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Monday, November 07, 2005

mayfield challenge to patriot act

ok, here is the link to the case "happening" in portland.

if you don't know about the muslim lawyer illegally held for weeks under suspicion for the madrid train bombing....check this out.

and pertaining to today's news that chain/bushey want the cia to be able to torture...."which they never ever do...but heck if we can't if we gotta!"

what if mayfield had been TORTURED...well, being kept incommunicado with no charges filed is a kind of torture, having your home searched and personal information taken and not returned, torture...guilty of being a muslim lawyer!

and he was INNOCENT INNOCENT INNOCENT just like many of the other "detainees" that get tortured oh so delicately.

he just happened to be a gringo muslim lawyer muslim.

sue the crap out of the assholes, gerry spence and give the dough to the aclu!

or buy a new koran undefiled and a new mansion to protect it.

pre-empt our healthcare crisis

whatever happened with that brandon mayfield case challenging the paranoid act?

did gerry spence get him paid off and hushed up? i need to think i know!

what is the common thread between katrina, the iraq occupation, possible terrorist attacks, possible pandemic flus.....duh! it is our health system, errrrrrrrr lack of one...

spend 700 million on some flu handout for pharmocompanies? ha. let the va hospital care for the legless, the mentally crippled, the spent-uranium testcase vets? ha.
are we capable of responding to everyday medical needs of the middle class poor here in america, even without dial-up disasters? ha.

priority one should be: repeal tax breaks, RAISE corporate taxes and accountability to pay for the multi-trillion dollar investment that needs to happen in our medical system.....train leagues of new doctors in traditional chinese medicine and get free dental care for everyone...

pre-empt the suffering everyone faces in life whether there is a photo-op storm that drives you to seek doctors, a sniffle with green feathered fluid....

medicine and health care has to be the foundation for all the hyped challenges we are presented with, and the mundane, getting-along in life issues.....achoo, too.

Friday, October 28, 2005

thinksgivin turdkey

glorious day! scooting off to parsimonial pardon
excuse me if you notice my ultraliberal hardon

fetch the rover by the throne
and send him packing his buried bones

don't delay the deal made of public steals
nor frisk the wrong majority pleader at the terminal graft

better a bush on the wing than a bird on the table
thinksgivin came oily and we ate the whole fable!

Monday, October 24, 2005

synod off on truth

the synod nodded off
on top of old smokey all covered with lies

WHAT holy land the spotty owl hooted!

what a view from the brink...

howdy abysmal proflagation. need some strip malls?

nothing is poetry when
nobody knows the word absurd.

fat fate relate the debate deliberated late.
hurrycaned spate

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Saturday, September 24, 2005

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