far fewer than 20,000. The report estimated that "The construction work force would consist of approximately 5,000 to 6,000 workers, including Keystone employees, contractor employees, and construction and environmental inspection staff."

get off the Frackpipe!

"Robert Rector, a senior research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, questioned whether some people classified as poor or low-income actually suffer material hardship. He said that while safety-net programs have helped many Americans, they have gone too far. He said some people described as poor live in decent-size homes, drive cars and own wide-screen TVs.

"There's no doubt the recession has thrown a lot of people out of work and incomes have fallen," Rector said. "As we come out of recession, it will be important that these programs promote self-sufficiency rather than dependence and encourage people to look for work."


"About 97.3 million Americans fall into a low-income category, commonly defined as those earning between 100 and 199 percent of the poverty level, based on a new supplemental measure by the Census Bureau that is designed to provide a fuller picture of poverty.

Together with the 49.1 million who fall below the poverty line and are counted as poor, they number 146.4 million, or 48 percent of the U.S. population. That's up by 4 million from 2009"


One hundred million hungry wide screen TVs, starved for the power to tune IN, turn ON, and drop addiction to oil.

Get off the Frackpipe!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

millions of workers strike in the U.K.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

their answer struck forward

being soft and weak where they wish us not
predicting flaws that make virtue
pale opalescence

having frequented busy usurpations in progress
having been given indignities
while asking for help

i consider why our softness is less than theirs,
why their weakness is greater when they are us?
fraught, indelibly

writ in egg on chicken
as vets return to reruns from all wars
feather their lost nests

in limbs gathered, hunted
coveted magic ball answers,
dumb assholes.

their answer
not only objects
it strikes forward.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

the size of the ponder

quack mire easy assembly,
easily attained with blind duck
drunk cold duck duck blinks

now it is on federal lands.

to be
long mired by the elk in a fen
richly endowed
with his story of layered crud slop,

among coy
caged fish in a shrunk plaza

the size of the ponder
means a lot to the ideas there to grow,

without scope
nor moneykey trials

sum assembly required

working on change is a panhandler's fool's gold
when change is the currency we breathe
not elk breath

but crown victoria's subject of admiration

here to catch the falling leaves

embedded is as embedded does,
foot-rot mythosophy

don't stand out when you crate your stand
on their slipbox,


black maria

order prevails in paralytic charm
we each get a turn to mein nothing
noodling messages like air guitar patriots
mainly for manly form
dressed in garbled garb of tarped autonomy
here i hear our dissonance departing
it is called a beat
gumshoes, or gaul lashes
fertile riotry

even order is confused
when non-charmed volks
drive paddy wagons

mein street

consensus forged
behind closed whores
now is that good business practice?
open mein street
the elk decrees liberty
contiguous, contagious

unadulterated and
wholed, hearty and not yet hale
though i lean

toward jeffersonian
anti-slavery hyperbole

dicta anathema

push me to dare you to push me
i'm a new man made old
your sorry story sold well
well deep dryness in a heart made of aquifer ghosts
libido frond shade
it ain't a tussle
castles need dragons or their parapets
sob obsolete
replete with tugs
pulling incredulity

either fertile, or sterile
procedure emanates
false dicta permeates

cuz, well, that's what dicta does

cardboard jewelry

collusion assembles regular- like,
transformenters hyphenated
background chatter squirrel massage
the park is yucky to the eye
the disreputable folks are folked up
the elk wears cardboard jewelry

shitty hall

poems are technological anathemas, cast either
from or to two toos
echoing reverberations of endorsement,
also concurring in a general disassembly
that rectitude is verbotten
sounds nasty, is nasty (but tasty

if you are shitty hall