smorgasbord of poetry, photos, political hairballs...MOTEs "More energy, grit and real life in them than 96.8% of the bullshit that comes into the Corpse."
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Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Friday, June 05, 2009
fast binders
fast friends make friends fast
don't eat: them: fast: friends: relish them,
your dog may be hot
but the bun is bland and blown with sand and grit
of which we eschew
in pickled sweetness brine
chewsy until the molars drop
not from the gums
but to the floor.
full of gold no doubt, scooped up by friends, no doubt
redeemed in lieu of having to sue.
howjadoo? howjadoo?
"and you shake their little hands/
it is known as an advance
ain't no friend of mine
is a refrain i disdain like dylan on pain who caint unsplain the scrit of brain
(google calls THIS spam
their sausage servers smell it and says it's too spicy)
"i'm wild about their loving/
i like to have my fun"
how you forge friends
you put it out there
d-day style
and ask 'em to take your check
for their questionable goods:
wanna peek under the hoods
coulds shoulds and drill for oil the peckerwoods
oil that must be refined
must be bottled and divined, as to purity
for intricate cogs require lugubrious
attention: howjadoo?
you shake their little plans up and down,
how do you do?
water time
water in the basement
where it should not be
water in the knee
watered down screed
water for the unthirsty
water on the summer orchard
there is one time and place for hydration:
nature's time.
our time is a wet towel
and 6 sets of nostrils, 4 nostrils dry
it's a board decision
chess, candyland, parchesi
parched easy.
oh, swell.
toward the 4th quarter locker room sermon
either play ball or keep yer cajones
in a safety sack on the shelf
either way, it's take your tour of the sausage mill
because things fall off that shelf all the time
bumped off
knocked off
whacked off
offed on and off, switcherooed
it's more of how you work the ball
than play it, cuz it won't take quarters
and all work is free
while play costs arms and legs
what we do and don't
measure our can't eye levers
tipping balance toward stability.
period, the size of a ball.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
own a home
buy a lie
bed a dream
sleep a life
bleed a day
feed a home
rotten wood
indians gone
* * *
now, they're timber barons
begging toothpicks
for casino martinis,
slumdog zillionheirs.
*** *** ***
poor form
forms poor
farms, grown
of groans.
never needed a farm
needed range.
will show
accumulating a loyal following
is the job for flea collars
ringing miami.
a disloyal following may by definition, lead.
to shed attachments
was buddha's occupation.
to add superfluous foot kissers is to have slippery paws.
to slup is divine.
when buddha's cuisinart
lost a blade you bet he went online for a replacement.
put it on credit.
will show, honey wine.
flea collar for an equator in love
baby bird can half fly
baby duck can swim twice pecking fast
slow food moves profit lines
here, it doesn't wanna hear, it. shrillings are worth
big know. eaten, the bug
flies thrice, masted. masticated and eschewed,
with can't eye levers
sheer primordial autopilot.
if you want,
you find. water under the webfeet,
claws drawn up into torsoes not quite flying but almost not crashing
i'm in love
with agony.
what else will leave me alone?
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Revising the Revisionists with my Vision
"Jackstraw was born when rhythm guitarist Darrin Craig and lead player Jon Neufeld met mandolin picker David Pugh and bassist Jesse Withers in 1997 at Artichoke Music, a Portland guitar store and acoustic music institution. Not long after their formation, Jackstraw recorded their first album and hit the road"
(cut and pasted from the Jackstraw Myspace page)
Actually, Jackstraw was "born" when Forest Bloodgood met Darrin and Jon playing open mic at the Laurelthirst in 1997. At the time, they performed as Good Earth. Soon thereafter, David Pugh, Vaughn Wilson, and Kevin Kerberg were performing at various pubs and venues, Portland's Saturday Market, and parties as Jackstraw. Kevin "bingo" Richey played the banjo when Vaughn was unavailable, and all these people recorded at Sound Impressions studio resulting in the album, Home Far Away.
Soon after the release of the CD, Forest and Bingo were booted from the band; Kevin Kerberg returned to college in Kansas; and Vaughn stuck with the band, until relocating in Colorado. Another Jesse played bass with Jackstraw as well.
As awkward as it may be to point this out, I speak the truth, and whoever wrote their Myspace blurb probably took mythology into their hands for the sake of "simplicity."
*** **** ****
Likewise, the Freak Mountain Rambler's have a much more complex and peopled "birth" than their Myspace page reports. Jimmy Boyer, David Reisch, and Kevin Richey were playing Sunday happy hours there in Feb. 1995 when I had my schoolbus-home parked at a house on Glisan where Jimmy and lots of other cats lived. Jimmy brought me in by invitation, and I became a regular player, showing up after the Portland Sat. Market, often with my daughter Surreal being attended to by Dale and Shirley or other kind regulars.
Many many players cycled thru; numerous drummers(Dead Moon's, also the tweaker who took cellphone calls while playing!), VIP guests sat in. Before Billy Kennedy offered up the name Freak Mountain Ramblers, many regulars just called it "church." When Roger North began playing drums for the Freaks, the band developed quickly from a one-show-a-week deal to a unit ready to gig anywhere and anytime. The self titled first album, Freak Mountain Ramblers, came out in 1999. I quit the band effectively in July 2000, as I had a new baby daughter, Isis. Turtle joined in when Kevin moved to California, and Paul Bisset, the wonderful washboard player of many years also quit playing Sundays.
This all goes to state: the band has deep roots, from the late 60s certainly, but also from 1995-2000, when the Sundays were an inclusive hootenanny, and anything could and did happen. Here's to music, memories, and added perspectives to history. And thanks to Jimmy, Dave, and Roger, for showing me the ropes.
*** *** ***
obviously, it isn't so much when a band is "born," but when it is rebranded, by its adoptive parents.
wah wah wah!
can't take off the tattoo, now.
ing thring the past 7 years the Freaks have accumulated a loyal following in the Portland area by dependably creating beauty and bedlam at their live showe past 7 years the Freaks have accumulated a loyal following in the Portland area by dependably creating beauty and bedlam at their live sho
Monday, May 25, 2009
mum's the sword
i'm on strike with strikes.
just like you. lie.
you lie.
you strike, liar.
i'm struck, lain.
by lies.
take a stand, meet the lie.
laid, or not, by strikes
we're struck.
mum's not the word.
'tis the sword.
Monday, May 18, 2009
spoon fed robots
if it looks like censorship,
stinks like censorship,
it is sensor shit.
they say "our robots
that YOU are a robot
my pot thinks your kettle is black,
alice and wonderland nonsense=spam
james joyce=spam
modern poetry=a refuge
from the robots
yes, i don't spoon feed you.
you must lift the food
to your own
open mouths.
stinks like censorship,
it is sensor shit.
they say "our robots
that YOU are a robot
my pot thinks your kettle is black,
alice and wonderland nonsense=spam
james joyce=spam
modern poetry=a refuge
from the robots
yes, i don't spoon feed you.
you must lift the food
to your own
open mouths.
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